
The troops guarding the tombs of the thirteen tombs explore: the recruits are scared white when they encounter embroidered shoes at night

author:Hainan Xiaojia

Since ancient times, the Imperial Tomb Underground Palace has been the preferred target in the eyes of tomb thieves. The Thirteen Tombs at the foot of Yanshan Mountain in Changping, Beijing, are the tombs with the most buried emperors in the world. In order to better protect this cultural heritage, officers and men of our armed police stationed in the Ming Tombs in the 80s of last century to take on the task of guarding the royal tombs. For thirty years, under the veil of hazy and mysterious, they have faithfully fulfilled the mission of "tomb keepers". The author recently came to the station of the 7th Squadron of the Eighth Detachment of the Beijing Armed Police Corps to record the hardships behind this mysterious mausoleum guarding unit.

  Endure hardships

  30 years like a day deep in the mountains to guard the mausoleum

  There are too many legends about the ancient emperor's guarding troops, the most legendary of which is the Dalgunt (meaning "one on a sacred mission", descended from some of Genghis Khan's heroes). According to historical records, since the death of Genghis Khan in 1227, the Dalguns have never abandoned their duty to guard the tomb.

  There is also a special group of "tomb keepers" in the Ming Tombs, they wear uniforms and carry weapons, and every tourist is stationed in the depths of the mountains and forests at night, wandering in Changling and Dingling, silently guarding the safety of the Ming Royal Mausoleum. They are the officers and men of the armed police who have been stationed in the Ming Tombs since the early 80s of the last century.

The troops guarding the tombs of the thirteen tombs explore: the recruits are scared white when they encounter embroidered shoes at night

  A few days ago, the author visited the site of the 7th Squadron of the Eighth Detachment of the Beijing Armed Police Corps of the 13th Tombs. Next to a hillside in the scenic area, there is a very inconspicuous small courtyard of bungalows, and after the gray iron gate slowly opens, you will be greeted by a not spacious aisle, barely able to pass a truck, the rows of bungalows on both sides are a little crowded, and at the end of the passage is a flagpole, everything here looks like a remote mountain elementary school campus.

  It is understood that the houses here have a history of more than 50 years, and they are basically left by the task force when the Ming Tombs were excavated. There is a monitoring room in the courtyard, and the armed police on duty stand straight and stare intently at the images on the screen, these cameras can help the armed police to grasp the dynamics of the key areas of the Ming Tombs Scenic Area in the first time to respond to emergencies and emergencies.

  Like those barracks, this unit has a long history. Dai Yinxiang, commander of the 7th Squadron of the 8th Detachment of the 1st Division of the Beijing Armed Police Corps, said: "Our unit has a glorious tradition and was formerly the 7th Company of the Grand Duke of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. According to rough statistics, since 1983, when he was stationed in the Ming Tombs to serve as a guardian, he has made many meritorious contributions, handled 76 dangerous situations, and cracked down on and arrested 93 criminal suspects who stole and destroyed cultural relics. ”

He told the author that on weekdays, Changling receives many tourists, and during the day, the armed police, together with security guards and public security police, take on the task of guarding. At night, they mainly rely on armed police patrols to protect the safety of the mausoleum. The main task of the armed police at night is to avoid fires and prevent people from stealing mausoleum cultural relics. Since the stationing of the Armed Police Force, it has dealt with many dangerous situations and recovered immeasurable losses for the country.

  Dai Yinxiang's overall introduction seems to be an understatement, but behind this is a bunch of armed police officers and soldiers written with youth and sweat, and the hardships behind them are difficult for outsiders to know. Going to Beijing to become an armed police officer is the dream of many new soldiers, and after layers of screening, the dream of wearing olive green has finally come true. What they didn't expect was that at the end of the recruit training, they were assigned to the depths of the mountain, guarding the two mausoleums every day. Captain Dai Yinxiang said that the Seventh Squadron focuses on guarding the Dingling and Changling Tombs in the Ming Tombs, both of which have valuable cultural relics collections. "The whole squadron adds up to less than 100 people, the manpower is limited, the scenic area is too large, and the soldiers work very shift." One soldier said, "On duty at the gate of the unit in the city, there is at least one guard post to shelter from the wind and rain and drink hot water, but we can't do it here." ”

  Deng Fei, the squad leader, said that it takes two hours for us to be on duty each time, but it takes three or four hours to prepare before and after, and it is good to say in summer, in winter, the temperature can reach -20 °C, not to mention how uncomfortable it is, the wind blows on the face is really like a scraper, the whole body is frozen through, back to the dormitory for half a day can not be warm, how can you sleep immediately! After years of duty, many soldiers have scarred their ears from frostbite, and most of the soldiers have suffered from chronic diseases such as arthritis and lumbar disc herniation when they are discharged.


