
The program is officially announced: the three core members of the running man have returned, and the program group has made a big deal this time?

author:Writer with a hobby

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The audience once loved the original running boy group, and the departure of Deng Chao, Chen He, Lu Han, Wang Zulan and others made many viewers look forward to their return. However, after many seasons of "Let's Run" recording, these core members never returned, not even the flying guests. However, September brought good news, and viewers who like the original members can be relieved, because Deng Chao, Chen He and Lu Han will participate in the recording of the fourth season of the new variety show "Wuha", and the theme of this season is even more bold and innovative, known as "world travel".

This time the show will bring together the original core members, including Deng Chao, Chen He, Lu Han, Wang Mian, and the outstanding Fan Zhiyi will continue to join the fourth season of "Wuha", and the jewel uncle who also had countless fans in the previous season will also continue to serve as a resident guest. This season's lineup is undoubtedly full of laughs, plus the resident guests are all original cast, their tacit understanding and cooperation will definitely be better.

The program is officially announced: the three core members of the running man have returned, and the program group has made a big deal this time?

However, there is a point of concern that Luhan, because this season's main focus is "global travel", and Luhan has always had a serious "fear of flying". However, fortunately, he will be accompanied by Chen He and Deng Chao, which should alleviate his worries.

Originally, September was the recording time of the special chapter of "Let's Run", and many viewers expected that the running man program group could invite the original members as flying guests. However, with the official announcement of the fourth season of "Wuha", the hopes of the reunion of the original running boy group seem to have been dashed again.

Viewers may understand the difficulty of the reunion of the original members, but they still look forward to it, because the impression left on them by the original running boy band is indelible, just like "Extreme Challenge", despite the recording of many seasons, the real "Extreme Challenge" in the audience's mind will always be a "6+1" combination.

The program is officially announced: the three core members of the running man have returned, and the program group has made a big deal this time?

The charm of the first generation of running men cannot be ignored, and their unique tacit understanding, joyful interaction and wonderful games make the audience deeply immersed. Although many years have passed, their fans have always missed that happy time. Perhaps it is this nostalgia that makes every reunion of the original members become the expectation of fans.

This time, the fourth season of "Five Ha" has the theme of "traveling around the world", sketching a longing picture. The first generation members will travel through different countries and regions to embark on a unique journey. They will once again show unparalleled tacit understanding and funny skills, bringing laughter and joy to the life of the audience.

The program is officially announced: the three core members of the running man have returned, and the program group has made a big deal this time?

However, even such an expectant moment could not hide the troubles of the first generation members. Luhan's "fear of flying" has always been a knot in his heart, and the problem may become more serious during global travel. But we can rest assured, because in this journey, he will be accompanied by two brothers, Chen He and Deng Chao, no matter the storm or fear, they will face it together.

From the audience's point of view, whether it is "Run" or "Wuha", the reunion of the original members is a kind of spiritual comfort. They are like old friends, even if they have been separated for a while, they can easily find a tacit understanding, making people feel real friendship and laughter.

The program is officially announced: the three core members of the running man have returned, and the program group has made a big deal this time?

Some might say that the reunion of the original members was just to create higher ratings, a product of commercial operations. However, for those fans who love this team, it doesn't matter. They just want to see the original members come together again, create laughter, and share memories, just like in those years.

It also makes people think, what exactly is success for a show? Is it high ratings, or does it resonate emotionally with the audience? Maybe the answer is there, but the existence of the original running boy group proves that no matter how it changes, sincerity and friendship will always be the most precious assets of the show.

In the rapidly changing variety show world, the reunion of the original running boy group is like a dazzling ray of sunshine, warming the heart of every audience. No matter where they are, no matter how long time has passed, the wonderful moments of the first generation members become eternal memories and will always be cherished in people's hearts.

The program is officially announced: the three core members of the running man have returned, and the program group has made a big deal this time?

Therefore, whether it is "Run" or "Wuha", the return of the original members is an important moment, which not only evokes the good memories of the audience, but also conveys the power of friendship and joy. We look forward to them running again, challenging again, and creating their legendary moments again. The first generation of running boy group, you are our king of jokes, and also our favorite, look forward to your bloom again!

