
[Be vigilant against fireworks injuries and ensure public safety]

author:Festive willow leaf pig pig

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On the afternoon of September 16, a fire broke out in the second long-distance telecommunications hub building of the Hehuayuan compound of the Changsha branch of China Telecom Co., Ltd. in the section of the East Second Ring Road of Hehuayuan Street, Changsha. The fire caused considerable property damage, but fortunately there were no casualties. Recently, the Emergency Management Bureau of Changsha City, Hunan Province released the "Investigation Report on the Fire Accident of the Second Long-distance Telecommunications Hub Building of the Second Long-distance Telecommunications Hub Building of the Hehuayuan Compound of Changsha Branch of China Telecom Co., Ltd." The investigation report showed that the fire was a general production safety liability accident caused by poor management of ignition sources and combustibles. According to the investigation report, the main cause of the fire was poor management of ignition sources and combustibles. In the hub building, there are a large number of combustibles, and the storage of combustibles is disorderly, flammable and explosive materials are mixed with ordinary materials, and the ignition source is not effectively controlled. In addition, there were also problems with the fire fighting facilities in the hub building, the fire passage was blocked, and the fire fighting facilities such as fire extinguishers and fire water sources were not maintained in time. The existence of these problems exacerbates the degree of fire hazards. Although the fire did not cause casualties, the property damage caused was not small, reaching 7.9136 million yuan.

[Be vigilant against fireworks injuries and ensure public safety]

The investigation report emphasizes that this accident is a general production safety liability accident, which has caused a great impact on society and must be paid great attention to. In response to the accident, the Emergency Management Bureau of Changsha City, Hunan Province proposed a number of corrective measures. For example, China Telecom Changsha Branch is required to strengthen the inspection and maintenance of fire protection facilities in the hub building, rectify the storage of combustible materials in the hub building, and strictly manage fire sources. At the same time, the relevant responsible persons will also be held legally responsible. The occurrence of this fire accident once again reminds us that safe production is always the top priority of enterprises. Enterprises should strengthen safety management, improve safety awareness, and prevent the occurrence of safety accidents such as fires. At the same time, regulatory authorities also need to strengthen safety supervision and curb the occurrence of safety accidents. Only the joint efforts of enterprises and regulatory authorities can ensure the safety of people's lives and property. The lessons of this fire accident are profound and worthy of our in-depth consideration. Do we also have safety hazards in our daily life and work? Do we also need to strengthen safety awareness and improve safety management?

[Be vigilant against fireworks injuries and ensure public safety]

We need to take these problems seriously, start from ourselves, improve safety awareness, and create a safe production and living environment. On the afternoon of September 16, 2022, a fire broke out in the Changsha Telecom Hub Building, which was shocking. It is understood that the direct cause of the fire was that the cigarette butt was not extinguished, which ignited the combustible materials on the 7th floor outdoor platform on the north side of the telecommunications hub building, and spread to the exterior wall of the building decorated with aluminum-plastic panels, eventually leading to a serious fire. So why did the fire spread? What caused this disaster? Let's analyze the reasons step by step. First of all, the immediate cause of the fire was caused by cigarette butts that were not extinguished. This problem should be solved well, we should improve the public's awareness of fire safety, do not smoke or smoke when smoking to completely extinguish the cigarette butt before dealing with it. But in fact, this problem is only the direct cause of the fire, and there are other hidden reasons why the fire can spread so quickly. Secondly, the external wall construction materials of the telecom hub building are flammable and combustible, which is one of the main reasons for the expansion of fire spread.

[Be vigilant against fireworks injuries and ensure public safety]

The exterior wall decoration material of the 7th to 39th floors of the telecommunications hub building is aluminum-plastic panel, although the whole page is a flame-retardant material, but the black sandwich belongs to the flammable material, and also uses black rubber strips, white foam and other flammable and combustible materials for auxiliary construction, which undoubtedly provides conditions for the spread of fire to a certain extent. Finally, we need to realize that this fire is not just a disaster, but a lesson. We need to seriously sum up lessons learned, improve fire safety awareness, and strengthen the construction of fire protection facilities to ensure the safety of our lives and property. At the same time, we also need to think about how we can better prevent this from happening, which is a question that we need to think deeply about. In short, the fire incident in Changsha Telecom Hub Building made us realize the importance of fire safety issues. We should learn from this incident, strengthen fire prevention measures, and raise fire awareness to avoid similar accidents from happening again. Finally, we ask the question, have you checked the fire safety measures in your home and is there room for improvement? Welcome to share your views in the comment area.

