
Shenzhou 17 was launched in late October, Yang Liwei's itinerary was announced, and the commander may have been locked

author:Dreamy September rains

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Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft, after 137 days of space flight, astronauts Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu, Gui Haichao are about to embark on the way home, this news makes people can't help but look back on a long and brilliant space journey. As reported by CCTV News, the Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft is also in full swing, and it will take a new astronaut crew to the Chinese space station, which together constitute a magnificent space picture of three cabins and three ships.

Shenzhou 17 was launched in late October, Yang Liwei's itinerary was announced, and the commander may have been locked

Time seems to pass more rapidly in space, and the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft has been flying in space for 137 days, a new record in the history of China's manned spaceflight. According to the original plan, Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao will also spend about 20 days in space. Soon, the Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft will be launched, which will mark the official stage of full operation of the Chinese space station.

Shenzhou 17 was launched in late October, Yang Liwei's itinerary was announced, and the commander may have been locked

2023 is undoubtedly a year full of challenges and opportunities for the Chinese space station. The three key missions planned include two manned spacecraft launches and one cargo spacecraft launch. For now, only the Shenzhou XVI manned spacecraft is still being prepared, and according to the latest information, it is expected to launch at the end of October. However, the exact timing of the launch has not yet been announced, but according to the "grapevine", this magnificent moment will come on October 27.

Shenzhou 17 was launched in late October, Yang Liwei's itinerary was announced, and the commander may have been locked

The astronaut crew of the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft is quite special, and they are nicknamed the "all-star team" of the Chinese space station. Jing Haipeng, as the commander of the mission, has rich experience in space and has previously flown manned missions of Shenzhou 7, Shenzhou 9 and Shenzhou 11.

Astronaut Zhu Yangzhu is a space flight engineer, mainly responsible for ensuring the normal operation of the spacecraft, carrying out necessary repairs and inspections, and performing out-of-cabin activities during space missions. Astronaut Gui Haichao is a payload expert, usually scientists or engineers and technicians with special professional skills, who are engaged in scientific research and experimental work on the space station, managing and operating various payloads. The uniqueness of Shenzhou 16's astronaut crew is that it is the first time that astronauts of these three different professions have been combined in a Chinese space station launch mission. This also marks that the Chinese space station will enter the official operation stage, and astronauts will focus on various scientific experiments.

Shenzhou 17 was launched in late October, Yang Liwei's itinerary was announced, and the commander may have been locked

Not long ago, astronauts also conducted a special space lecture in space, interacting with classes on the ground, which added a touch of ritual to their return. According to reports, the astronaut crew of Shenzhou 16 will perform a special ceremony when returning to Earth, which is an important moment in China's space industry. Twenty years have passed since Yang Liwei flew China's first manned space mission aboard the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft in 2003. In the past 20 years, Chinese astronauts have faced countless challenges, but they have unswervingly moved forward and created brilliant achievements, which is worth celebrating.

Shenzhou 17 was launched in late October, Yang Liwei's itinerary was announced, and the commander may have been locked

Regarding the future manned lunar landing plan, Yang Liwei revealed some important news. According to the plan, China will conduct its first manned mission to the moon around 2030, sending two astronauts to the lunar surface for the first time. This is a major exploration task that will bring new challenges and opportunities to China's space industry. However, it should be pointed out that in the launch mission of Shenzhou 17, Yang Liwei was not among the commanders. Since Yang Liwei has a key task in his schedule, he will welcome the return of the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft at the Dongfeng landing site. Therefore, it is certain that the commander of Shenzhou 17 will not be Yang Liwei.

Shenzhou 17 was launched in late October, Yang Liwei's itinerary was announced, and the commander may have been locked

In addition, in September this year, another astronaut, Zhang Xiaoguang, faced a similar situation. Zhang Xiaoguang attended a space science popularization event held in Mianyang, Sichuan, but according to the convention, if he is selected as an astronaut of Shenzhou 17, he will undergo closed training and will not go out to participate in the event. Therefore, according to the current situation, among China's first astronauts, only Liu Wang has not yet flown a space station mission. This also means that, in a high probability, Liu Wang will become the commander of the Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft. The other two astronauts will be selected from the third batch of Chinese astronauts to continue to participate in the construction of the space station and scientific experiments.

China's space industry will continue to move forward, from space station missions to manned lunar landings, and even manned landing on Mars in deep space exploration, China's space industry will go further and further. No matter what the future holds, China's aerospace industry will usher in new challenges and achieve new victories. Chinese aerospace, come on! The future is still sunny and the future is bright!