
I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

author:The optimists tell the story again
I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

At six o'clock in the morning, I was woken up by the cries of roosters. I opened my sleepy eyes and saw the sky through the window.

"Why did you get up so early?" I muttered, ready to lie back under the covers and go back to sleep.

"Sun Hai! Get up and get to work! "Outside the house came the shouts of my daughter-in-law Liu Fang.

I quickly got up, got dressed and went out the door. Liu Fang was already busy in the yard, and while feeding the pigs and chickens, she said: "You are sleeping lazy again!" Hurry up and water the vegetables in the garden! ”。

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

"Okay, okay, I'll go." I quickly answered.

After feeding the animals, Liu Fang returned to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I hurriedly watered the various vegetables in the garden and checked the crops in the vegetable field.

"God really favors us, corn is such a good harvest, we can sell it for a lot of money this year." I said to myself.

After watering, I went back to the house for breakfast. As soon as I opened the door, the smell of fragrant meals came to my face, milk polenta, egg and ham fried rice, plus a few of my favorite side dishes.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

"Oh, what a sumptuous table!" I marveled.

"Aren't the big customers in the city coming to see our ecological corn and organic vegetables today, so I will prepare a few more dishes that you love to eat."

"My wife is the most intimate!" I chewed on the fragrant polenta in my mouth, and my heart was warm.

After breakfast, I immediately started cleaning the yard. After a while, the yard was clean, and the corn nests were neatly tidy.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

While I was standing in the courtyard admiring the results, a car drove up in front of the courtyard. A middle-aged man in a suit walked down, followed by his assistant.

"Hello, hello, is it Liu Yuan Farm? I am Chen Jianguo, the owner of Shunfu Company, and I came to see your ecological agricultural products in advance.

"Welcome welcome! I am Liu Yuan, please come in! I hurriedly greeted him and warmly beckoned him into the courtyard.

Boss Chen seemed very satisfied with our corn and vegetables, and kept praising the quality of our products, which was completely unrecognizable to be organically grown.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

"Old Liu, I agree with the concept of your farm! I would like to cooperate for a long time to be able to provide all your organic vegetables to our company's restaurant.

I was so happy that I quickly said, "That's great! Cooperation is cooperation! ”

We quickly negotiated long-term supply and shook hands to show our cooperation. After seeing off Boss Chen, I excitedly reported the good news to Liu Fang.

"Oh my God, we can make a lot of money now!" Liu Fang is also happy.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

"yes! Thank you for your continued support, dear! I hugged Liu Fang gratefully.

In this way, through my own efforts and the support of my partners, my organic farm business has become more and more prosperous, and life is getting better and better.

After signing the long-term supply agreement, Liu Fang and I began to prepare vegetables. We got up early and worked in the dark, and we had to hire temporary workers to help out in order to meet the order volume.

One day I was busy in the field, and Liu Fang hurriedly came to me and said, "Old Liu, someone came and said that it was from the Food Supervision Bureau to check our vegetable planting process.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

I "clicked" in my heart, and quickly patted the soil and ran back to the yard. A middle-aged woman in uniform was standing in the courtyard looking around.

I greeted him politely: "Hello madam, I am Liu Yuan, the owner of the farm, do you need any help?" ”

"Hello, I'm Zhang from the Food Regulatory Bureau, and today is a routine inspection. I need to take a look at your growing process and storage facilities.

"Please poop, please." I took her to the vegetable plot and the warehouse to explain the organic farming and storage methods we used.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

Zhang took a closer look, especially focusing on our fertilizer usage. Finally, she said: "Your fertilizer appears to use unquarantined chicken manure, which is illegal and needs to be stopped immediately and existing stocks destroyed."

I explained anxiously: "These are all natural manure from our own chickens, absolutely natural and organic, without any pollution!" ”

"Rules are rules, and unless you provide a quarantine report to prove safety, you have to deactivate." Zhang said resolutely.

Liu Fang and I looked at each other, and my heart was anxious. If chicken manure is stopped, we may not be able to harvest well.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

At this time, I had a wit: "Zhang, I have a proposal. You can see that our chicken manure has been used for many years, and the quality of the vegetables produced is very good.

Zhang pondered for a moment and said, "This proposal can be considered. But until the test results are available, you must suspend the use of unquarantined chicken manure.

"Okay, okay, no problem!" I quickly agreed.

Zhang eventually took samples of vegetables and chicken manure and told us that the test results would be available in a week. I secretly prayed that the report would be okay so that our chicken manure could continue to be used.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

A week later, the test results proved that our chicken manure and vegetables were very pure and hygienic. Zhang personally sent the quarantine report and agreed that we would continue to use this natural organic fertilizer.

