
Share a Kung Pao chicken diced, delicious to solve the gluttony, simple rice, love of all ages

author:Brave Rice Z

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Easy to learn, introduction to the production steps

A delicious dish of Kung Pao Chicken is a favorite of many people, not only delicious, but also very satisfying. Let's share an original homemade recipe for Kung Pao chicken. The production steps are simple and easy to learn, even those who have no culinary foundation can easily grasp it.

Ingredient preparation

1. 300g chicken breast, 1 red and green pepper, ginger and garlic.

2. Appropriate amount of chopped green onion, appropriate amount of peanuts, appropriate amount of dried chili pepper.

Share a Kung Pao chicken diced, delicious to solve the gluttony, simple rice, love of all ages

3. Appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of soy sauce, appropriate amount of sugar, appropriate amount of chicken essence.

Production steps

1. Cut the chicken breast into small cubes, put it in a bowl, add cooking wine and soy sauce and marinate for 15 minutes.

2. Cut the red and green pepper into small pieces, mince the ginger and garlic, cut the dried chili pepper into pieces, and stir-fry the peanuts until fragrant.

3. Heat a pan with cold oil, add ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add the marinated diced chicken and stir-fry until discolored.

5. Add the red and green peppers and dried chilies and continue stir-frying.

Share a Kung Pao chicken diced, delicious to solve the gluttony, simple rice, love of all ages

6. Pour in an appropriate amount of cooking wine and stir-fry well.

7. Add soy sauce, sugar and chicken essence and stir-fry well.

8. Finally, add the stir-fried peanuts and stir-fry well.

1. The amount of chili pepper can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

2. Cut the side dishes in advance to save time in preparation.

3. When stir-frying the diced chicken, turn it quickly to ensure that the chicken is tender.

Share a Kung Pao chicken diced, delicious to solve the gluttony, simple rice, love of all ages

4. Adding an appropriate amount of cooking wine can remove the fishy and fresh, making Kung Pao chicken more delicious.

5. During the stir-frying process, adjust the amount of soy sauce, sugar and chicken essence again according to personal taste.

Features of Kung Pao Chicken

As one of the traditional Sichuan dishes, Kung Pao chicken is famous for its unique taste and rich spices. Its characteristic is that the chicken is tender and juicy, with the fresh taste of red and green pepper and peanuts, plus the fusion of soy sauce, white sugar and other spices, making Kung Pao chicken cloves spicy and endless.

Share a Kung Pao chicken diced, delicious to solve the gluttony, simple rice, love of all ages

Whether it is served with rice or noodles, it is a good meal.

This original Kung Pao chicken home-cooked dish is simple to make, easy to obtain ingredients, and loved by young and old. Not only is it unsatisfying but also delicious, making it a great addition to a meal or family dinner. Follow the steps above to make Kung Pao chicken diced and enjoy the spicy and delicious taste in less than five minutes. Come and try it out!

Share a Kung Pao chicken diced, delicious to solve the gluttony, simple rice, love of all ages

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