
Qualcomm layoffs shocked! Huawei set off a storm!

author:Aiye who loves to travel

Huawei is caught in the dilemma of US sanctions, not only facing the problem of chip supply, but also being suppressed by other aspects. However, Huawei did not give up, but responded to this challenge by independently developing Kirin chips. Right now

Qualcomm layoffs shocked! Huawei set off a storm!

Huawei finally launched a new flagship mobile phone Mate 60 Pro, which is equipped with Huawei's self-developed Kirin 9000s chip, which has aroused widespread attention and expectations. The charm of Huawei is that it is more than just a smartphone manufacturer,

Qualcomm layoffs shocked! Huawei set off a storm!

It's also a tech giant. In the past few years, Huawei has been constantly striving to improve its technical strength, especially in the field of chip design. Huawei's Kirin chip has reached the world's leading level in performance and power consumption.

Qualcomm layoffs shocked! Huawei set off a storm!

This is also the key to Huawei's ability to launch such an advanced phone. Huawei's road to independent research and development has not been smooth. In the face of US sanctions, Huawei has to face the problem of chip supply. However, Huawei did not give up,

Qualcomm layoffs shocked! Huawei set off a storm!

Instead, a lot of resources and energy have been invested to strengthen independent research and development. Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei has said that Huawei will continue to buy chips from companies such as Qualcomm to ensure that Huawei can continue to survive. However, Huawei's improvement in technical strength,

Qualcomm layoffs shocked! Huawei set off a storm!

This makes it gradually reduce its dependence on external chips. Huawei's efforts have not been in vain. Now Huawei already has its own self-developed Kirin chip, which allows Huawei to better control the performance and quality of its products. meantime

Qualcomm layoffs shocked! Huawei set off a storm!

Huawei's chips have also been recognized by the market, and many people have highly praised Huawei's chip performance and stability. Huawei's success has also left some unhappy. The US sanctions against Huawei are not just a blow to Huawei individuals,

Qualcomm layoffs shocked! Huawei set off a storm!

It is also a disruption to the global technology industry. Many European tech companies have also been affected by U.S. sanctions. They argue that the U.S. has used sanctions to keep them out of the Chinese market, creating an "America First" trade policy. however

Qualcomm layoffs shocked! Huawei set off a storm!

Huawei's success also gives us some inspiration. In the face of difficult situations, we must not give up, but work harder to find solutions to problems. Huawei has successfully responded to US sanctions through independent research and development of Kirin chips.

Qualcomm layoffs shocked! Huawei set off a storm!

This proves the importance of independent innovation. Only by constantly striving to improve our technological capabilities can we be able to remain invincible in a highly competitive market. Huawei's success has also given us some confidence. In the face of US sanctions, Huawei was not knocked down,

Qualcomm layoffs shocked! Huawei set off a storm!

Instead, he persevered. They believe that as long as they work hard, they will be able to find a way out. This optimistic spirit is also worth learning and learning from. The release of Huawei's Kirin 9000S chip marks a major breakthrough in the chip field.

Qualcomm layoffs shocked! Huawei set off a storm!

This chip will bring more powerful performance and stability to Huawei's mobile phones, further consolidating Huawei's position in the market. It is believed that Huawei will continue to launch more advanced products in the future to bring users a better user experience. Let's wait and see,

Looking forward to Huawei's next surprise!

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