  Embroidered shoes in the middle of the night The recruit was almost paralyzed

  If the material conditions of being in the mountains can be overcome, then the mysterious and strange legends about the thirteen tombs are not a psychological barrier that can be easily broken through for warriors.

  The Thirteen Tombs during the day are majestic and spectacular, full of tourists, and a lively scene. As night falls, it's a different story, and if you're not in it, it's hard to appreciate the weirdness and horror, and for the recruits of the Seventh Squadron, it's just like a haunted house. "When I first came here, I heard some ghost stories, although I knew that those feudal superstitious things could not be believed, but at night I went up the mountain to the Lin'an Hall, the miserable white light shone, I was particularly panicked, and when I went to the post, I still felt longing, and when I thought of those martyred concubines and messy things in the underground palace, I muttered in my heart, it was strange if I was not afraid!" A soldier from his hometown of Jilin recalled the "terrifying" experience of his first outpost.

The troops guarding the tombs of the thirteen tombs explore: the recruits are scared white when they encounter embroidered shoes at night

  The most widely circulated "ghost story" in the seventh squadron is about a pair of mysterious embroidered shoes of the palace maid, it is rumored that late one night, when a timid recruit was on duty, he suddenly found that there was an extra pair of embroidered shoes on the square of the main hall, and at first thought it was an illusion, and then he quickly rubbed his eyes, but still saw a pair of embroidered shoes, which scared him enough, and his face was white at that time. If it weren't for the veterans, he would even have collapsed on the ground. The results of the later investigation were ironic: it turned out that the recruits were not mistaken, there was indeed a pair of embroidered shoes strangely appeared, but it was not worn by the martyred concubine who crawled out of the underground palace, but an actor who played a palace maid for tourists to take a photo in the scenic area carelessly and unintentionally dropped it when leaving work. Unexpectedly, these shoes frightened the recruits at night.

  When talking about the particularity of this post, Dai Yinxiang said: "The main duty area of our small detachment is the Dingling Tomb, which is a real mausoleum, and there are also some stories that have been circulated. Some of the special images described will be affected by anyone to some extent. Most of the new soldiers are eighteen or nineteen years old, and they will inevitably be afraid when they come to carry out their on-the-job tasks. At midnight, two people patrolled outside the empty hall, and they would have some psychological stress of panic. ”

  In order to help recruits break through psychological fear, the squadron focused on ideological education during recruit training to help them establish scientific understanding. A psychological catharsis room has also been set up in the camp to allow those fighters who "can't think about it" to go in and punch to vent. In addition, the 7th Squadron specially arranged to adopt a combination of one old belt and one new when performing patrol tasks, so that recruits can grow through veteran mentoring. "Aren't your recruits afraid, my veteran takes you, makes a joke to ease the tension, the effect is very good, no one is afraid for a week, after all, those are legends!" Veteran Zhang Yanqing said.

  Over time, the recruits gradually adapted to the environment and overcame psychological barriers, and those legends became jokes that everyone joked about each other.

  guard against theft

  In addition to infrared, civil air defense is also needed

  If the stationing of armed police forces is enough to deter ordinary criminals, it is not enough for those grave robbers who are bold and greedy, it only increases the difficulty of committing crimes. Many thieves came to step on the Ming Mausoleum, seeing that the armed police were tightly protected and had nowhere to start, and gave up, of course, there were also a few who dared to commit crimes. It can be said that the thirty years that the armed police force has been stationed in the Ming Tombs has also been a process of fighting wits and courage with various tomb thieves.