"Thank you so much!" I said happily to Zhang.

"No thanks, the quality of your vegetables is indeed very good, which also ensures food safety." Zhang also smiled.

This regulatory crisis finally turned the danger into a disaster, and Liu Fang and I breathed a sigh of relief and cherished our current life even more.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

In the blink of an eye, our organic vegetables have been supplied to Shunfu Company's restaurant for half a year. On this day, Mr. Chen suddenly called me, and his tone sounded a little embarrassed.

"Old Liu, I have not very good news for you. Our company conducted a raid and found that the organic vegetable test results you provided showed mild pesticide residues.

I was shocked. How can our vegetables have pesticide residues? I rushed to Shunfu overnight and retested the randomly sampled vegetables with them.

"Mr. Chen, I really don't know why pesticide residues appear. Our organic vegetables never use any pesticides.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

"I believe you, Old Liu. However, this time we have to suspend your supply until we find the cause of the problem. Mr. Chen said.

I went back to the farm dejectedly and discussed with Liu Fang what was going on. We deliberated on every link, and finally came to a new temporary worker, Li Fan was suspicious.

It turned out that when he was busy, Li Fan secretly sprayed some pesticides in the vegetable field without permission, which he argued was to protect the crops.

Although the reason was found, the order had been suspended and we lost our main source of income. Liu Fang and I started running around, trying to find new customers, but the losses were too great, and everyone was wary of us.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

Just when we were struggling to move, Zhang contacted me and offered to re-inspect our produce.

"You are only a case, and the whole is still credible. This time, I will conduct a thorough examination, and I believe that the results will reassure everyone.

Zhang also helped us reproduce the promotional materials to prove to the customer that the problem had been cleared and that the product was absolutely safe.

I sincerely appreciate Zhang's help. I would also like to thank Liu Fang for her encouragement and support in the most difficult times. After this lesson, we will operate more strictly and law-abidingly, and live up to the trust of every consumer and partner.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

After some ups and downs, Liu Fang and I's organic farm finally came out of the haze, and the business gradually recovered. Just as we were ready to breathe a sigh of relief, a new problem came.

One morning, I received a hurried call from Liu Fang saying that someone was stealing corn from the farm! I was startled and quickly drove my little tractor straight to the field.

I saw that several rows of corn in the field had been plucked and the straw was thrown in a mess. Liu Fang and I searched carefully and found that there was a big hole in the courtyard wall, and I was afraid that thieves came in from there.

"This is not a small loss, several rows of corn are gone." If it is stolen clean, we will work hard for a year in vain.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

I was also in a hurry, guessing which gangster had targeted our corn den. I immediately called the police and called a few men from the village to help patrol and monitor.

Sure enough, at about ten o'clock that night, several figures dressed in black climbed into the courtyard wall again. The villagers and I grabbed them with flashlights and sticks, shouted and chased after them.

"Don't run! Surrender quickly! "We shouted loudly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, several gangsters threw down the corn in their hands and fled. We caught them one by two, and it turned out to be a few bastards in the village, and I usually heard that they often caused trouble.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

"What are you doing? How to steal our corn! I asked in annoyance.

Several people shrunk their necks a little in fear and muttered incoherently: "It's just, it's just idle and have some fun."

I reprimanded them with a straight face and informed their parents before letting them go back. This lifted the corn nest crisis, and we stepped up patrols to prevent another theft.

As a result of this incident, I have seen that social order is becoming increasingly lax and some young people have gone astray. I started thinking about how I could help them realize the meaning of life.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

I thought about it again and thought it was a good idea. So I started talking to the gangsters and persuaded them to go to the farm for a short time to learn some skills.

After they arrived at the farm, Liu Fang and I patiently guided them to work. At first, they were not very accustomed to the intensity of labor, but gradually they also adapted.

I am very pleased to see their transformation. Perhaps through labor, the lost can regain confidence and vitality.

Liu Fang and I decided to build the farm into a labor reform base, and accept more idle young people to come here for labor reform and agricultural technology.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

After preparation, we first accepted about a dozen young people, provided food, housing and basic living expenses, and let them work on the farm.

In order to give them a sense of gain, I also set up some labor competitions, and those who performed well could get additional rewards.

To my surprise, one of them, Xiaolong, was very knowledgeable about planting, and he often offered to ask Ying to do extra hard work, and would observe the growth of crops and suggest improvements to me.

