
In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

author:Historical Cactus 6666

Lu Xun's photographer Sha Fei: Sha Fei, the fate of a revolutionary youth, a photographer whose name is unknown, but who has become a witness to history because of his intersection with the literary hero Lu Xun. His admiration and admiration for Mr. Lu Xun and his efforts for the revolutionary cause,

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

It constitutes a tragic and touching story. Sha Fei and Lu Xun met at the Shanghai Woodcut Exhibition in 1936. At that time, Sha Fei was a young photographer with great ambitions, and Lu Xun was a master of the literary world, striking into the darkness with his sharp brushstrokes,

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

Encourage revolutionary youth. Sha Fei saw Mr. Lu Xun from a distance, and quickly walked through the crowd to his side, taking a set of photos for him. This group of photographs has become one of the most influential works in Sha Fei's photography collection, and it also shows Mr. Lu Xun's care for revolutionary youth.

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

However, Lu Xun's death brought a huge blow to Sha Fei. Sha Fei came to Lu Xun's home with grief and took a photo of his remains. Once this photo was released, it shocked the entire country and made Sha Fei famous.

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

Although Mr. Lu Xun did not know the existence of Sha Fei, it was precisely because of his guidance that Sha Fei embarked on the road of revolution. He joined the Communist Party of China and became an excellent war photographer, shooting many excellent works for the Eighth Route Army against the Japanese invaders. however

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

Sha Fei's photography career has not been all smooth sailing. He endured long journeys and harsh conditions, and protected his equipment regardless of his physical condition. He even met Bethune due to illness and exchanged photographic tips with him. however

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

Bethune's untimely death plunged Sha Fei into deep sadness again, and he was determined to continue walking, with Bethune's love, to fight for the cause of photography. Sha Fei's photography exhibition caused great repercussions in Chinese society at that time, and he awakened the consciousness of the people with pictures.

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

It became an important advocacy tool. However, a twist of fate happened during his hospitalization. He killed his attending doctor for mental illness and was eventually sentenced to death. Sha Fei's life is full of dramatic ups and downs and tragic fate.

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

He was a revolutionary youth who fought for the revolutionary cause and a photographer who loved photography. His story shows us how an ordinary man became a witness to history because of his admiration for Lu Xun and his love of photography. however

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

Nor can we ignore the great damage Sha Fei's mental illness has caused to him and those around him. Under the social conditions at that time, the understanding and treatment of mental illness was still very limited, which led Sha Fei to the tragic road in the end. We should reflect,

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

How to better focus on and treat mental illness to avoid similar tragedies happening again. At the same time, we must cherish those who have worked hard for the cause of the revolution, whether they are photographers, writers or practitioners in other professions.

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

Their efforts have made important contributions to the progress and development of our society, and their stories should be known and passed on by more people. Finally, let's consider the question: are we paying enough attention and attention to mental health issues in today's society?

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

Can we give enough support and attention to those who love what they do? Looking forward to your message and discussion. The entanglement of fate between Sha Fei and Nie Rongzhen, as well as Sha Fei's contribution to the cause of photography in China, form the theme of this tragic story.

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

As an outstanding photographer in Chinese photography, Sha Fei has achieved great success in his career. However, behind this success lies a tragic fate. In a certain shooting, he accidentally photographed a sensitive thing,

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

This attracted the attention of the authorities. As a result of this omission, he was accused of "counter-revolutionary" and sentenced to death. However, intertwined with Sha Fei's final fate is Nie Rongzhen. As the person responsible for carrying out the execution order, Nie Rongzhen has mixed feelings for Sha Fei.

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

On the one hand, he was grateful for Sha Fei's photographic talent, and on the other hand, he was forced to carry out his execution. This complex emotion eventually turns into sadness, making people wonder, if the fate of the time changed a little, what would have happened? After Sha Fei was sentenced to death,

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

Nie Rongzhen specially instructed the staff to give Sha Fei fish. Because he knew that Sha Fei was born in the south and loved to eat fish. This detail makes people feel Nie Rongzhen's mixed emotions of love and hate for Sha Fei, and also reflects his respect for Sha Fei as a photographer. however

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

Thirty-six years after Sha Fei's death, his family persisted in appealing and gathered a wealth of evidence. After the investigation of the task force, it was finally confirmed that Sha Fei suffered from mental illness at the time of the crime, and it was not intentional. This result proved Sha Fei's innocence, but it was too late for him.

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

His execution became a tragedy, and although his innocence was confirmed, he was no longer able to see the outcome with his own eyes. Whether from Sha Fei's personal point of view or from the perspective of China's photography career, this is a tragedy. Sha Fei, as an outstanding photographer,

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

It could have made greater achievements in the future and made greater contributions to the development of photography in China. And Nie Rongzhen can also continue his career as a doctor and save more lives. However, fate made everything come to naught.

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

Although Sha Fei's life is full of drama, his contribution to the cause of photography in China cannot be ignored. His work expresses a love of life and a concern for humanity, and he is a well-deserved legendary photographer. in a word

In 1950, Nie Rongzhen ordered the execution of a division-level cadre, but before his execution, he tearfully instructed: Give him some fish to eat

The story between Sha Fei and Nie Rongzhen reminds us that fate is often unpredictable. A small oversight can change a person's life and even affect the development of an entire industry. We should cherish every opportunity and take our responsibilities seriously so that tragedies do not repeat themselves.

In response to this story, we can think: If the fate of Sha Fei and Nie Rongzhen had changed slightly, how would the fates of Sha Fei and Nie Rongzhen be different? What lessons does this story teach us? What do you think of this story? Please leave your comments.

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