
What happened to the three major tragedies in the world, which have caused hundreds of deaths in total?

author:Looking at the past and the present

Title: Analysis of global tragedies: sudden disasters in South Korea, Somalia and India

What happened to the three major tragedies in the world, which have caused hundreds of deaths in total?

Recently, a serious stampede occurred in Seoul, South Korea, which has become the focus of attention. However, this is not the first serious stampede in South Korea, and there have been several similar incidents before. But the number of casualties in South Korea's history was the worst in South Korea's history, and most of the victims were young women in their 20s. On Halloween, young people in South Korea went out to play, but unexpectedly this tragedy occurred in a narrow alley. Hundreds of people died instantly, and some of the victims stopped breathing while standing.

What happened to the three major tragedies in the world, which have caused hundreds of deaths in total?

Not long ago, as far away as Somalia, Africa, there was a sudden series of car bombings, suspected of terrorist attacks, and many cars were planted with bombs. At least 100 people were killed in the blast, and while the exact death toll has not been released, the tragic situation on the ground suggests that the death toll could be high. Meanwhile, in the Indian state of Gujarat, a pedestrian suspension bridge suddenly collapsed, killing at least 80 people, and the number is rising. These three tragedies are happening one after another around the world, making people wonder, what happened?

What happened to the three major tragedies in the world, which have caused hundreds of deaths in total?

First of all, take the South Korean stampede as an example, according to rumors, before the stampede occurred, there were criminals who deliberately shoved and shoved in the crowd, which led to this tragedy. As for whether someone did it intentionally, or whether the architectural layout of Seoul is extremely unreasonable, further investigation is needed. Secondly, the persistent weakness of law and order in Somalia, which, combined with the chaotic situation in the region, has led to frequent bomb attacks over the years and seems to have become a feature of Africa. As for the disaster in the Indian state of Gujarat, it may be caused by India's poor infrastructure. Don't forget that India's famous high-speed rail project is still under construction today. In addition, India's famous Jenab Bridge took 15 years to complete. This shows that India's insufficient infrastructure strength has led to this disaster.

What happened to the three major tragedies in the world, which have caused hundreds of deaths in total?

To sum up, whether it is South Korea, Somalia or India, these three tragedies seem not accidental, but inevitable. For example, the location of the stampede in South Korea happened to be a narrow alley, and the flow of people was very large, which eventually led to the tragedy. If the location of the incident had not been so narrow, or if there had not been this slope, the tragedy might not have happened. India's disaster may be caused by inadequate infrastructure. India's high-speed rail project is still under construction, and the Jenab Bridge took 15 years to complete. This shows that India's infrastructure strength is inadequate, which ultimately led to this disaster. The occurrence of these three tragedies, which killed hundreds of people around the world, seems to be accidental, but in fact there are inevitable factors behind them.