
The 5 hosts that CCTV never saw again, thinking that they were happy to retire, had actually passed away quietly

author:Elder Deng who loves fishing

In the field of internal entertainment, the host plays a very special role, traveling inside and outside the entertainment industry. However, the line between presenters and stars has become blurred in recent years. In CCTV, the "highest hall" in this hosting field, many well-loved hosts have been born. Today, we will review some hosts who used to be under the helm of CCTV, but now no longer appear in our field of vision, they may have retired, but there is a world and a world between us and people forever.

Li Yong is one of the most popular hosts in the field of CCTV variety shows, and his programs such as "Lucky 52" and "Very 6+1" have become classics in the hearts of the audience. He worked in CCTV with his wife Ha Wen, and the couple's development in CCTV was smooth sailing.

The 5 hosts that CCTV never saw again, thinking that they were happy to retire, had actually passed away quietly

It wasn't until 2018, when Li Yong passed away from illness, that people learned that they went abroad for treatment. After Li Yong's death, Ha Wen also left CCTV, mainly accompanying his daughter to school abroad, which is regrettable.

Luo Jing is a senior host of CCTV, and he and Li Ruiying were the chief hosts of "News Network", and they bravely faced the challenges of live news broadcasting and calmly coped with various difficulties. However, in 2008, Luo Jing was diagnosed with lymphoma, and despite his severe condition, he chose to stick to the front line and appeared on the stage of "News Network" for the last time. In 2009, he passed away, leaving countless audiences nostalgic.

The 5 hosts that CCTV never saw again, thinking that they were happy to retire, had actually passed away quietly

Xiao Xiaolin is a highly regarded host of CCTV, known for her serious style and revered as the "Iron-Faced Beauty". Her CCTV hosted the program "Today's Statement" was very popular, and she brought the later host Sabine Benin. However, there was also tenacity and sacrifice behind her career, and she repeatedly neglected her health due to her busy work, and eventually lost her life to cancer.

Shen Li is a pioneer of CCTV announcers, she began to host programs in the early days of television, and she is known as a "screen celebrity". However, as she grew older, her physical condition declined, and staying up late for a long time made her feel tired. Although she chose to officially retire, she returned to CCTV in 1993 to host "Sunset Red". However, she eventually lost her life to cancer.

The 5 hosts that CCTV never saw again, thinking that they were happy to retire, had actually passed away quietly

From the stories of these presenters, we can draw some profound insights. First of all, their tenacity and dedication cannot be ignored. No matter how much pressure and difficulties they faced, they did not flinch and stuck to their career, bringing joy and information to the audience. This perseverance and dedication is something we can learn from.

Secondly, the courage and fortitude they have shown in the face of illness and challenges is also admirable. Even in the face of terminal illness, they still face treatment positively and do not give up hope, which is a spiritual strength that we can draw from in life.

In addition, the passing of these hosts also reminds us to cherish life and pay attention to health. No matter how brilliant your career is, health is always the most valuable asset. We should take care of our own body, have regular physical examinations, and prevent the occurrence of diseases.

The 5 hosts that CCTV never saw again, thinking that they were happy to retire, had actually passed away quietly


Looking back at these once brilliant CCTV hosts, their stories are full of tenacity, dedication, strength and the complexity of human nature. Their deaths are regrettable, but also deeply revelating.

From Li Yong, Luo Jing, Zhao Zhongxiang, Xiao Xiaolin to Shen Li, they have each made remarkable achievements in different fields. Li Yong and his wife Ha Wen cooperated tacitly on CCTV, but the cancer raid made people feel rushed. Luo Jing was the face of "News Network", his tenacity and outstanding performance were unforgettable, but lymphoma ended his life. Zhao Zhongxiang became a leader in the field of fame with his voice and style, but the controversy after his death made people think about his complexity. Xiao Xiaolin presided over "Today's Saying" in a serious style, and later promoted Sabine. Shen Li is a pioneer of female announcers in China, and she has devoted her life to television.

The 5 hosts that CCTV never saw again, thinking that they were happy to retire, had actually passed away quietly

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