
Today, the super big pit, the United States to the edge of the pit

author:Cyberspace mobile phone users
Today, the super big pit, the United States to the edge of the pit

Today, I will continue the Israeli-Palestinian business.

Because just today, another thing appeared, extremely weird!

What's going on?

Let's start with this news: From the night of October 15 to the early morning of October 16, the Israeli army launched the "most fierce" bombardment of the Gaza Strip since the conflict, which lasted for 8 hours!

Still buildings collapse one by one;

Everywhere there were fires, thunderous bombardments;

There is also a more shocking picture: a group of rescuers braved bombing and participated in the rescue in the dark, but suddenly a fire shot from the sky, and these people who wanted to save people fell...

With the sound of bombing everywhere, a message suddenly came, Reuters said: The United States and Egypt have reached relevant agreements!

What exactly is this agreement?

Israel: agreed to start a "temporary ceasefire" from 9 a.m. local time on the 16th to allow aid to enter Gaza;

Egypt: Agreed to reopen the Rafah crossing to allow foreigners in the Gaza Strip to evacuate.

Let's go back and merge the two messages, and look at it again.

When and when did Israel launch the "heaviest" bombardment of the Gaza Strip?

From the night of October 15th to the early morning of October 16th!

Lasts up to 8 hours!

In other words: at about 7 a.m. on the 16th, and at least 8 o'clock at the latest, the air raid stopped!

When did Reuters say the "temporary ceasefire" began?

9 a.m.!

At this point, what does it see?

Why such a "fiercest" bombing since the conflict?

And this "temporary ceasefire" has to do with it!

As I said before, there is a general baby mentality in Israel, that is: I can abuse a Palestinian 10,000 times, but he cannot throw a stone at me.

Since it is up and down in the country, there is a giant baby mentality everywhere, and it has not reflected on its past at all, and agreed to this "temporary ceasefire", which is actually quite risky in other countries.

So what to do?

First of all, the "fiercest" air strike, and then blow it, will it reduce the pressure?

So, who exactly reached this agreement and with whom?

Egyptian President Ab-Sisi and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken!

In order to reach this agreement, Blinken was also ridiculed by Sisi!

Reuters described the scene of the meeting between the two as follows: After the two met, Sisi first told Blinken that Israel's actions in Gaza had gone beyond the "right of self-defense" and turned into "collective punishment."

Today, the super big pit, the United States to the edge of the pit

What is "collective punishment"?

To use another Chinese word, it is actually more appropriate: sit!

As long as you go to the Internet and search casually, you will find that these adjectives are accompanied by "joint sitting":





But now this "collective punishment" is much more ruthless than the "joint sitting" of Chinese: because even the ancient "joint sitting" has a scope, for example, if a person commits a major crime, it is only his neighbors and relatives who are implicated.

For example, Israeli President Herzog publicly said in front of reporters some time ago: Because the people in the Gaza Strip did not come together to oust Hamas, no one in the area is innocent.

What do you mean?

It's almost the same: the "joint sitting" they engaged in has no scope, as long as the people in this place have to be implicated.

The criminal law of the Qin Dynasty is already ruthless enough, and it is super ruthless to engage in joint sitting, but compared with "collective punishment", it is still far beyond reach.

Then Sisi said: Your identity is the US Secretary of State, some time ago, why did you say that you came to Israel "as a Jew"?

Just almost by name, directly denounced the reason why Israel dared to be so bold, dare to carry out indiscriminate bombing of Gaza and engage in "collective punishment", to some extent, you Blinken also bear the responsibility of fanning the flames.

What was Blinken's reaction?

Silently nosed, endured.

Then it was agreed that the United States and Egypt would work together to address the humanitarian catastrophe facing the Gaza Strip to ensure that aid could reach and civilians were avoided.

By the way: Blinken's life has not been very good these two days, either by plane, shuttling to various Arab countries, or holding talks with the host country, and he has to be subjected to all kinds of ridicule and cold reception during the talks.

On October 14 alone, he traveled to four countries in a row, departing from Jordan in the morning, then flying to Qatar and Bahrain, and visiting Saudi Arabia in the evening.

Nearly broke Rumsfeld's record!

He was George W. Bush's secretary of defense, and in preparation for the Iraq War, he once flew from Egypt to Turkey to Belgium and back to the United States in a single day.

