
Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

author:The rain hits the plantain softly and groans hx
Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

The beauty of China is in Sichuan, the fantasy of the world fairy pool.

The West Sichuan Plateau has always been a treasure in the hearts of donkey friends, gathering many world-class beautiful scenery;

Such as Jiuzhaigou, Huanglong, Daocheng Yaden, as well as Mia Luo, Xinduqiao...

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

△ Jiuzhaigou

Recently, in Sichuan, not far from Jiuzhaigou, there is a beautiful secret that can shake the status of Jiuzhaigou, which is stunning but little known!

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

It's a terraced calcification pool,

Both like the colorful pool of the yellow dragon,

And like Pamukkale in Turkey,

Let people fall at a glance;

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

It has Tiffany blue aqua,

At a glance you will think that this is in Madai;

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

It has a god-like sea of Jiuzhaigou,

Surrounded by mountains and forests,

Dead wood lies quietly at the bottom of the water, moss spreads all over the water's edge;

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

It's the Immortal Pond

Also known as Nen'en Sangtso, it means a place where fairies bathe.

And it calls itself "Immortal Pond".

This is not Huang Po selling melons,

It's really worthy of the name!

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon
Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

Nen'en Sangtso, a wonderland of newly discovered treasures in western Sichuan

Nenen Sangcuo, like Jiuzhaigou,

Also in Jiuzhai County,

It is only a 2-hour drive from Jiuzhaigou.

But compared to Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong,

Nenen Sangcuo,

This name, you may never have heard;

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

After all, it was raised in purdah,

It didn't officially open until 2020;

So far, there is no "attraction" on the map.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

But its scenery is absolutely world-class!

It's not big.

But the small fairy pond was hidden

More than 1180 lotus deck lottery pools,

More than 50 colored pools and jade waterfalls,

6 calcified beaches, 4 seas;

Green Lake, Alpine Haizi,

Green lakes, primeval forests...

It's all here!

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

An old donkey who has been to the Immortal Pond described it this way:

It is a miniature version of Huanglong + Jiuzhaigou,

Half Jiuzhaigou, half Huanglong.

It not only has the magnificence of Jiuzhaigou,

There is also the magic of the yellow dragon.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

Moreover, its average altitude is only more than 2200 meters,

The relative height of each attraction is only more than 300 meters,

(The average altitude of Huanglong is more than 3300 meters)

Don't worry about high but miss the view.

The ticket price is also less than half of Huanglong Jiuzhai

Spend half the money,

You can see the essence of Huanglong and Jiuzhaigou at the same time!

The point is, even if it's a holiday,

Not many people come here either,

Raised in purdah, it preserves the most original scenery!

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

How amazing is the fairy pool?

Nenen Sangcuo,

Perhaps never heard of in the past,

But once there, it will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

1. Here Qixiu does not lose to the yellow dragon

But there is no need to worry about high anti-hypoxia

We all know that Huanglong has "four absolutes":

Colored pools, snow-capped mountains, canyons, forests,

And it has it all!

▼ Snowy mountains

Over here

Look up and see the towering snow-capped mountains in the distance

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon
Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

▼ Canyon

Here, more than 3,000 meters long,

In an alpine valley more than 300 meters wide,

More than 2,000 colorful travertine pools are sprinkled.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

▼ Pot

Over here

Terrace-like layers of calcification pools,

The pool water varies with the surrounding scenery and the angle of sunlight,

Transform into colorful colors, crystal dreamy,

It's too beautiful to describe in words!

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon


It is home to the best protected primeval forest in Sichuan

and large forests of arrows and bamboos;

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

Over here

Boundless primeval forest,

Surround the pool like a guard;

If the morning fog is misty,

It's like stepping into a fairyland where the gods live.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

2. Here fairy tales do not lose to Jiuzhaigou

But it does not have the fame and weaving tourists of Jiuzhaigou

It is said that Jiuzhai does not look at the water when it returns,

Jiuzhaigou is known as the "King of Water Features".

Maybe you are obsessed with the wonderland of Jiuzhai,

But I feel sorry for its great reputation and many people;

So, come to the fairy pool.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

You might say,

There have been too many attractions in Jiuzhaigou that have "touched porcelain" over the years,

But come to the fairy pool, you will find,

The water here is colorful, not inferior to Jiuzhai,

It's not just talk.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

Jiuzhaigou and Shenxian Pond,

In fact, it belongs to the same mountain range.

One on this side of the mountain and one on that side.

According to legend, these two places are also the embodiment of two sisters,

Jiuzhaigou is the embodiment of her sister Semo,

Shensenchi is the embodiment of his sister Nenen.

But the world only knows Jiuzhaigou, not the Immortal Pond.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon
Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

And the immortal pond that few people visit,

It is also more primitive than Jiuzhaigou,

A little more quiet, less hustle and bustle,


Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

3. Here is a beautiful view in all seasons,

But there is a lack of publicity and little is known

"In spring, the shoots are green, and in the summer, the lake is shaded,

The autumn solstice is full of colorful forests, and the winter comes to cover the mountains with snow."

