
Guan Sheng: Among the five tiger generals of Liangshan, the biggest good man in the future, but let Guan Yu follow the "shame"

author:No one's rivers and lakes

First, Guan Sheng's three major labels

When it comes to the good man of Liangshan, the big knife Guan Sheng will definitely be talked about, but he will never be as far ahead as Wu Song and Lin Chong. Because no matter what, Guan Shengdu has three major label blessings, and can also be called the representative of the good man of Liangshan.

First: the head of the Five Tigers of Liangshan. This label has the highest gold content. Lin Chong was so bullish that he was suppressed by Guan Sheng and relegated to the second seat. There are many reasons, for example, we start from the logical relationship of the original work of "Water Margin", Guan Sheng is obviously a "derivative" of Guan Yu, the first general of the Three Kingdoms, and Lin Chong is called "Xiao Zhang Fei" in the original text.

Now that "Second Brother Guan" has arrived, Lin Chong, your "little Zhang Fei", is he going to give up his position? This is inevitable logic. It can only show that guan yu and Zhang Fei's influence is too great. Of course, there are other reasons, and the author will not analyze them more.

Guan Sheng: Among the five tiger generals of Liangshan, the biggest good man in the future, but let Guan Yu follow the "shame"

Second: Guan Yu's concubine descendants (one of the three famous gates of Liangshan). This label is the most dazzling, it can be said that among the five tiger generals of Liangshan, the biggest person who came to the front, the ancestor was actually a martial saint! Naturally, everyone should be superior. For example, when Song Jiang saw Guan Sheng, he praised the "hero", even if he was later scolded by Guan Sheng for a dog blood sprinkler, he didn't care.

However, it must be noted that according to the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms (Pei Song's Note), Guan Yu's descendants were "slaughtered" by Pang Hui, the son of Pang De, when the Shu Han fell. What is the truth? Nowadays, no one can figure it out, so the author said that Guan Sheng is a "derivative" of Guan Er's brother.

Third: strong in martial arts! When the Liangshan Good Han Battle hu yanzhuo, it was a wheel war, Lin Chong, Hua Rong, Hu Sanniang, Sun Li, etc., of course, qin ming, but he did not bump into Hu Yanzhuo to miss, a total of five.

Guan Sheng is obviously more cattle than Hu Yanzhuo, it is Qin Ming and Lin Chong who fight two and one, and win both battles! Let's not care how the ending is, this is the bragging capital of others, and it also proves that Guan Sheng is strong in martial arts.

Guan Sheng: Among the five tiger generals of Liangshan, the biggest good man in the future, but let Guan Yu follow the "shame"

Only pity Lin Chong, in this double battle victory, there is a suspicion of being calculated. In the original work, Lin Chong took the lead in the battle, and was shouted back by Song Jiang, who did not want to communicate with Guan Sheng. After Song Jiang was scolded, Qin Ming "did not talk about martial arts" to go to war first, forcing Lin Chong to follow. However, he was ridiculed by Song Jiang as "two fights and one, not a hero and a good man". Who are you talking to to?

So-called, the more glamorous the surface of the mirror, the easier it is to hide dirt and grime behind it. This is also adapted to "Water Margin", the most significant of which is Song Jiang. You see, in the original work, what is righteous and unmatched, but what is the end? He became the biggest sinner in Liangshan, and was still angrily reprimanded by the vast majority of Water Margin fans pointing at their noses.

The emperor's eldest brother is also like this, one mouth and one saint Ming, when he recruited Liangshan, he was also upgraded to "the most holy and most bright", but the little thing he did was "blinded" by Cai Jing, Gao Li, etc. at every turn, and the good and decent Zhao An became a burlesque drama, which was completed through Master Li. When the Water Margin fans laughed at Song Jiang's panic and did not choose food, the emperor's eldest brother naturally became a companion.

Guan Sheng: Among the five tiger generals of Liangshan, the biggest good man in the future, but let Guan Yu follow the "shame"

A river and a lake, a temple, all look very glamorous on the surface, but behind it is a mess. I have to like: this is the strength of "Water Margin".