Why say "dangerous"?

Because he could have broken the record, but something happened in the middle: on the evening of October 14, he flew to Saudi Arabia, intending to meet the crown prince quickly, and then rush to Egypt after the talks.

The Washington Post said that he had planned to meet the crown prince on the evening of the 14th, but it was unsuccessful, and the crown prince put him aside and made him wait for several hours until the next morning.

By the time the two met, it was already 7:30 a.m., and the specifications of the meeting place had been lowered: in the private estate of the Chu Chu on the outskirts of Riyadh, the Saudi capital.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a formal meeting.

Today, the super big pit, the United States to the edge of the pit

And the funny thing: the two met, and the whole time was less than an hour.

What followed was even more hilarious: the press release issued by the Americans, about the meeting, was violently blown, saying that the results of this meeting were fruitful and very encouraging!


Because the Saudis promised to work "to promote stability throughout the Middle East and beyond"!

What Americans are most afraid of is that Israel has gone too far and will be beaten by the countries of the Middle East!

Once it gets to this point, the Americans have to enter, and if it does, as I said before, the conflict will suddenly expand violently and trap itself!

Now in the Middle East, almost all countries, the mood is boiling!

There was even a video of several U.S. troops stationed there in a restaurant in Oman, eating there, when a person suddenly rushed out and shouted at the group of U.S. troops: Why don't you get out of here? You've sent two aircraft carriers here now!

Oman is far from Palestine, which is equivalent to putting the Arabian Peninsula diagonal!

Omanis are so angry, think about it elsewhere.

So if the Americans don't handle this matter well, it is really very easy to trap themselves, and once it falls into it, it will definitely fall not into the Middle East, but the entire Islamic world, nearly 2 billion people, more than a quarter of the world!

So how to say it?

Gaza is a small bomb, followed by the big bomb of the Middle East, and after the Middle East is the entire Islamic world this bigger bomb, intertwined, if this war is not handled properly, resulting in the intervention of the US military, it may lead to a clash of civilizations!

That's just too big.

So why was Blinken left to dry overnight, and then he was snubbed, why was he so happy after the meeting?

Just know what is behind it, but the wife is too dangerous.

But now the Israelis are still bombing Gaza and blockading Gaza in terms of water, electricity and food!

The mood of the local people in the Middle East will only bulge more and more!

The Saudis also have to take into account the growing sentiment within it!


So Blinken promised the Saudis that the United States would be committed to protecting civilians.

That is, to respond to Gaza in person, open humanitarian channels, and let relief materials in.

So how to say it?

This time, he was snubbed and ridiculed all the way before he reluctantly got several Arab countries to agree not to continue expanding things in exchange for opening humanitarian access to Gaza.

The dignified US Secretary of State, decades ago, how could he have suffered such anger!

Everywhere they go, they are always commanding!

But there is no way, the situation is stronger than people.

After this was done, Blinken was also very happy, he was in Egypt, regardless of the fatigue of such a long journey, after negotiating with Sisi, he told the media with a spring breeze: The Rafah port will soon be opened to humanitarian aid!

Then he made an American-style gesture: We're working with the United Nations, Egypt, Israel and others to build mechanisms to get aid in [Gaza] and get it to those who need it.

After that, he was so excited that he couldn't help but post another message on the social media platform X, which had previously tweeted, saying that the United States was "actively working to ensure that the people of Gaza can be out of danger and that the assistance they need — food, water and medicine — can enter Gaza." ”

How to say it?

He felt that his efforts had finally achieved great success!

After the news came out, many countries were indeed relieved, especially European countries!

In their country, the number of Muslim immigrants is very large, but they have to follow the tune of the United States to scold Hamas, so during this time, everyone feels that under their feet, there are unknown number of mines, if the Americans do not operate properly, detonate the big bomb in the Middle East, those mines in their country, maybe they will also explode!

After knowing the news, a bunch of European countries hurriedly came out and put an afterthought.

The French Foreign Minister said: "We call for the opening of the crossings and the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

British Prime Minister Sunak said: "We are working with partners in the region to try to open the Rafah crossing.

A spokesman for the International Committee of the Red Cross also said it was ready to provide more aid once it was allowed into Gaza.