Jiuzhaigou is beautiful in all seasons,

And the four seasons of the fairy pond are equally charming.

Spring here,

The snow has faded and the mountains and forests have revived

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon
Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

Summer here,

The lake is green, and the mountains and forests are also green,

Here the screen is full of negative ions,

The air is filled with the fragrance of grass.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon
Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

Autumn here,

The layers of the forest are dyed, and the mountain forest seems to be

The Creator's overturned palette!

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

Especially around the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day every year,

It's almost a color painting!

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon
Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

Winter here,

Winter snow, covered in silver,

Drive through here,

It's like entering the world of Frozen.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

4. There is a "path of fairy travel",

There are 28 turns in the fairy pond

Zhangda Road to the Immortal Pond,

It is a mysterious path.

Before entering Turn 28,

There is an observation deck,

Here you can overlook the road.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

Viewed from above,

There are 28 turns in this road.

Winding through deep mountains and forests.

But the road is not thrilling, the slope is gentle,

Drive this road, surrounded by mountains and forests all the way,

All the way is a landscape like an oil painting.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

Drive to the Immortal Pond and enjoy the magnificent beauty of western Sichuan all the way

However, although the fairy pond is beautiful,

But just visit the fairy pool

may not satisfy the hearts of the vast number of friends "hunting for beauty";

Therefore, riding a donkey here to friends

Recommend a self-driving route,

And listed the essence of the line,

Find time and go!

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon
Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

By car

Chengdu→ Wenchuan→ Li County→ Hongyuan → Ruoergai Jiuqu Yellow River First Bay→ Ruoergai Flower Lake→ Brazil Conference Site→ Qiuji Township→ Lamaling→ Dalu Ancient Tibetan Village→ Shenxianping Self-driving Camp→ Nen'en Sangcuo (Shenxianchi) Scenic Area→ 28 Dao→ Jiuzhaigoukou → Pingwu →Mianyang→ Chengdu (3 days)

Scenery along the way:

01 The first bay of the Yellow River in Zoige Jiuqu

The world's first grand view of the Yellow River

Climb to the observation deck on the hillside,

You can see the rushing Yellow River

When flowing through the Zoige steppe,

Turned countless corners,

Leaving a beautiful arc.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

02 Zoige Flower Lake

A brilliant color like an oil painting

Flower Lake does not fly flowers,

But it is the most beautiful alpine wetland in China.

Flower Lake doesn't mean how many flowers it has.

It's about changing with the seasons.

The presentation is colorful.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

03 Brazil Conference Site

A page of history has been rewritten here

This Brazil is not the other Brazil,

The town of Pasir in Aba,

There is a Banyou Temple that was built in the Qing Dynasty,

The famous Red Army "Brazil Conference"

It was held here.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

04 Dalu Ancient Tibetan Village

The oldest Tibetan village in Jiuzhaigou

Jiuzhaigou County, distributed more than 100 Tibetan villages,

And the oldest one of them,

It is the ancient Tibetan village of Dalu.

The house from thousands of years ago is preserved here, original and quaint.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

05Nen Sangtso (Fairy Pond)

A place where fairies bathe

The beauty of the fairy pond has no season,

Every season has a unique beauty.

Jiuzhaigou, Huanglong's colorful pond color forest, snow canyon,

It's all there, and it's less crowded and quieter.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

06 Shenxian Pond 28 turns

The most beautiful Internet celebrity highway

Over the Lama Ridge, past the Immortal Pond,

Go downhill and soon after enter the 28th turn;

You can watch the road circling from the observation deck.

Another wonderland in western Sichuan, about to amaze the world! The color pool is not lost to Jiuzhaigou, and Qi Xiu is called the yellow dragon

The fairy pond is so beautiful, how can you miss it, find a vacation, come here to have a good wave!

Travel tips

Nen'en Santso (Shenxian Pond) Scenic Area Opening ⏰ Hours: June 1st to November 16th (8:00-17:00) Peak Season Tickets: Peak Season Ticket 100 RMB/person (excluding sightseeing ticket), Peak Season Ticket + Sightseeing Bus Package 124 RMB/person. Transportation (self-driving route) (1) Ruoergai → Brazil Conference Site (Banyou Temple) → Pasir Town→ Qiuji Township→ Lama Ridge (3990 Yakou Pass) → Dalu Ancient Tibetan Village→ Shenxianping Self-driving Camp→ Shenxian Pond (143 kilometers) (2) Shangsi Zhai entrance between Chuanzhu Temple and Jiuzhaigou→ Lalai River Dam→ the most beautiful Internet red highway 28 turns→ Sun Moon Observation Deck→ Yalong Nari Shenshan Pass (3688 meters) → Shenxian Pond (45 kilometers) (3) Jiuzhaigou County Town→ Heihe Bridge→ Heihe Grand Canyon→ Lama Mashi → Hanging Spring→ Jiuzhai Tianzhu→ Dalu Ancient Zangzhai Village→ Shenxianping Self-driving Camp→ Shenxian Pond, the whole distance is 128 kilometers.

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