
The owner dug the basement indiscriminately and dug the river, officially reported!

author:Wise news lover 1

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A shocking incident occurred in a small area of Yapeng Road, Jianye Jiangzhou, Nanjing, Jiangsu. The river embankment collapsed, and the river poured water into the underground garage of the community, flooding the underground parking lot and non-motor vehicle parking garage, while the mud also polluted the road surface of the community. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

The owner dug the basement indiscriminately and dug the river, officially reported!

This incident triggered an emergency response from multiple departments in Jianye District. According to official reports, the collapse of the embankment was caused by the owner's internal construction, which was not approved, damaged the building's basement exterior walls, and caused the underground water mixed with river water to leak into the underground parking lot. Although the emergency response was swift, the public security department has opened a case for investigation, and several departments have also set up joint investigation teams, and will pursue the responsibility of relevant personnel in accordance with the law.

The owner dug the basement indiscriminately and dug the river, officially reported!

This incident reminds us once again that in urban construction and construction, regulations must be observed, especially those involving infrastructure and river embankments, and approval procedures must be strictly observed. Otherwise, once an accident occurs, it will not only cause losses to the city, but also threaten the life and property safety of citizens.

The owner dug the basement indiscriminately and dug the river, officially reported!

In this incident, the property of the community had requested the relevant owners to stop work in advance, but this was not complied with. This reminds us once again that safety measures and regulations during construction must be strictly enforced, not arbitrarily adapted. Only under the premise of ensuring safety can urban construction be better promoted.

This incident also shows us the urgency and importance of emergency rescue work. Public security, fire fighting, urban management and community staff quickly rushed to the scene to organize emergency rescue to ensure that the problem was solved in time. This spirit and cooperation in emergency rescue is an indispensable part of urban management and an important guarantee for the safety of citizens.

The owner dug the basement indiscriminately and dug the river, officially reported!

Finally, this event also taught us to cherish the infrastructure and ecological environment of the city more. The construction and development of cities require the participation and supervision of each and every one of our citizens, only in this way can our cities be more beautiful, safe and livable. May we learn from this incident and work together to build better cities.