The comeback of the original running boy group has brought new thinking, where does the charm of variety shows come from? Is it the aura of a star? Or a flash of talent? Or is it just for the pleasure of entertainment?

The audience's eagerness for the original members proves that the real charm does not lie in the identity of the stars. The rapport, camaraderie and sense of humor shown by the original members in the show is the reason why the audience loves them deeply. They are just like ordinary people, with ordinary emotions and laughter, which resonates with the audience.

This also raises the question, do variety shows need more truth and sincerity? Many times, the image that stars show in the show has a huge gap between their true nature in life. However, the success of the original running boy band shows us that authenticity may be the most touching thing. Audiences prefer to see real stars rather than their masquerade on stage.

In addition, the reunion of the original running boy group also reminds us of the value of friendship. In the entertainment industry, friendship is often diluted by time and interests, but the friendship of the first generation of members has become stronger in the polishing of the years. Like brothers, they supported each other, laughed and played with each other, and this friendship became the secret of their success.

For the audience, the reunion of the original running boy group is an emotional satisfaction and a review of good memories. This also makes us think about whether variety shows can move more towards warmth and friendship, not just competition and performance. Perhaps, what the audience needs more is to see the true side of the stars and see the preciousness of friendship, not just the entertainment of the show.

In general, the comeback of the original running boy group triggered the audience's thinking about the nature of variety shows. The charm comes not only from the aura of a star, but also from real emotions and friendships. The reunion of the original members allows people to see the new possibilities of variety shows, and perhaps, truth and friendship are the real core of variety shows. Looking forward to more similar shows, so that the audience can feel warmth and sincerity in laughter. The original running boy group, your name as the king of laughter will always belong to you, because you are our source of laughter and emotion. May you keep running, keep challenging, and continue to create legendary moments, not just for fun, but for the power of friendship and sincerity.


The reunion of the original members of the Running Man brings a series of thought-provoking revelations. First of all, it shows the audience's deep affection and loyalty to the original cast in the show. The audience's ardent expectations for the original members reflect the importance of the star cast in variety shows. Whether it is Deng Chao, Chen He, Lu Han or other members, their presence has injected a unique charm into "Let's Run" and attracted a wide audience.

Secondly, this reunion also exposed the development and innovation needs of the program. Although the audience is emotional, the show needs to constantly experiment with new elements and themes to attract new audiences and maintain long-term vitality. The fourth season of "Five Ha" chose "Round the World Travel" as the theme, and this global exploration and interaction provides viewers with novelty and excitement.

Another important lesson is the value of teamwork and tacit understanding. The tacit understanding and interaction between the original members of the running man has always been the highlight of the show. Audiences look forward to their return in part because of the rapport and camaraderie between them, and the value of this teamwork is not only reflected in entertainment programs, but also in real-life and work environments. Collaboration and rapport in a team can create greater success.

Finally, this event also reminds us that celebrities' true emotions and personalities can also affect their performance in the entertainment industry. Luhan's "fear of flying" became a topic of concern, and the support and companionship of his colleagues and friends was also a revelation, showing that interpersonal and emotional support are essential to overcome difficulties and challenges.


The reunion of the original members of the running man caused a huge response in the entertainment industry, and this event brought a series of interesting revelations. First of all, the audience's deep feelings and loyalty to the original cast have been verified again, which shows the importance of the star cast in variety shows. Viewers want to see their idols once again show rapport and interaction on the show.

Secondly, the innovation and development of the program is the key to maintaining long-term vitality. The choice of "Round the World Travel" as the theme brings new excitement and adventure to the audience, which shows that the efforts of the showrunners to innovate are necessary. It's also a reminder that in the entertainment industry, it's important to constantly experiment with new elements and themes to appeal to audiences of all ages.

Teamwork and tacit understanding played an important role in the show, and the audience was full of expectations for the tacit understanding between the original members. It also reminds us that the importance of teamwork and mutual support cannot be overlooked in work and life.

Finally, the true emotions and personalities of celebrities also affect their image in the public eye. Luhan's "fear of flying" has raised concerns, and the support of his colleagues and friends also shows that emotional support is crucial in overcoming difficulties. This event shows us the humanity behind celebrities and the power of true emotions in the entertainment industry.

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