
After supporting the Philippines in provoking trouble at Ren'ai Jiao, the United States will turn its target to Taiping Island! China has already spoken first

author:Unusually lazy

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In the waves of the South China Sea, Taiping Island sleeps in the bright sun. Located in the Spratly Islands, this small island is known for its small size and unpopular location. However, recent events have brought it into the international spotlight.

After supporting the Philippines in provoking trouble at Ren'ai Jiao, the United States will turn its target to Taiping Island! China has already spoken first

To understand all this, we first need to go back to Taiping Island itself, its history and geographical location. Although small, Taiping Island carries rich historical and strategic significance. Located in the Nansha Islands, the island is part of the territory of the South China Sea and covers an area of about 0.49 square kilometers. According to international law, Taiping Island belongs to China, which has been sovereign over it since ancient times and has effectively managed and administered it throughout history.

After supporting the Philippines in provoking trouble at Ren'ai Jiao, the United States will turn its target to Taiping Island! China has already spoken first

The Taiwan region currently effectively manages and stationed troops on Taiping Island, making Taiping Island the only island in the Nansha Islands with military facilities. The name Taiping Island originated during World War II, when Japan invaded China and occupied many islands in the South China Sea. After the war, China sent the frigate Taiping to receive islands and reefs in the South China Sea that had long been occupied by Japan. In order to remember history and assert China's sovereignty over the South China Sea, people named the island "Taiping Island" in the hope of peace. However, the current Taiping Island does not seem to be "peaceful".

After supporting the Philippines in provoking trouble at Ren'ai Jiao, the United States will turn its target to Taiping Island! China has already spoken first

The latest satellite imagery shows that the Taiwan authorities have carried out large-scale infrastructure projects on Taiping Island, expanding the size of the island. The series of infrastructure projects has sparked speculation about Taiwan's military objectives on Taiping Island. These projects are not only large-scale, but also costly, investing NT$1.6 billion and taking three years to build. This shows that the Taiwan authorities attach great importance to the strategic importance of Taiping Island, and they are aimed at better meeting military needs.

After supporting the Philippines in provoking trouble at Ren'ai Jiao, the United States will turn its target to Taiping Island! China has already spoken first

Taiping Island's unique strategic location is located in the heart of the South China Sea region, and controlling the island can effectively monitor shipping lanes and aviation activities in the South China Sea, which is of great significance for regional security and maritime passage. The scale of the Taiwan authorities' infrastructure projects has attracted widespread attention from the international community. In addition, according to media reports, the Taiwan authorities' military construction plan has been supported and encouraged by the United States. The United States has been closely monitoring Chinese mainland's military activities, and Taiping Island's strategic position in the South China Sea is crucial. The United States may believe that by strengthening its military facilities on Taiping Island, it can increase its military influence in the region and thus better contain the geopolitical influence of the Chinese mainland. Taiping Island's geographical location makes it an important military forward that can be used to monitor shipping lanes and aviation activity in the South China Sea. The United States has the largest navy in the world, and maintaining maritime supremacy has always been one of its strategic goals. By deploying warships on Taiping Island, the United States can better monitor and control the dynamics in the South China Sea and ensure its military presence in the region.

After supporting the Philippines in provoking trouble at Ren'ai Jiao, the United States will turn its target to Taiping Island! China has already spoken first

In addition, the construction of military facilities on Taiping Island also involves military cooperation between the United States and Taiwan. The United States has been a major military supporter of Taiwan, providing it with military assistance and technical support. Strengthening the construction of military facilities on Taiping Island can provide better logistical support and base facilities for U.S. military operations in the region. Therefore, the United States has instructed Taiwan to strengthen its military facilities on Taiping Island, aiming to better deploy its military forces in response to China's rise.

After supporting the Philippines in provoking trouble at Ren'ai Jiao, the United States will turn its target to Taiping Island! China has already spoken first

In the current complex and ever-changing international situation, the Taiwan region should understand that promoting the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait and safeguarding the interests of the Chinese nation are the fundamental issues, and should not "play with fire" again. Whether it is the United States or other external forces, their militarization measures may increase tensions, be detrimental to regional development and cooperation, and may trigger the anger of the PLA.

After supporting the Philippines in provoking trouble at Ren'ai Jiao, the United States will turn its target to Taiping Island! China has already spoken first

This series of events has put Taiping Island in the spotlight of international attention and complicated tensions in the South China Sea. How to develop in the future also requires all parties to remain calm, resolve disputes through dialogue and negotiation, and maintain regional peace and stability.

After supporting the Philippines in provoking trouble at Ren'ai Jiao, the United States will turn its target to Taiping Island! China has already spoken first

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