One day, he came to me excitedly and said, "Uncle Liu, I found that your tomatoes are not growing very well, I think it is caused by potassium deficiency."

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

Curiously, I let him try it, and the fertilizer he prepared turned out to be very good, and soon the tomatoes returned to thriving.

"Xiaolong, it seems that you have a lot of research on plants and fertilizers. Or you will do technical work on the farm in the future, and I will train you well.

I came to realize that these once disoriented young people also have their value and potential. As long as they are given the right platform, they can also play their strengths and live the meaning of life.

In this way, the originally humble farm gradually developed into a professional youth training base. It not only imparts practical labor skills, but also provides career planning guidance, so that once confused young people can reinvigorate and find a way out in life.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

When I saw that the "troubled youth" who came to the farm had finally become skilled craftsmen on their own, I couldn't express my joy and pride.

Liu Fang and I's youth training base is getting bigger and bigger, and our reputation is getting louder and louder. Many similar charity groups have come to visit and learn from our model.

Just when we were complacent, one day the village chief came to me with an ugly face.

"Liu Yuan, we have to discuss something. Recently, some people in the society have reported that the quality of these young people taken in by your farm is uneven, which has caused the security in the village to deteriorate, and said that they will boycott you en masse.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

I was so surprised that I quickly asked what was going on. It turns out that there have been more incidents in the village recently, some people steal things and graffiti everywhere, and some old people in the society say that the young people on our farm did it.

"Village chief, I assure you that this is an absolute misunderstanding. We strictly manage our students, so it is impossible for them to cause trouble in the society.

I explained eagerly.

"I believe you, but I still hope that you pay attention to control, don't add chaos to the company, and avoid the expansion of disputes." The village chief patted me on the shoulder and said.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

I solemnly promised the village chief that I would manage the trainees well and take the initiative to cooperate with the police to solve the case. But a bigger conspiracy is yet to come.

The next day, several unknown people arrived, saying that community workers were conducting routine screenings. They picked and chose our facilities, said that many aspects of us were not up to standard, and finally threatened to ban our training program.

Liu Fang and I were angry and argued with them. In the end, they broke up, and they threatened us with various bureaucratic reasons to forcibly close down the business and rectify.

Now we finally realized that someone was making trouble behind our backs and deliberately fixing us. But the other side is too powerful, and we have nothing to do with them.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

"Liu Yuan, we had a meeting in our company, and everyone decided to support you to continue the training. These are people singing blackface, and we must unite to deal with them.

The village chief said.

It turned out that the villagers also thought that this was a ghost of people with intentions, and decided to stand up for us. With everyone's support, we got through the storm.

With the support of the villagers, our youth training base has emerged from the turmoil and its career has flourished. Seeing our success, many well-wishers offered to donate to us, but I always declined.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

"Voluntary labor to transform youth is my mission, and I don't need to get anything in return for it." I said firmly.

One day, a stranger suddenly found the farm and claimed to be a representative of a wealthy businessman. He said that when he heard about our deeds of running the base, his master was very impressed and wanted to unconditionally donate a large amount of money to support us in expanding the site facilities.

"Isn't it good that more venues can help more young people?" Liu Fang persuaded me to accept this donation.

I thought about it for a long time, but I refused. Because a thought has always bothered me: Could it be that this is a trap set by someone?

Just when I was struggling with it, the village chief found an exciting news: the municipal government decided to give us more support for this kind of public welfare project, and provided funds and venues for us to expand the scale of running the school!

I was so excited that I quickly took the village chief to the city hall to learn the details. But when we saw the mayor, he looked dazed: "What support?" How did I not know about this? ”。

It dawned on me that it was just a lie made up by someone and a trap! Fortunately, I was not fooled and kept the business that I had carefully built.

Since then, I have become more vigilant. Anyone who came to me said that they wanted to invest and donate support, and I refused it. Because I know that as long as I don't forget my original intention, external temptations can't disrupt my rhythm.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back

In this way, in the grinding, our cause is getting stronger and stronger. The number of young people participating in the training has increased from a few to dozens, and most of them have successfully reformed their evil ways and returned to prosperous society.

"Honey, I'm so happy that we finally achieved our original dream." Liu Fang wiped her tears with a cloth and said excitedly.

I squeezed her hand: "yes, everything is so beautiful." As long as we do not change our original intentions and act for good, life will bloom wonderfully.

The road is blocked and long, and the line is coming. As our story continues to spread, it may inspire more people to get involved in helping those in need.

I was 57 years old, and when the security guard met a shrewd colleague and became a fateful backer, how to fight back