
The 5-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son died after small blisters at the corners of their mouths! Doctor: It's not on fire

author:Tear Rose 4ZM3

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Forty days ago, a tragedy occurred at Mr. Wu's home in Jiangxi Province, and his two children died of the herpes simplex virus. At a party, the two children were kissed several times by an uncle who suffered from a perinasal rash, and soon after developed an unusual reaction. They blistered at the corners of their mouths and were mistaken for fire, which led to irreparable consequences. Mr. Wu's family is plunged into deep grief, and this tragedy has also exposed the horror of the herpes simplex virus and the dangers of misdiagnosis.

The 5-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son died after small blisters at the corners of their mouths! Doctor: It's not on fire

The virus, called herpes simplex, is not as its name suggests, but a deadly virus with serious consequences. Considered to be a relatively "simple" virus, it can spread in many inconspicuous ways, such as saliva, droplets, etc. However, once infected, especially in children with low immunity, it can be life-threatening. Mr. Wu's children lost their young lives because they were infected and failed to properly diagnose and treat them in time.

The 5-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son died after small blisters at the corners of their mouths! Doctor: It's not on fire

Herpes simplex virus is insidious and virulent, it may remain latent in the human body for a long time without the patient knowing it. Once awakened, the virus is transmitted through nerves to the skin and mucous membranes, causing symptoms such as blisters and fever. Although symptoms initially resemble the common cold, they can lead to serious complications such as herpetic keratoconjunctivitis, encephalitis, etc. Especially for children, the resistance is weak, and once infected, the consequences are more serious.

The 5-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son died after small blisters at the corners of their mouths! Doctor: It's not on fire

Sadly, many parents often lack sufficient understanding of how the virus spreads and how harmful it is. They often underestimate the threat of this "simple" virus, thinking that the child is just "on fire", but needs to drink some mung bean soup. However, in fact, the harm of this virus is far beyond their imagination. This tragedy also reminds every parent that protecting their children is more important than they think, and that the expression of love is not only about kissing, but also about adequate protection of health.

The 5-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son died after small blisters at the corners of their mouths! Doctor: It's not on fire

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