
From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

author:There are melons in the wheat field
From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers
From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

Because they suddenly found that they hadn't heard the name Jiang Yingrong for a long time, where had she been all these years as the once-famous supergirl champion?

Her hot search also evokes our memories, and our childhood can be said to have watched Supergirl grow up.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

Over the years, some of the former happy female voice contestants have become popular like Li Yuchun and Zhang Liangying, and have become diva-level figures in the entertainment industry, while others have disappeared and never heard from again.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

Jiang Yingrong

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

But now Jolin Tsai's concert is still full, but Jiang Yingrong has become unattended, if it were not for the photo with Cook rushing to the hot search, he might not be able to think of this person.

Jiang Yingrong's biggest label is the Supergirl champion, once only 21 years old, she won the championship with her excellent voice and energetic dance and became the biggest winner of that Supergirl.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

With her popularity, she was praised by Tianyu Company and made several albums tailored for her, hoping to make Jiang Yingrong's popularity go to a higher level.

But what they didn't expect was that these albums all received mediocre responses, and Tianyu, who did not believe in evil, continued its previous practice, probably because they didn't want to let the large investment in Jiang Yingrong fail.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

What they set for Jiang Yingrong was to become a singer in European and American style, and in order to make his style closer to that side, Jiang Yingrong began the road of plastic surgery.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

I have to say that this transformation is a failure, Jiang Yingrong not only did not catch fire as the company predicted, but also went deeper and lower, and his popularity fell directly to the bottom.

What's more frightening is that excessive plastic surgery makes her whole person look wrong, and netizens have called her not to have plastic surgery anymore.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

He Jie

As the hottest season of Supergirl, the summer of 05 brought us too many memories, Li Yuchun, Zhang Liangying, Zhou Bichang, these names are still familiar to everyone.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

However, at that time, there was another player who also had a strong popularity like them, but as time passed, her popularity declined and she lost the qualification to compare with them.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

It is a pity that Li Yuchunhong, who was once considered red by the judges for only three months, is now here, and He Jie, who has always been optimistic, is no longer what he used to be.

To say that the reason is that He Jie's personal personality is a big aspect, Li Yuchun, who once entered Tianyu with her, developed according to the steps of the company, and finally became popular, but He Jie wanted to make a tantrum.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

After entering Tianyu, He Jie was reused by the company, and whenever there were any good resources, he would give priority to her, bent on making her popular.

However, what the company did not expect was that He Jie felt that the company was very annoying and interfered with her private life, so she ignored the company's arrangements.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

Not only that, she was also extremely disgusted by the company's behavior of arranging her hype, and directly and publicly accused the company, which caused a huge blow to the reputation of Tianyu.

While fighting against the company, He Jie is also making a fuss in his private life.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

At the press conference, He Jie openly said that Li Yuchun did not show mercy and did not come to her wedding, and if Li Yuchun did not quickly publish mobile phone information, I am afraid that he would be attacked by uninformed people online.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

Today's He Jie is still active in the entertainment industry, I don't know if she will have a trace of regret in her heart when she sees her former friend who is now popular.

An Youqi

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

An Youqi is the overall champion of the first Happy Girl, why did she end up in a lonely and unknown end when she debuted at the peak.

To say that it is still the reason for Supergirl, An Youqi can be said to be Chengye Supergirl defeated and Supergirl, because her session can only be regarded as the warm-up of Supergirl in 05.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

At that time, the mechanism was not mature, and Hunan Tai was also experimenting, so when the 05th became popular, she was quickly abandoned by the company.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

No matter how she struggles with such a situation, she can't turn over, and the opportunity will not favor her, she has done nothing wrong, she is just not angry.

Shi Zhaoyi

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

16-year-old Supergirl has gone into decline, and it can be said that the reason for this edition is probably to hold a parting party for the former glory.

Shi Zhaoyi (also known as Circle That 9), who stood out on this Supergirl, won the championship, but did not gain as much popularity as those previous champions.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

After winning the championship, Shi Zhaoyi also released some songs, but none of them caused repercussions, and the variety shows and film and television dramas he participated in were also missing.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

The current Shi Zhaoyi may still miss the day of winning the championship, but unfortunately, even when she returns to winning the championship, her popularity will still go downhill as it is now.


Supergirl, who was once red and half the sky, has gradually fallen lonely over time, and those who seize opportunities have soared since then, and those who waste opportunities are not popular.

And like An Youqi and Shi Zhaoyi, who have never had any possibility, can only sit down and wait for opportunities, maybe life is like this, no one can soar to the sky without hard work.

From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

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From popular to unattended, start with Jiang Yingrong to see those disappearing supergirl singers

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