
Shougang must lose! Min Lulei brought a shocking blow, and Lyden couldn't bear it

author:Bright Lights

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Beikong Great Counterattack! Min Lulei's "Jedi Plan" shook the Shougang team, and this time the change seemed to herald a big counterattack. Min Lulei, a head coach who has mastered the team's coaching whip in just four months, brings shocking tactics. Despite the tight schedule, Min Lulei's coaching style is very different from that of former head coach Marbury. Min Lulei pays attention to the basic skills training of players, so they have conducted hard special training in the offseason.

Shougang must lose! Min Lulei brought a shocking blow, and Lyden couldn't bear it

Unlike Marbury, Min Lulei recognizes that the team's young players are the hope of the future, and this is reflected in his "Jedi Plan". The signing of young players such as Chen Guohao and Lin Yanting in the offseason, as well as the promotion of Kong Lingtao and Zhan Li, means that young players will play a key role in the team. Young players such as Liao Sanning, Chen Guohao and Lin Yanting will be the mainstay of the team, responsible for the team's attack and defense.

Shougang must lose! Min Lulei brought a shocking blow, and Lyden couldn't bear it

The main squad of the Beikong team is relatively young, which is in stark contrast to the older age of the main players of the Shougang team. Shougang's players, such as Zhai Xiaochuan, Fang Shuo and Zhu Yanxi, have a wealth of experience in the game, but age and injuries may prevent them from being at their best in long, high-intensity matches. Relatively speaking, the young players of the Beikong team have gained experience in the game and gradually become more confident in order to succeed.

Shougang must lose! Min Lulei brought a shocking blow, and Lyden couldn't bear it

Although Min Lulei's "lore plan" has brought great challenges to the Shougang team, it does not mean that the Shougang team is doomed. Shougang still has a strong lineup and strength, and they have the opportunity to fight back. However, the young players of the Beikong team will be a factor that cannot be ignored, and their potential and determination may make the "lore plan" a reality.

Shougang must lose! Min Lulei brought a shocking blow, and Lyden couldn't bear it

In general, Min Lulei's "Jedi Plan" is a solid step taken by the Beikong team in the direction of a big counterattack. While Shougang remains competitive, the young players of Beikong are expected to be the deciding factor in the game. In basketball, experience and youthful energy have their value, and Min Lulei is trying to complement the two. Whether the Beikong team can finally achieve a counterattack still needs to be verified by the results of the game.

Shougang must lose! Min Lulei brought a shocking blow, and Lyden couldn't bear it