[Be vigilant against fireworks injuries and ensure public safety]

The exterior wall aluminum-plastic composite panel curtain wall is not vertically separated by fireproof, which is one of the key reasons for the rapid spread of fire. During the construction of the exterior wall, the vertical fire partition was not made, so that the cavity structure of the exterior wall penetrated up and down, forming a chimney effect, and the fire spread rapidly. In addition, the initial spread of the fire was also affected by the structure of the building and the direction of the wind on that day. The flames initially spread vertically upwards, reaching the height of the 11th refuge floor above the point of ignition, and then gradually spread to the exterior wall on the west side of the main building as the wind changed, and then spread upwards, and finally entered the office rooms through the open balcony doors and windows. For this fire, those responsible have also been seriously held accountable. According to the approval of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the State Supervision Commission, and the State Council Security Commission, 25 people responsible for the accident were seriously held accountable, and 6 of them were also administratively punished. China Telecom's Hunan branch bears important responsibilities, including Zhou Xiaoju and Ma Weizhong who were given admonitions and administrative punishments. China Telecom's Changsha branch also held nine responsible personnel accountable, including Wang Jinhua who received a warning and administrative punishment, while Liu Honghai was punished with a serious mistake and transferred from his post.

[Be vigilant against fireworks injuries and ensure public safety]

In summary, the lack of fire partition on the exterior wall and the influence of the building structure and wind direction are the main reasons for the rapid spread of the fire. In addition, serious accountability and administrative punishment have also been carried out for those responsible. In order to avoid similar fires from happening again, we need to strengthen building safety management, ensure strict fire prevention measures during construction, and seriously hold those responsible accountable. So, how do you think fires can be better prevented in construction projects? China Telecom's Changsha branch recently had a security problem, involving a number of employees who were punished accordingly. Among them, Tan Sha, deputy director of the security and logistics department of China Telecom's Changsha branch, was removed from his position in the party, removed from his post, and given administrative punishment; Staff member Zhang Lei was punished with a demerit; Guo Limin, a manager of the Security and Logistics Department, was given a warning; Qing Jiwei, the head of the power class of the lotus garden, was given a warning and punished. In addition, Liu Jianliang, general manager and party secretary of China Telecom Changsha Branch, was notified; Deputy general manager Chen Zhiguo was given a warning by the party; Wu Lixin, director of the Heyuan Telecom Hub Building Construction Project Office, was warned and punished by the party.

[Be vigilant against fireworks injuries and ensure public safety]

In addition, Chen Mei, a business outsourcing officer of CITIC Service Branch of Hunan Communications Industry Service Co., Ltd., and the director of the property service office of the Heyuan Telecom Hub Building, were severely warned and punished by the party. Tao Bo, director of the Information and Communication Development Division of the Hunan Communications Administration Bureau and director of the Changsha Communications Development Management Office, was admonished. The persons involved in the above sanctions are all managers or staff members of the relevant units. The incident raised concerns about the management of China Telecom's Changsha branch. For this incident, it is necessary for us to think deeply about the whole incident. On the one hand, this incident exposed the problems in the security work of China Telecom's Changsha branch, and the negligence of managers led to the existence of potential security risks. On the other hand, the punishment of the personnel involved also reflects the attitude of China Telecom Changsha Branch towards the violation. However, relying solely on sanctions to solve problems cannot fundamentally change the management situation, and it is necessary to reform the system and management system.

[Be vigilant against fireworks injuries and ensure public safety]

For China Telecom Changsha Branch, it should pay more attention to security work, improve security systems and processes, strengthen the training and supervision of management personnel, and ensure the efficient operation of security work. At the same time, a stricter punishment mechanism should be established for violations, so that violators pay a greater price and serve as a warning. In addition, the CITIC Service Branch of Hunan Communications Industry Service Co., Ltd., the Hunan Communications Administration Bureau and the Changsha Communications Development Management Office should also draw lessons from this incident, strengthen supervision and management of units at all levels, and ensure that the work is standardized and efficient. This incident is a wake-up call and a reminder to always be vigilant in our work, abide by rules and regulations, and respect professional ethics. Only by doing this can we ensure the safe and smooth progress of the work. So, what do you think about this incident? How do you stay safe and follow rules and regulations in your work?

