
Distressed! In February, the baby was almost amputated, the "culprit" is it, this thing is everywhere in the house!

Distressed! In February, the baby was almost amputated, the "culprit" is it, this thing is everywhere in the house!

Newborn babies can't express themselves or transfer positions, and sometimes no matter how careful parents are, they may overlook small details in life, such as small threads in clothes and accessories, and even a hair can bring fatal injuries to their children!

Distressed! In February, the baby was almost amputated, the "culprit" is it, this thing is everywhere in the house!

First, how lethal is a hair?

A thin strand of hair, maybe the baby is naughty and playful when breastfeeding and wrapped around the feet, no one realizes the danger, but it may make a baby almost lose his toes.

There are news reports that a couple in Zhengzhou found that the child had been crying, but after checking for a long time, they did not find the problem, and the background found that the ring finger of the child's right foot was entangled in hair and was already red and swollen. He was rushed to the hospital for treatment, and only then did he save the baby's toes.

Distressed! In February, the baby was almost amputated, the "culprit" is it, this thing is everywhere in the house!

Source: Big Reference

During treatment, every hour, bloodletting treatment is also required.

In fact, the necrosis of newborns' limbs entangled in sock threads and hair strands is not unique, but not all babies are lucky enough to escape.

There have been news reports that a baby in Qingdao, who is only 23 days old, brought gloves to the child because his parents were afraid that the child's small hands would scratch his face. As a result, a thin thread on the glove wrapped around the middle finger of the child's right hand, and by the time the parents noticed it, the child's finger had turned black and necrotic, and the doctor could only remove the necrotic tissue through amputation.

Distressed! In February, the baby was almost amputated, the "culprit" is it, this thing is everywhere in the house!

Xi'an Children's Hospital also received a baby who was only more than a month old and had his toes entangled and necrotic. When he arrived at the hospital, the child's toes turned black, and the doctor found that the middle finger joint of the child's right ring finger was wrapped around a strand of hair, directly splitting the joint into two.

Although the strands of hair were removed, the child's ring finger was no longer there.

Distressed! In February, the baby was almost amputated, the "culprit" is it, this thing is everywhere in the house!

Like this because hair, threads, ropes and other objects entangle the joints of the child's hands and feet, causing local tissue redness and swelling, ischemic necrosis, and even amputation, resulting in lifelong damage, it is called "entanglement injury" in medicine.

It usually happens to babies under 3 months old, and the culprit is that we don't pay attention to the small things: such as hair, threads, elastic bands, etc.

This kind of entanglement is most frequent in autumn and winter, because the weather becomes cold, parents are worried that their children will freeze, and often wear more clothes and gloves for their children. And because of the cover of clothes or gloves, when threads, ropes, or hair are wrapped around the child's fingers, arms, toes, wrists, etc., it is not easy to be detected, so it becomes an "invisible killer".

These things may not have too serious consequences when entangled in adults, but the baby's skin is delicate, blood circulation is weak, perception is poor, and there is no way to express, once the winding time is too long, it will cause the blood circulation of some tissues of the baby to be interrupted, and then because of organ ischemic cell necrosis.

Second, be alert to the common entanglement hazards in life

In addition to the hair, threads, etc. mentioned above, be wary of the following entanglement hazards in life:

1. Blinds and other curtain ropes

If the child is playing under the window, it is easy to trip over the curtain rope, fall and be injured or scratched by the window rope, and the severe will be entangled around the neck by the window rope (including blinds), and if not found in time, it will cause suffocation death.

According to relevant data, children under the age of 6 are most likely to be injured by curtain ropes, especially babies who are learning to walk, and have the highest probability of injury.

Distressed! In February, the baby was almost amputated, the "culprit" is it, this thing is everywhere in the house!

2. Drawstring on clothes

Once the rope on the clothes is stuck by the instrument, the child's neck can easily be strangled.

Some experiments have calculated that a child of about 25 pounds, in the process of swooping down on the slide, if the rope on the clothes is just stuck, the 140 kilograms of impulse generated at this time will strangle the child's neck and instantly suffocate the child in a few minutes.

So, don't buy clothes with drawstrings for your children.

Distressed! In February, the baby was almost amputated, the "culprit" is it, this thing is everywhere in the house!

3. Anti-lost safety rope

Many parents like to tie a lost rope to their children when they go out, in order to prevent their children from getting lost, but this rope should pay special attention when taking cars, elevators, and safety gates. Avoid situations where the parent goes up, but the child has not gone up, but the door has been closed.

Distressed! In February, the baby was almost amputated, the "culprit" is it, this thing is everywhere in the house!

4. Kite line

Kite injuries occur from time to time.

According to news reports, a 5-year-old boy in Guiyang was playing in the square when he was suddenly wrapped around his neck by a kite, causing a 10-centimeter-deep scar.

Because the kite line is relatively strong and can withstand a pull force of up to 100 kilograms or so, a tight kite is like a sharp knife that can easily cut bananas, apples, etc., not to mention the human body.

Distressed! In February, the baby was almost amputated, the "culprit" is it, this thing is everywhere in the house!

Third, to prevent baby entanglement injuries, care is the key

To prevent and avoid entanglement injuries in your baby, you pay more attention to details when caring for your child.

1. Pay attention to the baby's crying signal and check it in time

If the baby suddenly keeps crying, after ruling out hunger, diapers and sick discomfort, it still does not improve, you need to pay attention to whether the baby has a "tangled injury". At this time, it is necessary to check all parts of the baby's body in time, whether there is hair or threads, etc., once it is found that there is a winding, cut it as soon as possible, check whether the baby is injured, and go to the hospital for examination if necessary.

2. During daily care, tie up long hair

In order to better care for the baby, especially the newborn baby, and avoid the occurrence of hair entanglement around the baby's limbs, if the mother has long hair, it is recommended to tie up the hair every day.

Distressed! In February, the baby was almost amputated, the "culprit" is it, this thing is everywhere in the house!

3. Newly bought gloves, socks, etc. should cut off excess threads in time

When putting socks on your child, double-check that the new socks have threads, and the easiest way is to wear them backwards. Also don't buy fixed gloves or clothing with elastic bands.

4. Babies wear more clothes in autumn and winter, and many hidden things are easy to overlook. Therefore, parents should pay attention to checking whether there are abnormalities in the baby's body, especially the fingers and toes.

Distressed! In February, the baby was almost amputated, the "culprit" is it, this thing is everywhere in the house!

Having said all this, the point is one: the consequences of entanglement injuries are serious, and parents must pay attention to them. Every careful care of parents is the best protection for the baby.

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