
The same to the plain to create a base, why was Song Shilun frustrated and withdrawn, and Chen Zaidao's achievements were amazing?

author:Refrigerator soft girl sticker a2Rz

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In the spring of 1938, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to launch an anti-Japanese guerrilla war in eastern Hebei, and formed the fourth column of the Eighth Route Army and the anti-Japanese coalition army in eastern Hebei. The Jidong riot quickly unfolded, with more than 200,000 participants and a certain victory. However, the rapid expansion of the army led to complex composition, chaotic order, lack of unified and effective leadership organization, lagging logistics support system and base area construction, and faced the dilemma of retaliation by the Japanese army.

The same to the plain to create a base, why was Song Shilun frustrated and withdrawn, and Chen Zaidao's achievements were amazing?

In order to solve these problems, the central authorities decided to establish the Jicharening Military Region, hoping to strengthen leadership and management over the eastern Hebei region by establishing a unified command structure. However, due to insufficient knowledge of the actual situation in mountain areas, the goal of creating base areas has not been achieved. Nevertheless, the establishment of this military district still played a certain role in promoting it, laying the foundation for the subsequent anti-Japanese struggle.

The same to the plain to create a base, why was Song Shilun frustrated and withdrawn, and Chen Zaidao's achievements were amazing?

However, the eastern Hebei troops were surrounded and blocked by the Japanese puppet army during the retreat and suffered serious losses. This incident revealed that the anti-Japanese forces in eastern Hebei still had many deficiencies in the face of the enemy. The problems of complex composition and disorder still exist, and the logistics support system and the construction of base areas have not been effectively resolved. The existence of these problems made the anti-Japanese coalition army in eastern Hebei appear incapable in the struggle against the enemy.

The same to the plain to create a base, why was Song Shilun frustrated and withdrawn, and Chen Zaidao's achievements were amazing?

However, in the southern Hebei region, Marshal Xu showed his outstanding strategic vision and strategic determination. He successfully established the Anti-Japanese Base Area in southern Hebei and provided important support to the anti-Japanese struggle. The anti-Japanese struggle in southern Hebei was relatively smooth, the troops were organized in an orderly manner, the logistics support system was sound, and the construction of base areas was effectively promoted. The leadership and management ability of Marshal Xu played a key role in the establishment of the anti-Japanese base area in southern Hebei.

The same to the plain to create a base, why was Song Shilun frustrated and withdrawn, and Chen Zaidao's achievements were amazing?

The Jidong Rebellion and the formation of the Anti-Japanese Base Area in southern Hebei were important strategic measures of the Communist Party of China in the early stage of the War of Resistance Against Japan. Although the Jidong Rebellion faced many difficulties and challenges, it was still an important step taken by the Chinese Communist Party in the War of Resistance Against Japan. It laid the foundation for the subsequent anti-Japanese struggle and accumulated experience for the Chinese Communist Party's nationwide anti-Japanese work.

The same to the plain to create a base, why was Song Shilun frustrated and withdrawn, and Chen Zaidao's achievements were amazing?

However, the heavy losses suffered by the eastern Hebei troops in the retreat also sounded the alarm for us. The expansion of the armed forces must be combined with the improvement of organization and management, otherwise it will face great difficulties and challenges. At the same time, the logistical support system and the construction of base areas are also important aspects that cannot be ignored in the anti-Japanese struggle. Only by strengthening these aspects of work can we better support the actions of the army and provide a more effective anti-Japanese force.

The same to the plain to create a base, why was Song Shilun frustrated and withdrawn, and Chen Zaidao's achievements were amazing?

The strategic vision and strategic determination displayed by Marshal Xu in the southern Hebei region have also brought us many enlightenments. His successful experience tells us that in the anti-Japanese struggle, we must pay attention to understanding the geographical environment and the enemy situation, and formulate scientific and rational strategies and tactics. At the same time, the improvement of leadership and management ability is also crucial, and only through unified command and orderly organization can we better play the role of anti-Japanese forces.

The same to the plain to create a base, why was Song Shilun frustrated and withdrawn, and Chen Zaidao's achievements were amazing?

In short, the Jidong Rebellion and the formation of the Anti-Japanese Base Area in southern Hebei were important events in the early days of China's Anti-Japanese War. They not only demonstrate the determination and courage of the Communist Party of China, but also reveal the difficulties and challenges we face in the anti-Japanese struggle. By summing up these experiences and lessons, we can better guide the future anti-Japanese work and lay a solid foundation for the ultimate victory.

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