
What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

author:Smile to warm YMM


Above the court, criss-crossed, Game of Thrones never stops. The scenery and splendor of a time often hide sorrow and joy. The torrent of history gushes forward, diluting the once golden palaces with the relentless fight.

All we can do is to understand the cause and effect behind it and absorb the wisdom of those bitter stories

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?
What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

First, chase glory for half a life, but mistakenly pay blind confidence

In this world, the most desirable thing is to gain honor and power. And to climb this golden peak, it is destined to be a thorny road.

If ordinary people want to break into the prosperous Forbidden City, they must make enough efforts, even at the expense of moral principles. Hejun, a Manchurian disciple who was destitute when he first entered the capital, is a typical example of such a step by step breaking into the emperor's favor, but finally falling due to greed.

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?
What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

His real name was Niuhulu Zenbo, and he was born into a family of officers under the Manchurian Zhenghong. His father is a riding captain and his family is decent. However, the good times did not last long, and after the death of their parents one after another, the family fell into difficulties.

With his brilliant talent, he was admitted to the Xian'an Palace Han Academy with excellent grades and studied Manchu, Chinese, Mongolian and Tibetan languages. He was diligent and studious, and he read very thoroughly. At the age of twenty, Hejun applied for the imperial examination, hoping to make a splash. However, he fell behind, which became the first setback in his career.

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?
What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

Nevertheless, Wakan was not discouraged. He inherited his father's title and was elected as Qianlong's bodyguard. With his astute mind and excellent skills, he gradually gained the emperor's appreciation. From the initial Qianqingmen bodyguard, promoted to the deputy governor of Manchuria under the Zhenglan Banner, the household attendant, the bachelor of the cabinet, and then to the important position of vice president of the National History Museum, Hejun's career has risen all the way, and the speed is amazing.

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

However, Wakan was not satisfied with his fame. What he longed for was to surpass the supremacy of the prince and monopolize power. When the emperor's favor became a shortcut and gold and silver treasures became a talisman, Hejun chose to leave his ideals behind and plunge headlong into the dirty and corrupt deal, and never extricated himself.

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?
What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

At first, Hekan was still restrained. Many officials offered him gifts, but they were politely declined. However, once he tasted the sweetness of money, he couldn't stop it. He seized a large amount of property for himself in the Li Gongyao case, which became the first time he blatantly deviated. From then on, various officials rushed to curry favor with him, sending countless treasures and fields. Hejun also did not hide his greedy nature, and laughed at his bribes one by one.

The double expansion of power and money made him get carried away. In order to achieve higher power, Wakan hated civil officials who could check and balance him. During his time as the editor-in-chief of the Siku Quanshu, he instigated the prison of letters, which caused many literati to be wronged.

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

Under such coercion and lure, Hejun finally reached the pinnacle of power - becoming a former imperial minister, almost the supreme position of covering the sky with one hand in the dynasty. However, Hejun is still immersed in the delusion of power, but he does not know that the torrent of fate has quietly changed, and his ending is also surging undercurrent.

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?
What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

Second, talented but repeatedly defeated, he only relies on that innocent heart

And in this game of power, there is another different scribe hidden - Ji Xiaolan.

Ji Xiaolan, known as Ji Yun, has been talented since he was a child, and is known as "prodigy". He is well-read and knows ancient books well. At the age of twenty, he embarked on the road of the imperial examination, hoping to get ahead with his outstanding knowledge. However, Ji Xiaolan's luck was not good.

From Qianlong's eighth to nineteenth year, he tried for twelve years, all rubbing shoulders with high school. Until the last subject, Ji Xiaolan finally went to high school and won the second and fourth places, which is very good for many candidates, but for him full of talent, it is still a little regrettable.

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

Achieve fame

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

After Ji Xiaolan, Shitu did not sing all the way like Hejun. When he compiled the Rehe Zhi, Qianlong began to appreciate his knowledge and promoted him to editor. However, soon, due to the private disclosure of Yanzheng's secrets, Ji Xiaolan was assigned to serve in Xinjiang.

In the life of the terrified and helpless frontier, Ji Xiaolan thought that she would end up in this vast Gobi. Unexpectedly, under the influence of Liu Yong, Qianlong summoned him back to Beijing to participate in the revision of the Siku Quanshu. This became an opportunity for Ji Xiaolan to reappear.

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?
What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

During this period, Ji Xiaolan was suppressed by Hejun. Hejun hates the literati who contradict him, and the honest Ji Xiaolan is not spared. However, in the end, Ji Xiaolan was recognized by Qianlong with her pure virtues, and was re-favored, and was promoted to cabinet bachelor and ceremonial attendant.

Unlike Hejun, Ji Xiaolan was not moved by power and only established himself by compiling books. He was rigorous in his studies, lived a simple life, never participated in power struggles, and had no intention of taking Julu. Perhaps because of this temperament, even if Ji Xiaolan has repeatedly encountered ups and downs, she can still save herself and finally get on the right track.

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?
What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

Third, power is overwhelming the world, but it is difficult to escape the cycle of fate

The wheel of history rolls forward, the vast mansion is full of holes, and the fall of a dynasty has faintly heralded its coming. Obsessed with money and power, he has long deviated from the right path. And although Ji Xiaolan has experienced all the ups and downs, she can still keep her righteousness. The balance of the fate of the two is quietly tilting.

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

After the Jiaqing Emperor ascended the throne, Hejun's bad luck also followed. The new emperor was suspected of usurping the throne by killing his father, and deeply hated Helong for supporting Qianlong and being too powerful.

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

As soon as he took the throne, he ordered the death of Hekan. He also raided his family and confiscated his property, and the amount was equivalent to the fiscal revenue of the 15 years of the Qing Dynasty, which shows the depth of corruption during Hejun's lifetime. Although Hejun was in power for a while, he could not escape the sanctions of fate, and the fate of killing the Hei family became a notoriety.

In contrast, Ji Xiaolan had a smooth career under the reign of the new Jun Jiaqing. Jiaqing courtesy was added, and he was promoted to Shangshu of the Military Department and Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites. On his 80th birthday, Jiaqing also personally rewarded Ji Xiaolan's treasured porcelain and other items to show respect. In the end, Ji Xiaolan paid tribute to the university scholar and crown prince Taibao, and at the age of eighty-two, he finally achieved positive results in his high life, and finally died well.

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?

A righteous man who harms his family because of greed; One who has suffered misfortune repeatedly, but still has a heart for the world. It seems that the process is very different and the ending is different, but in fact, they are all interpreting the fundamentals of life.

Although Ji Xiaolan did not obtain gold and silver jewelry like Hekan, she preserved herself and withstood the test. Hejun was prosperous for a while, but lost everything because he was greedy and unsatisfied. Inner justice is always higher than outer success. Perhaps this is where the true meaning of life lies.

What is the end of Ji Xiaolan's old age?


History is a never-ending cycle and evolution. In this boundless river, you and I are all passers-by, coming and going, going and coming. The powerful who are high today will eventually disappear after yesterday's glory; Today's unknown pawns may be pregnant with the power to change the world.

The world is up and down, and success or failure is fleeting. We cannot foresee the outcome, let alone reverse the years that have passed. Only by doing a good job in the present, doing justice, and keeping good thoughts can we endure for a long time.

From Hejun to Ji Xiaolan, they have all disappeared into the long river of history. And we are still where we are, still moving forward. In this life, what we are all chasing is actually nothing more than a free heart and a calm soul.