The EU side also said: the United Nations must be allowed to provide relief and unhindered access to Gaza; After that, he added: Human suffering cannot be used as a bargaining chip.

Why did the EU add this sentence?

Because our old acquaintance, seven gourd babies, European Commission President von der Leyen ran into another disaster, she saw that something was wrong on the Israeli side, quickly ran to check in, and after going, she said: Israel "has the right to defend itself" and "the EU stands with Israel".

The news came back to Europe, and a bunch of countries cursed angrily.

They were afraid of the explosion of mines under their feet, and as a result, von der Leyen put on a show, and actually went to play with a fire!

Therefore, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, that is, the EU's Foreign Minister Borrell, quickly came out to speak and said: Von der Leyen's statement in Israel does not represent the official position of the EU!

I introduced it before: the president of the European Commission, in fact, is a bit similar to the "prime minister" of the European Union, and as a result, the speech of the "prime minister" was rejected by the "foreign minister", you may wish to imagine how tense Europe is now.

Well, Blinken received the cold reception too;

Gaza was also bombed "most heavily";

The agreement was also reached;

Then the Rafah port should be able to open, and humanitarian relief materials can enter, right?

Everyone is waiting.

The vicinity of Egypt's Rafah crossing is also densely packed with vehicles laden with humanitarian supplies, ready to enter Gaza and distribute these items to the local population.

Today, the super big pit, the United States to the edge of the pit

But after 9 a.m., I didn't get any news; After that, hours and hours passed, and there was still no news from Israel!

What the hell is going on here?

Everyone was stunned.

Not long after, a message suddenly came from the Times of Israel, which made everyone confused again!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office issued a brief statement saying: "We, Israel, have not reached any ceasefire agreement at all!"

What do you mean?

Approximately equal to:

The large number of humanitarian aid crowded at Egypt's Rafah crossing still cannot enter Gaza!

Foreigners in Gaza still can't evacuate!

And even more: the Israelis slapped the Americans in the face!

How to say it?

Israel is not the father of the United States.

What does the father want to do, how can the son have the final say, and the son can block it?

Blinken made such a big circle, which is equivalent to running for nothing!

The fuse leading to the smallest bomb in Gaza is still "whistling", then the bigger bomb in the Middle East, and then the super bomb in the Islamic world!

It's business as usual!

At this point, do you think that the Israelis are so determined to go their own way, they must feel that they will win, they will definitely be able to capture Gaza City, and they can also block the siege that has aroused the anger of the people?

If you think so, you are wrong.

In the past two days, there is a report inside the US military, which suddenly leaked out, and it said this:

First, U.S. soldiers are generally reluctant to risk their lives to protect the country of Israel.

Here's what happens inside the United States: although the influence of Jews is indeed extremely large, it is limited to the upper classes, and ordinary Americans, even whites, generally have a poor perception of Jews.

Secondly, the US Central Command stationed in the Middle East has limited forces and is not prepared for the outbreak of a hot war in the region, so if the Lebanese Allah Party joins the war group, the Central Command may not be able to help the Israelis.

There is also a conclusion that most abuses the hearts of Israelis: Israel will not be able to protect itself if the Allah party or other participants enter the war.

What do you mean?

It is if because of Gaza, a Middle East war is triggered, not to mention Israel, even if the US military is on, it cannot be stopped!

Why did such a report suddenly appear during this time?

In fact, seeing that the situation is constantly deteriorating, the US Central Command is afraid, but it does not dare to say anything publicly, so it hurries out, releases some wind, and tells the Israelis to quickly calm down.

This is understandable, after all, its troops are constantly being pumped to East Asia!

It's just an empty shelf!

Usually, with the residual power of the US military sweeping Saddam, he does some business of stealing oil and wheat in Syria, and once the flames are everywhere, these US troops scattered everywhere are absolutely isolated!

Is it true that the US military said that the Israelis have long been unable to fight, and I am afraid that even the Lebanese Allah Party will not be able to do it?

It's really possible.

This brings us to how the Israeli army has done its own business in recent years.

In the past 30 years, it has been very peaceful, so there is a little bit of literary martial arts.

In 2016, it launched Project Gideon.

What do you mean?

Simply put, disarmament plus disarmament, and then disarmament.

