
The mechanic Lao Chen, only repaired the equipment three times a month, and as a result, even the factory was going out of business!

author:Knowing Miss Dali Little Bi

The boss cut his salary, and the mechanic Lao Chen left

In a manufacturing plant, there was an experienced mechanic named Lao Chen. He is known for his meticulous and efficient repair of all kinds of equipment in the factory. However, this month, the boss suddenly cut Lao Chen's salary, setting off a series of chain reactions.

The mechanic Lao Chen, only repaired the equipment three times a month, and as a result, even the factory was going out of business!

The story begins when Lao Chen discovers that his monthly salary is only half of what was agreed in the contract. As a qualified employee, he did not hesitate to find his boss to inquire. The boss ruthlessly explained that since Lao Chen had only repaired the equipment three times and spent most of his time hanging out and resting, his bonus was canceled. Angry and aggrieved, Chen argued that his maintenance work had made the equipment work well, and that without his efforts, production would not have been able to proceed smoothly. However, the boss ignored this and even laughed at Lao Chen's technical level, saying that he could be replaced by someone from a cheaper outside maintenance company.

The problems and regrets brought by Lao Chen's departure

For Chen, this disapproval of the value of his work and rude attitude made him decide to leave. He believes in his abilities and experience and will no longer work for a boss who does not understand him. However, with the departure of Lao Chen, frequent problems began with the equipment in the factory, resulting in a one-month shutdown. The boss had to go to great lengths to find an outside maintenance company to repair the equipment, only to find that the repaired equipment failed again the next day, entering a vicious circle. Two months later, the factory was on the verge of closure.

The mechanic Lao Chen, only repaired the equipment three times a month, and as a result, even the factory was going out of business!

Faced with this series of problems, the boss began to regret the unfair treatment of Lao Chen. He realized that the equipment had been working well during his time at Lao Chen. He eagerly begged Lao Chen to come back to work and was even willing to raise his salary.

Old Chen does not look back, triggering thinking and reflection

However, Lao Chen firmly refused the boss's request. He clearly realized that the series of problems after his departure were the result of the boss not paying attention to him and cutting his salary. He mocked his boss mercilessly, accusing him of knowing that the problem was with the repair company they had hired, but he was always unwilling to admit his mistakes.

The boss desperately fired the repair company

The mechanic Lao Chen, only repaired the equipment three times a month, and as a result, even the factory was going out of business!

While trying to save the factory, he began to ponder that the importance and value of employees must not be underestimated. They are the cornerstone of the company's operations, and their expertise and experience are key factors in the company's success. When employees feel respected and valued, they become more engaged and improve productivity and product quality. Conversely, if their efforts are ignored or treated unfairly, they may choose to leave, resulting in losses for the company.

Value employees, improve efficiency and avoid crises

This story is a profound reminder: company leaders must always recognize the importance of their employees and respect their contributions. Only by giving employees enough attention and recognition can their potential be unleashed. A qualified employee, such as Lao Chen, has the experience and expertise to quickly locate problems and solve them thoroughly. Relying solely on external maintenance companies is a palliative.

The mechanic Lao Chen, only repaired the equipment three times a month, and as a result, even the factory was going out of business!

In society, everyone is an indispensable part, and our value and contribution are irreplaceable.

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