  The most noteworthy thing to recall during this period is the capture of the Dingling thief by officers and soldiers of the armed police in 1996. Dai Yinxiang recalled: "During my nearly ten years of service in the Ming Mausoleum, grave robbers rarely committed crimes under the nose of the armed police force. The only time happened in 1996. One night, Deputy Squadron Leader Zhu Chao was patrolling Dingling as usual, paying close attention to the surrounding situation. At this time, three dark shadows said a few words near the back door of the museum, and then squatted behind a large tree. A few minutes later, two people came over and looked around, looking very suspicious. While sending a signal to the sentries, Zhu Chao hurried towards them. During the examination of the two men, some tools such as knives, ropes and other tools were found from their waist. After investigation, these people were habitual criminals who specialized in stealing cultural relics from Dingling. ”

  "Every artifact is priceless, and we dare not slacken in the slightest. On several occasions, it was our soldiers who quickly pulled the alarm when they found suspicious people, and the entire army went out to search but saw no trace of the other party, and eighty percent of the other side came to step on the point. Deng Fei, the squad leader, said: "Our most important working hours are from 6 pm to 8 am, especially from 0 pm to 4 pm, which is when grave robbers are most likely to appear." Guards in groups of two patrol non-stop at night, and in order to prevent anyone from grasping the patrol pattern, each stop is not allowed to stay for more than 1 minute. Squad leader Guo Lin said: "We have some patrol skills, such as the corner soldiers who can't see will shake flashlights and shout some words, such as 'who' and so on." ”

  With the improvement of the level of science and technology in recent years, the methods of crime and the ability of tomb robbers to use scientific and technological equipment are also improving, so the 7th Squadron has also specially introduced high-tech security equipment, striving to achieve "one foot high and one foot high". For example, the on-duty soldier post is equipped with an advanced multi-functional communication alarm integrated box, once a situation occurs, the relevant units can be contacted at the first time, and the on-site picture can be transmitted to the command center through the camera.

 In addition, at present, the Ming Tombs have adopted infrared 24-hour monitoring, and if it is not a holiday, it is rare to see armed police soldiers in the scenic area during the day. Through the monitoring network, the cultural relics warehouse, exhibition hall and other key parts in the scenic area are under the noses of the soldiers.

  There are 24-hour monitoring equipment in the exhibition hall, but this does not make the fighters let their guard down. "Infrared monitoring is indeed high-tech, but we can't all believe that the job we have to do is to add another line of defense to infrared, unbreakable civil air defense." Dai Yinxiang said proudly.


  The fireproof forest army is most afraid of Kong Ming lanterns

  The seventh squadron must not only guard against tomb robbers, but also eliminate the threat of fire to the Ming Tombs. The vegetation coverage of the Ming Tombs Scenic Area is extremely high, and the trees are mostly pines and cypresses that are very easy to cause fires. Therefore, fire prevention has naturally become a major task for the officers and men of the Seventh Squadron. "We are a group of out-and-out Imperial Forest Army." Dai Yinxiang said.

  Most of the valuable cultural relics unearthed in the underground palace of Dingling are collected in the Ming Tombs Museum, and it is particularly important to protect the safety of the Ming Tombs Museum. In the early years, there were no professional firefighters in the Ming Tombs Museum at that time, and the scenic area management office equipped the squadron with a fire truck and a large number of special firefighting materials. In May 2005, when Shen Chenfeng, a night sentry in charge of the defense area of the Ming Tombs Museum, patrolled to the central area of the museum, he suddenly smelled a smoky smell in the air, he immediately became alert, led other sentries to search the museum, after more than 10 minutes of searching, found that there was an internal wire in the museum on fire, igniting the ceiling, he immediately reported the situation to the squadron duty room and the museum security department, the squadron fire detachment arrived in time to deal with the fire, avoiding a major fire accident. Incalculable losses were recovered for the country.

  In the past few years, once there is a hidden danger of fire in the mausoleum area, the officers and men of the 7th Squadron will always arrive as soon as possible, and the name of the "Royal Forest Army" of the 13th Tomb is well deserved.

  But what the Yulin Army is most afraid of is not cigarette butts, but Kong Ming lanterns. Li Yeliang, the head of the class, said that there are always tourists around the scenic area who put Kong Ming lanterns privately, and everyone knows that the Kong Ming lantern carries burning candles, which is very easy to be blown by the wind to the trees in the mountains, and the result can be imagined. The officers and men of the Seventh Squadron repeatedly stopped tourists from putting Kong Ming lanterns indiscriminately, but many citizens and tourists did not understand very much, and even said, "You are not a fire station, can you manage it?" I'm willing to let it go!" In this regard, the officers and men of the Seventh Squadron could only patiently continue to persuade, reason with each other, and tell them the importance of guarding the Ming Tombs and the sacredness of the task of guarding.

"Our soldiers regard the Tombs as more important than their ancestral tombs, because it is the cultural heritage of all China and the world, and our mission is arduous but glorious!" Dai Yinxiang said so.

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