So, is all of the above related to Guan Sheng? Of course! After all, Guan Sheng has three major labels, and only one "descendant of Guan Yu' concubine" is enough to brighten the eyes of the blind.

However, I don't know if you have found that such a good man Guan Sheng of Liangshan was deleted in the CCTV version of "Water Margin" - that is to say, even the "dead running dragon set" is not counted, almost no shots, why is this? There is only one reason, after reading the original work of Water Margin, you will find that Guan Sheng's behavior is too humiliating to Guan Yu's face.

Guan Sheng: Among the five tiger generals of Liangshan, the biggest good man in the future, but let Guan Yu follow the "shame"

Second, when surrendering to Song Jiang, he was as well-behaved as a cat

As soon as Guan Sheng appeared, that height even Song Jiang had to look up. Since Liangshan attacked the Daimyo Mansion to save Lu Junyi, Liang Zhongshu asked cai Jing for help. Under Xuanzan's recommendation, Cai Jing decided to interview Guan Sheng, so he ordered someone to go to Pudong to summon.

"On the same day, Guan Shengzheng and Hao Siwen were discussing the rise and fall of ancient and modern times in Yauchi, and when they heard that Tokyo had a mission, Guan Sheng and Hao Siwen came out to greet them."

Look at Guan Sheng's appearance, "Talk about the rise and fall of ancient and modern things"! Far more high-end, atmospheric, and high-level than Song Jiang's "fighting righteousness and neglecting wealth" and "timely rain". What does this mean? It seems to be emphasizing that Guan Sheng is worthy of being the descendant of Guan Erye's concubine, and the pattern is so large that it is the best of the Water Margin.

But the question is, why did Guan Sheng, who had such a big pattern, surrender to Song Jiang so painfully? When Guan Erye surrendered, after Zhang Liao ran forward, Guan Yu made three vows, and after Obtaining Cao Cao's consent, Fengfeng surrendered. Let's look at Guan Sheng's surrender again, Hu Yanzhuo is an internal response, which is equivalent to deceiving him.

Guan Sheng: Among the five tiger generals of Liangshan, the biggest good man in the future, but let Guan Yu follow the "shame"

In the CCTV version of "Water Margin", Guan Sheng's only shot

After Guan Sheng was captured, Song Jiang sacrificed his own "three-piece suit of surrender", first: drinking retired soldiers, loosening the bindings, and then letting Guan Sheng sit in the middle chair. Then he hurriedly knelt down. Finally, it is a confession, going around and around on a meaning, I Song Jiang admire you very much, so invite you to play a big project, let's recruit Andrew rich!

Looking at Guan Sheng again, he actually felt that Song Jiang and others were "deeply righteous", and then asked Xuanzan and Hao Siwen, what are your opinions? The two brothers were not stupid either, and said, "And obey the orders of the general." So Guan Sheng praised Song Jiang: "People call Zhongyi Song Gongming, and sure enough!" In the world of life, the king knows that I report to the king, and the friend knows that I report to the friend. Now that my heart is moved, I wish to dwell under the tent as a pawn. ”

Looking at what Guan Sheng said when he surrendered to Song Jiang, and then thinking about what he said when he appeared, "talking about the rise and fall of ancient and modern times", is it a bit incomprehensible? After half a day of making trouble, Guan Sheng is a "lip handle style", which is very high-end and atmospheric. I can't get on the table. Compared with the second brother of Guan, is it a shame to go home!

Guan Sheng: Among the five tiger generals of Liangshan, the biggest good man in the future, but let Guan Yu follow the "shame"

Guan Yu's surrender gives people the feeling that "the tiger dies without losing its prestige", but Guan Sheng's surrender is "a well-behaved kitten in seconds".

