
Iron-blooded Northern Dynasty 220: Emperor Wudi of Zhou died suddenly during the northern tour, who completed the great cause of unifying the world?

author:The fragrance of osmanthus flowers in the moonlight

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On the big stage of history, the emergence of Northern Zhou and the hegemony of Emperor Wudi of Zhou undoubtedly became an important turning point in the political pattern of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Emperor Wudi of Zhou, relying on the strength of uniting the government and the public, marched east and west, unified the north, and became the most powerful country at that time. The Northern Zhou Dynasty, which annexed the Kanto region, grew stronger and stronger, showing its ambition to unify the world. And the trend of history also doomed Emperor Wudi of Zhou to tour Luoyang east, opening another important chapter. This article will delve into the rise of Northern Zhou and the political career of Emperor Wudi of Zhou.

Iron-blooded Northern Dynasty 220: Emperor Wudi of Zhou died suddenly during the northern tour, who completed the great cause of unifying the world?

The rise of Northern Zhou stemmed from Emperor Wudi of Zhou's firm grasp of political power and persistent pursuit of national unity. After Emperor Wu of Zhou succeeded to the throne, he actively united the forces of the government and the opposition, fought in the east and west, and finally pacified Northern Qi, laying a solid foundation for the unification of the northern regime. The wealth of the Kanto land was annexed to the Northern Zhou Dynasty, making it the most powerful state at the time. From the east coast of the sea to beyond the Great Wall, from the Western Regions to Yunnan, the territory of Northern Zhou was thousands of miles away, and the conditions for unifying the world were met.

Iron-blooded Northern Dynasty 220: Emperor Wudi of Zhou died suddenly during the northern tour, who completed the great cause of unifying the world?

However, the great cause of the unification of Northern Zhou did not stop there, and Emperor Wudi of Zhou's political ambitions and strategic vision made him decide to continue the process of national unification. After the fall of Northern Qi, the Guandong region was devastated by war, and Chen Guo in Jiangnan tried to take advantage of the chaos to retake the lost Jianghuai region. Wu Mingche was sent to the north to lead the Chen army in the Northern Expedition. The Chen army heading north did not encounter strong resistance until they reached Lü Liang near Xuzhou, where they encountered a resolute counterattack by Liang Shiyan, the governor of Xuzhou in Northern Zhou. However, reinforcements from the Northern Zhou general Wang Zhuo arrived in time to capture Wu Mingche and other Chen generals, defeating Chen Guo's Northern Expedition plan, making Chen no longer capable of launching a large-scale Northern Expedition. Northern Zhou cleverly adopted military tactics that interrupted Chen's offensive momentum.

Iron-blooded Northern Dynasty 220: Emperor Wudi of Zhou died suddenly during the northern tour, who completed the great cause of unifying the world?

The alliance between the Northern Zhou and the Turks also changed during this period, once again showing the impermanence of political interests. Before the fall of Northern Qi, the Turks formed an alliance with Northern Zhou to jointly deal with Northern Qi and destroy Qi for a long time. However, after the fall of Northern Qi, this alliance lost its value. The Turks suddenly invaded Youzhou in a big way, burning, looting, and breaking the Zhou-Turk alliance. Emperor Wudi of Zhou was furious and decided to personally attack the Turks. He sent a number of generals, collected donkeys and horses, and led the army north. However, Emperor Wu's plans for the Northern Expedition ended with a sudden illness on the way, forcing him to return to the capital. The decision to go bankrupt and the Turks to go unpunished raises questions in history.

Iron-blooded Northern Dynasty 220: Emperor Wudi of Zhou died suddenly during the northern tour, who completed the great cause of unifying the world?

Emperor Xuan of Northern Zhou was crown prince Yuwen Yun (宇文鵟), proclaimed himself Emperor Taishang, and although he was only 21 years old, he held power. Emperor Xuan was passionate about pleasures, but he also took draconian measures to discipline the crown prince Yuwen Yun to ensure that he was competent for the role of future ruler. After Emperor Xuan of Northern Zhou came to the throne, he not only built Luoyang Palace, showing his determination to rebuild the national capital, but also always firmly grasped the political power. However, Emperor Xuan's reign came to an abrupt end in a sudden coup, and he was forced to cede the throne to the crown prince Yuwen Yun and become Emperor Taishang.

Iron-blooded Northern Dynasty 220: Emperor Wudi of Zhou died suddenly during the northern tour, who completed the great cause of unifying the world?

The course of history is often full of uncertainty, and the emergence of Northern Zhou and the grandeur of Emperor Wudi of Zhou are a thing of the past in an instant. However, their deeds and decisions have had a profound impact on the development of Chinese history. The short-lived glory of Northern Zhou became the terminator of Northern Qi, laying the foundation for the unification of the Sui and Tang dynasties. Emperor Wu of Zhou's political ambitions and determination provided a solid foundation for the unification of the northern regime, and despite his early death, his ideals and efforts will forever inspire future generations.

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