First cut a large chunk of non-combat units and reserves; Then with a wave of the knife, the artillery brigade and the light infantry brigade were also cut.

Why cut it?

Because artillery brigades are large-scale battles between countries, they can be used. In recent decades, Israel has looked around and has a sense of seeking defeat alone, and is it not a waste to keep such troops?

So it has to be cut.

What is the light infantry brigade for?

In fact, similar to the kind of US military we commonly see, driving a Humvee, setting up heavy machine guns, responding quickly, responding to special situations, and engaging in special operations.

Why did Hamas drive a car, even on a motorcycle, drive a car, or even ride a motorcycle, as if in no man's land, rushing everywhere, and the Israeli side did not even come to stop it?

It is related to its military reform in 2016 and the "click" of the light infantry brigade.

Until some time ago, when there were a dozen of the Russian-Ukrainian battlefields, everyone understood this: how precious these two arms are!

Today, the super big pit, the United States to the edge of the pit

By 2020, the "Gideon Plan" was completed, and the Israeli army had been castrated by more than half, but some people still decided: if the castration is not complete, it is not castrated at all!

So what to do?

You have to keep cutting!

Another dude, came up with a more ruthless plan: "Power Plan".


Former Israeli Prime Minister Bennett.

It was the one before Netanyahu, and some time ago news footage leaked out, saying that after Hamas carried out the raid, he also ran to report as a reservist.

In 2020, when Bennett proposed the plan, he was the secretary of defense.

The "power plan" is ready to do this: our Israeli army is now invincible in the Middle East, and the "little overlord of the Middle East", what other conventional operations are we engaged in, such as siege warfare or something? That's too dirty, we want to make the Israeli army a full-scale special forces!

How to turn special forces into special forces?

Bennett said: intelligence, technology, air firepower as one!

Today, the super big pit, the United States to the edge of the pit

Sounds like a bull, doesn't it?


Just look at this incident to understand: on October 7, Hamas launched a surprise attack at 7 a.m., but it wasn't until 4 p.m., nine hours later, that the Israeli Air Force began to react!

As for the specialization of the Israeli army, it is even more nonsense, because it turned out afterwards that after this raid, the worst casualties were the so-called special forces of the Israeli army, and many officers were killed!

As I said before, when the Israeli army and the Lebanese Allah Party fought in 2006, it was already exposed that it was actually very dish, and now the Israeli army, after two consecutive rounds of castration, wants to attack Gaza in a big way, capture this city of more than 2.3 million people, and engage in this kind of operation similar to the war of national destruction, how much it has the ability to have, I am afraid only the devil knows.

So why during this time, whether the Israeli government or the Israeli army, every day shouted to enter Gaza, without any restrictions, tanks, armored vehicles and whatnot, have long been densely packed, spread under the city of Gaza, but why just roar, but not to enter, behind the fact is that the Israeli army has been continuously castrated over the years, and the ability to fight this siege war has long been seriously reduced.

Having said that, someone has something to say: in this case, wouldn't Blinken be a good step down for the Israelis by running around and figuring out a ceasefire plan to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza? Why wouldn't the Israelites?

Here again we have to repeat the state of mind of the Israelis: the interior of this country is first of all full of the mentality of a small country dependent on the United States, and it is extremely strong.

At the same time, because the power of the Jews is extremely strong in the United States, it is also full of some inexplicable confidence: the United States is so strong, even if I break the sky, the Americans will definitely be able to help me make it up!

The result is today's weird scene: Blinken is running wildly, begging his father everywhere to tell his grandfather, please raise your hands, don't make things bigger, and we agree to let humanitarian aid into Gaza.

As a result, people agreed, but the Israeli side, violently, slapped Blinken: I didn't agree to this, who let you go and promise people?

How to say it?

The United States has such a father as Israel, which is really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

Today's incident also shows that the United States wants to restrain Israel, which is probably very difficult, but all the consequences arising from this will probably be borne by it!

How do you say this?

If it weren't for Biden's insistence on making peace talks and pulling them into a reconciliation agreement, Hamas might not have decided to do such a big thing, and things would not have come to this point.

After today's incident, the United States has completely stood on the edge of that big pit, and the soil under its feet is "crackling" and constantly falling!

At this point, I can't help but say what I used to say before, again: Biden and his group of people always have a confident and methodical approach to messing everything up.

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