
The United States is ready to fight against China, and China is ready to deal with the situation in two directions

author:Wonderful talk about society

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The international situation is unpredictable, and some people hoped that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's trip to China would ease Sino-US tensions, but before Blinken's planned visit to China, the US military showed hostility. A four-star U.S. Air Force general recently issued a memo aggressively declaring that the United States would be at war with China in 2025, asking subordinate officers to be prepared from now on. The senior general did not just make aggressive remarks, but circulated the memo to all air wing commanders and other Air Force fighters, underscoring the urgency toward China within the U.S. military.

The United States is ready to fight against China, and China is ready to deal with the situation in two directions

The release of this memorandum has attracted widespread attention, indicating that there is a consensus within the US military that China has become a clear strategic threat. This change in attitude is worrying, especially with regard to military deployments. Recently, the US Marine Corps officially opened a new base in Guam, and various media and experts discussed whether this move was intended to prepare for confrontation with China. Located at the center of the so-called second island chain, Guam plays multiple roles in supporting both the first and third island chains, creating a geographical advantage that is both offensive and defensive. The island chain concept is designed to respond to the rapid rise of Asia-Pacific countries, especially China. Therefore, the US military deployment poses a potential threat to China.

The United States is ready to fight against China, and China is ready to deal with the situation in two directions

In this context, the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier battle group once again broke into the South China Sea, and although no military exercises or actual combat exercises were held this time, its disregard and provocative attitude had a considerable impact on the security and stability of China and the entire Asia-Pacific region. How to deal with the threat of the United States, and the possible confrontation scenarios, is a question that we urgently need to consider.

The United States is ready to fight against China, and China is ready to deal with the situation in two directions

First, both China and the United States are nuclear bomb powers, but China's nuclear deterrent appears to be relatively inadequate. Especially when considering the number of nuclear bombs of the United States and Russia, China's nuclear arsenal appears relatively weak. Unlike the United States and Russia, a potential conflict between China and the United States is more likely to be local or regional, but it may also revitalize the idea of using nuclear weapons. In the face of U.S. military action, China needs to strengthen its nuclear deterrent.

The United States is ready to fight against China, and China is ready to deal with the situation in two directions

Second, the United States has multiple allies in the Asia-Pacific region, such as Japan and South Korea, and they are likely to cooperate with the United States in their operations. In addition, India has both military cooperation with the United States and frequent disputes along the Sino-Indian border, so China needs to be prepared for a potential Indian military attack. This means that we need to assess the military power of countries such as Japan, South Korea and India to develop a comprehensive strategy.

The United States has made many enemies for many years, and once there is a conflict with China, there is a potential intervention by Russia, Iran, Syria and other countries, which may trigger a chain reaction. Whether the United States will be willing to bear the corresponding costs remains uncertain. Above all, however, China must remain strong and only if it is strong enough can it effectively fend off potential threats and advance opportunities for peaceful resolution of disputes.

In the current international landscape, tensions between China and the United States may raise future challenges, so China must remain vigilant, continuously improve its defense strength, and seek diplomatic solutions to differences to maintain regional and global peace and stability.

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