[Be vigilant against fireworks injuries and ensure public safety]

Changsha Communication Development Management Office, Changsha Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Changsha Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Changsha Fire Rescue Detachment, Furong District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Furong District Industry and Information Technology Bureau and Furong District Fire Rescue Brigade and other units have dealt with the relevant personnel involved. Wang Youcai was given a warning, and Zhou Jianxiong was admonished. Liu Jian, Tan Yalin, Zhang Chao, Liu Zhu, Hu Yuerong, Zhang Ya, Chen Jiahao, Zhou Zhenhua, Geng Lei and others were notified or admonished. These actions are undoubtedly a warning to the misconduct of the relevant personnel, as well as the regulation and management of the entire organization. At the same time, it has also triggered people's thinking about the accountability system and management mechanism of administrative organs. In modern society, as an important organization for the implementation of national policies, the functions and status of administrative organs cannot be ignored. However, the occurrence of some misconduct has undoubtedly given people a great shock. The powers and responsibilities of administrative organs are interrelated, and the abuse of power and negligence of responsibility will inevitably lead to adverse consequences. Therefore, the establishment of a sound accountability mechanism and management system is crucial to maintaining the image and credibility of administrative organs.

[Be vigilant against fireworks injuries and ensure public safety]

First of all, administrative organs should strengthen the selection and training of personnel to ensure the quality and ability of the civil service. Only through strict selection procedures and comprehensive training can talents with professional knowledge, professional ethics and sense of responsibility be selected, so as to avoid some slack and misconduct. Second, administrative organs should establish a sound supervision mechanism to ensure transparency and fairness in their work. Supervision is an important way for administrative organs to perform their duties, and supervision must be achieved in order to effectively prevent and correct unhealthy tendencies. It is necessary to establish a multi-level and all-round supervision mechanism, including supervision of internal personnel, supervision of external personnel, and supervision of work procedures and results, so as to form a pattern of comprehensive supervision. Finally, administrative organs should strengthen the punishment of violations of discipline and law, and form a strict accountability system. Any violation of discipline and law must be resolutely investigated and punished to alert and deter. At the same time, it is necessary to intensify the investigation and handling of misconduct, and pursue criminal responsibility for serious violations involving corruption, abuse of power, and other serious violations of the law, and never tolerate or accommodate them.

[Be vigilant against fireworks injuries and ensure public safety]

In short, the regulation and management of administrative organs is an important guarantee for maintaining social order and fairness and justice. Only by strengthening the establishment and improvement of the accountability system can we effectively prevent and correct misconduct, ensure that administrative organs can better perform their duties and contribute to the development and progress of society. So, as a member of society, how can we participate in it and promote the regulation and management of administrative organs? What are your views on the establishment of an accountability system for the executive branch? Please leave a message to share your views. High-rise building fires, the chimney effect aggravates the spread of the fire, bringing great difficulties to rescue. So, what are the causes of fires in high-rise buildings? In the event of a fire, how do we respond? Let's take a look at this fire safety guide. There are many common causes of high-rise building fires. For example, electrical equipment failure, short circuit caused by fire; Smoking inadvertently ignites substances; Improper use of open flames leads to uncontrolled fires; Excessive accumulation of kitchen fumes causes fires and so on. These reasons are fire hazards that cannot be ignored in our daily lives and require us to be vigilant at all times. Once a fire breaks out in a high-rise building, what should we do?

[Be vigilant against fireworks injuries and ensure public safety]

First of all, it is necessary to remain calm and quickly evacuate outside the building. When encountering thick smoke, you should walk against the wall in a low posture and try to avoid inhaling toxic smoke. Secondly, it is necessary to call the fire alarm phone in time to call the police and notify the relevant departments for rescue. At the same time, it is necessary to follow the signs of the fire fighting facilities in the building, escape in an orderly manner, and do not panic and push. Finally, never take the elevator, as the elevator is likely to fail in a fire, and the smoke inside the elevator is more dangerous. Fire safety is everyone's responsibility, we must always pay attention to fire prevention knowledge and improve self-protection awareness. In addition to the usual attention and prevention, reasonable use of electrical appliances, pay attention to fire safety, keep fire fighting facilities intact, and regularly participate in fire drills are all things we should do. Only when everyone actively participates in fire prevention and control can we effectively protect the safety of life and property. Finally, we have a question for you, what experiences or stories related to fire prevention have you encountered in your daily life? Please leave a message to share with us, let us learn and progress together!

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