It was precisely because Guan Sheng surrendered so well-behaved that Wu Yongdu became suspicious, and after Guan Sheng took the initiative to ask Miao to be the vanguard of Song Jiang, attack the Daiming Mansion, and lead the troops away, Wu Yong said: "Guan Sheng went here, did not protect his heart, but he can send good generals, then supervise, and then take over." ”

Song Jiang grinned widely: "My guan sheng righteous spirit is awe-inspiring, consistent, and the military master does not have to be suspicious." But he still let Lin Chong and Yang Zhi, each with five thousand men and horses, follow to supervise Guan Sheng.

Surprised, not surprised? Is this a descendant of Brother Guan's concubine? So what is the effect of these things of Guan Sheng appearing in the CCTV version of "Water Margin"? You can make up for it. But Guan Sheng lost the face of The Second Brother Guan, but it was a nail in the coffin!

Guan Sheng: Among the five tiger generals of Liangshan, the biggest good man in the future, but let Guan Yu follow the "shame"

Third, deviate from Germany with the red rabbit horse

Brother Guan has three sets, which are fused with each other and never separated, namely: the Green Dragon Crescent Knife and the Red Rabbit Horse, and on the banner behind them, is the "Hanshouting Houguan" of Douda.

Guan Sheng in "Water Margin" only inherited two sets, which were the Green Dragon Crescent Knife and the Red Rabbit Horse.

Guan Er's red rabbit horse, after Guan Yu was killed, went on a hunger strike and died!

Let's see what the relationship between Guan Sheng and the Red Rabbit Horse is. Just look at the two original fragments of "Water Margin".

Guan Sheng, seeing that he had lost the second general, was angry in his heart, and was eager to kill Changzhou, so that he could turn his god and power, and cut Qian Zhenpeng with a knife and also chop him under the horse. Waiting to rob him of the red rabbit curly hair horse, do not guard against sitting on the red rabbit horse, one foot forward lost, but Guan Sheng was thrown off the horse, Gao Keli on the southern front, Zhang Jinren and the two horses came to grab Guan Sheng, but Xu Ning led xuan praise, Hao Siwen the second general came out, saved Guan Sheng and returned to the home front.

Guan Sheng: Among the five tiger generals of Liangshan, the biggest good man in the future, but let Guan Yu follow the "shame"

This is guan sheng's description of when he attacked Changzhou, when he fought against Fang La's general Qian Zhenpeng. Note that Qian Zhenpeng's crotch war horse is a "red rabbit curly hair horse", when Guan Sheng killed Qian Zhenpeng, he wanted to "snatch away the red rabbit curly hair horse", but he was killed by his own red rabbit horse, a horse lost its front hoof, and "threw off the horse", almost killed by others!

Do you feel like laughing? The so-called Guan Sheng sees different thoughts, and I will give you a good look!

Therefore, if The second brother of Guan is here, I really don't know if he will come to draw Guan Sheng, lose people to the house, and even be thrown down by his own red rabbit horse, what are you "Guan Yu's concubine descendants"?

Perhaps some readers think that this is an accident. Well, then let's see how Guan Sheng died in the end. The original text is as follows:

One day, the military horse returned from the training, and because he was drunk, he lost his foot and fell off the horse, and fell ill and died.

Guan Sheng: Among the five tiger generals of Liangshan, the biggest good man in the future, but let Guan Yu follow the "shame"

It's related to the Red Rabbit Horse again, right? Who else now thinks it's a coincidence? It's also too coincidental! Therefore, it is properly explained that Guan Sheng and the red rabbit horse are separated from each other. If these events are also filmed by the CCTV version of "Water Margin", what will be the expression of the audience after watching it?

Obviously, he had high hopes for Guan Sheng, but Guan Yu's descendants, the result was not only four or six, but also lost face to Guan Er Brother, so he simply deleted it - of course, this is the author's joke.

But no matter what, Guan Sheng in the original work of "Water Margin" has no guan er brother style, and everywhere he humiliates guan er brother, which is not running.

Therefore, it was inevitable that Guan Sheng could be the head of the Five Tigers of Liangshan. Who let Song Jiang also be this kind of Liangshan big brother who "looks bright, but in fact is dark", who likes whom. And Lin Chong, he could only continue to hold back.

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