
The mother of the girl bitten by the dog continued to speak: the dog owner has not yet been found, the child is still in a coma, and she must thank the cleaning aunt in person

The mother of the girl bitten by the dog continued to speak: the dog owner has not yet been found, the child is still in a coma, and she must thank the cleaning aunt in person

On October 16, a large dog in a community in Chongzhou, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, tore and bit a young child, resulting in multiple bites all over his body and a contusion of his right kidney.

On the 17th, according to Western Decision reports, Ms. Deng, the mother of the bitten girl, said that the child had been transferred to West China Hospital last night and is currently in a coma with stable vital signs. The biting black dog has been found, but the dog owner has not. The police are conducting a large-scale investigation, and when the time comes, find it to see what the other party has to say.

The mother of the girl bitten by the dog continued to speak: the dog owner has not yet been found, the child is still in a coma, and she must thank the cleaning aunt in person

Ms. Deng choked up and said that the cleaning aunt of the building at the time of the incident intervened in time to block her, and she was really grateful to her, and now she has been busy in the hospital, and she will thank her in person after being busy for a while.

Earlier, the girl's mother posted on social platforms to tell the incident, and said that the child is currently in a coma and has been transferred to West China Hospital for follow-up treatment, "I believe that my baby is the bravest, thank you very much for helping us, thank you."

The mother of the girl bitten by the dog continued to speak: the dog owner has not yet been found, the child is still in a coma, and she must thank the cleaning aunt in person
The mother of the girl bitten by the dog continued to speak: the dog owner has not yet been found, the child is still in a coma, and she must thank the cleaning aunt in person

According to a video report from Jiupai News, the girl's mother said that the child was in the intensive care unit and could not be visited, so she could not see her daughter. Police said they had found the Rottweiler dog involved and were still searching for the dog's owner.

The mother of the girl bitten by the dog continued to speak: the dog owner has not yet been found, the child is still in a coma, and she must thank the cleaning aunt in person

According to upstream news, the community property worker said that the mother should not have been injured and had contacted the public security, fire department, and the community, all of whom were dealing with the matter. As for why the dog is not on a leash, the property staff said that they usually remind owners to walk their dogs on a leash, but some owners just don't listen.

According to the Beijing News, the receiving doctor said that the girl had a laceration bite on her back, severe trauma from the left and right sides of her back to her buttocks, CT showed kidney contusion, and she is currently undergoing debridement surgery, and the injury is basically stable.

The girl's mother said that when she took her daughter out of the unit, two dogs pounced on her and bit her, and then neighbors came to help, and everyone worked together to drive the dog away. She said that the girl is mentally stable and is undergoing debridement surgery in the hospital, and the next step will be to hold the community property and dog owners responsible. The girl's mother told reporters that when she took her daughter out of the unit, she was bitten by two dogs, and then the neighbors came forward to help, and everyone worked together to drive the dogs away. The next step will be to hold the community property and dog owners accountable.

The mother of the girl bitten by the dog continued to speak: the dog owner has not yet been found, the child is still in a coma, and she must thank the cleaning aunt in person

According to surging news, according to local media reports, on the same day, the police of the police station also came to the community to investigate. The police told reporters that according to the current information, the dog involved is only a Rottweiler dog with an owner. The Rottweiler is strong, swift and imposing, and has been banned in many cities.

On the afternoon of the 16th, Chengdu Chongzhou Public Security issued a notice: After diagnosis, Tang suffered multiple bites all over his body, a contusion in his right kidney, and a fracture of his right rib. After full treatment, wound debridement surgery has been completed, and vital signs are stable. The medical treatment expert group will improve the follow-up medical treatment measures according to the examination situation. The public security organs are making every effort to carry out investigation and handling work, and will seriously handle it in accordance with law according to the investigation situation, and promptly announce it to the public.

The mother of the girl bitten by the dog continued to speak: the dog owner has not yet been found, the child is still in a coma, and she must thank the cleaning aunt in person

[Source: Western Decision, Jiupai News Video, Upstream News, Beijing News, The Paper, Chengdu Chongzhou Public Security, Social Accounts, etc.]

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