
Murder! The new house has not yet been lived in, and the ground is as thin as a cicada wing, and it can be pierced with a light knock

author:Bego wanted to see the world

Nowadays, housing prices are prohibitively high, and many ordinary families have spared their life savings to buy a home, but they may not have imagined that there are quality problems in their new homes, turning beautiful dreams into nightmares. The poor quality of construction not only harms people's property, but also threatens their lives. The article, which reported on quality problems in a small district in Tangyin County, Anyang, Henan Province, reflected the malicious behavior of unscrupulous developers and raised questions about ethics and the rule of law.

Murder! The new house has not yet been lived in, and the ground is as thin as a cicada wing, and it can be pierced with a light knock

In China today, buying a house has become extremely difficult. Rising house prices have forced many people to invest their life savings into them. However, for some unscrupulous developers, they not only use the pursuit of reasonable housing rights as a tool for monopoly interests, but even act hastily in terms of construction quality, endangering the lives and property of home buyers.

Murder! The new house has not yet been lived in, and the ground is as thin as a cicada wing, and it can be pierced with a light knock

On October 16, a video posted on social media revealed the shocking truth about the Bimouyuan community in Tangyin County, Anyang City, Henan Province. In the newly built residential buildings in this community, there are serious problems with the quality of the building, the thickness of the ground is not enough to support, and the quality of cement is seriously substandard. With just one shovel, the ground is broken; The cement block is like tofu dregs, crushed when pinched. From the video, it is clear that the ground is only fine steel bars, without concrete and small pebbles. This is clearly a typical cut corner. It is questionable how such a project passed the acceptance? Is there any issue of collusion of legitimate interests involved?

Murder! The new house has not yet been lived in, and the ground is as thin as a cicada wing, and it can be pierced with a light knock

This poor quality of construction will cause people great concern. Home security has become a huge concern, especially for buyers who have paid astronomical prices for their homes. They invested their life savings, but the developers used this tofu dregs project, disregarding the safety of people's lives and property. This has sparked outrage and calls for thorough investigation and severe punishment of these violations.

Murder! The new house has not yet been lived in, and the ground is as thin as a cicada wing, and it can be pierced with a light knock

The builder is reportedly currently carrying out repair works. But maintenance only treats the symptoms, not the root cause. If there is a problem with the building floor, is there also a problem with the wall, load-bearing column and other parts? Repairs cannot solve the underlying problem, so the relevant authorities should conduct a thorough investigation into the incident, investigate the criminal responsibility of those responsible, and provide reasonable solutions for affected home buyers.

Murder! The new house has not yet been lived in, and the ground is as thin as a cicada wing, and it can be pierced with a light knock

The incident has once again raised questions about construction quality regulation and developer ethics. Only by strengthening the supervision of the real estate industry and cracking down on illegal acts by illegal developers can the rights and interests and life safety of home buyers be protected. For those developers who deliberately use tofu dregs projects, criminal responsibility should be pursued to maintain a fair and just market order. At the same time, attention should be paid to and supported the creation of a more transparent and legal housing market where every family can have a safe place to live. Because housing is an important part of everyone's life, we do not tolerate any behavior that threatens this right. Today's house prices are already daunting, ordinary people spend their life savings to buy a house, but they never dreamed that before they lived in it, it would become a dangerous house, and they could imagine their mood at that time. Black-hearted developers are not only seeking money, but also harming people's lives, what is the natural reason? Where is the law of the land?

Murder! The new house has not yet been lived in, and the ground is as thin as a cicada wing, and it can be pierced with a light knock

It's a thought-provoking story that reminds us of the need to continue to focus on construction quality and regulatory issues in the real estate industry to ensure that every family has access to safe, legal housing. At the same time, it is also worth reflecting on the responsibility of real estate developers in terms of ethics and the rule of law, so as not to let more people fall into the dilemma caused by housing quality problems. Only under the supervision of the rule of law can the real estate market be healthier, safer and fairer. It is hoped that the relevant departments can seriously handle this matter and protect the legitimate rights and interests of home buyers.

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