
Learn History with Me Lecture 029: Extracurricular Reading: Social Changes in the Warring States Period



Learn History with Me Lecture 029: Extracurricular Reading: Social Changes in the Warring States Period

Hit it all

During the Warring States period, there was a shrewd man in the State of Chu called Yang Youji. Yoyoki was proficient in archery, and could hit willow leaves that were only three or four centimeters wide at a distance of a hundred paces, and at the same time, as long as others indicated which willow leaf he wanted to shoot, he could shoot the arrow quickly, and there was no miss. Therefore, everyone praised his archery skills, some people said "100 steps through Yang", and some people said "100 shots", all used to describe his archery skills. It means praising others for having absolute certainty in what they do, sometimes analyzing things as expected in the future.

Learn History with Me Lecture 029: Extracurricular Reading: Social Changes in the Warring States Period

Chao Qin Twilight

Learn History with Me Lecture 029: Extracurricular Reading: Social Changes in the Warring States Period

In 312 BC, the famous "Battle of Danyang" broke out between the Qin and Chu states, and the roaring Danjiang River and the narrow ancient road jointly built a pass of "one husband is the pass, and ten thousand people are not open". This pass is the "pass" of Jing Zi Pass! In this battle, the Qin army defeated the powerful army of the Chu State in one fell swoop by occupying the dangerous terrain of Jingzi Pass, and after the victory of the State of Qin, all the Jingzi Pass area was included in the territory of the State of Qin. However, soon after, the Qin and Chu states were rebuilt, so the Qin state assigned the Jingziguan region to the Chu state. The Bauhinia Pass, which was just still the State of Qin, was returned to the State of Chu in a blink of an eye, so the idiom "Dynasty Qin Twilight Chu" appeared.

Returned to Zhao

Learn History with Me Lecture 029: Extracurricular Reading: Social Changes in the Warring States Period

The state of Zhao had a piece of "Heshi Bi", and the king of Qin wanted it very much, saying that he was willing to exchange fifteen cities. Zhao Guo felt very embarrassed, because the State of Qin has always been untrustworthy, and Zhao Guo was afraid that he would be laughed at if he was deceived, which would damage the image of Zhao Guo. If you don't give Qin Guo this piece of jade, and I am afraid that Qin Guo will grab the handle and send troops to attack, it is really a dilemma. At this moment, the head of the eunuch, Miao Xian, recommended: "There is a doorman in my family named Zhi Xiang, who is wise and brave, and can let him think of a way." King Zhao was helpless, so he had to ask him to try it. King Zhao asked, "King Qin said to exchange fifteen cities for the Heshi Bi of the Zhao Kingdom, give or not?" As he said, "Qin Qiang and Zhao Weak, we can't refuse." King Zhao asked again, "What if Qin receives Heshi Bi and does not give us the city?" Lin Xiangru said: "If the State of Qin makes this request, if it does not agree, it is the State of Zhao who loses money, and if the State of Qin receives the jade of the State of Zhao and does not give it to the city, then the State of Qin is at a loss." In comparison, I think the latter method is better. If the Great King really has no one to send, I can barely make up the numbers. If the King of Qin gives us the city, I will leave Bi in the Qin Kingdom, if they are not willing to hand over the city. I'll be done with Zhao. King Zhao felt that Lin Xiang was eloquent and thoughtful, so he sent him to take Bi to the Qin Kingdom.

King Qin received Lin Xiangru in the palace. He sat in the hall looking casual and proud, and Lin Xiangru had to hold Bi with both hands. King Qin looked at it and liked it, and then passed it to the palace maids and concubines to watch, and everyone was full of praise. Loudly cheered to King Qin. Lin Xiangru stood under the hall, but no one paid attention for a long time, and the King of Qin did not submit the matter of cutting fifteen cities.

Lin Xiangru knew that King Qin was deliberately deceiving him, and thought for a while and said: "There is a little problem on Bi, it is difficult to see it without instructions, please let me point it out to everyone." King Qin didn't think much about it, so he handed Bi to Lin Xiangru. Lin Xiangru took the jade bi, immediately ran to the pillar in the hall, and said to the king of Qin angrily: "The king wants to get this piece of jade bi and sent people to ask the king of Zhao, and the ministers of the Zhao state all think that the state of Qin is insatiable and does not talk about faith, but just relies on itself to be a big country, and makes up a few empty words to deceive the jade bi of the Zhao state, so everyone is against sending He's bi." But I think that ordinary people still pay attention to faith, not to mention that the king is the king of a country? And it is only a piece of jade that is of little use, and it is very irrational to hurt the harmony between Qin and Zhao. King Zhao listened to my words, only then bathed and fasted for five days, and personally handed over the national letter and jade bi to me in the court hall, so that I could send them to the Qin Kingdom, what a respectful etiquette! But I came to the Qin Kingdom and offered the jade to the great king. The great king had a casual attitude, arrogance and rudeness, and also handed Meiyu to the palace maid to see, which was an insult to the Zhao Kingdom; If you do not submit a word about the cutting of the city, you have no intention of repaying the city. So, I asked Yubi back. Now, the jade bi is in my hands, if you must force me, then I will let my head and the jade bi smash on this pillar together. After speaking, he held up the jade bi angrily, his eyes slanting at the pillar, ready to smash it at any time.

The king of Qin, fearing that he would smash the jade, quickly apologized to him, and asked people to bring maps and point out that fifteen cities from such and such a place to such and such a place returned to the state of Zhao. Lin Xiangru knew that King Qin was not serious, so he came to delay the army. He said to the King of Qin: "Since the King of Qin loves Heshibi, Zhao Guo does not dare not dedicate. It was only that King Zhao had bathed and fasted for five days before sending Bi to show respect, and the king should also bathe and fast for five days before accepting Heshibi. King Qin was said to have no choice, so he had to agree. Lin Xiangru returned to the pavilion, quickly and carefully arranged, let people wear linen cloth and cloth, dressed up as ordinary people, and secretly fled back to Zhao Kingdom from the trail with He Shibi.

Five days later, the King of Qin held a grand ceremony at the imperial court to prepare for receiving Heshibi. Lin Xiangru calmly stepped forward and said to the King of Qin: "Since the Duke of Qin Mu, there have been more than twenty monarchs in the Qin Kingdom, and I have never heard of any monarch who has ever spoken about faith. I am worried that I have been deceived by you, and I have sent someone to send Baoyu back to Zhao Kingdom. Zhao is a weak country, Qin is a strong country, if the king of Qin sincerely uses fifteen cities to exchange Zhao for Heshibi, Zhao Guo has no reason not to agree, as long as he sends an envoy, Zhao Guo will immediately send Heshibi. In the past, Meng Mingzhi deceived the State of Jin, Shang Martin deceived the State of Wei, and Zhang Yi deceived the State of Chu, and now, I don't want to see the king carry the bad reputation of deceiving the State of Zhao again, so I sent Yubi back to the State of Zhao first. Even if I deceive the great king, ask the great king to cure me. King Qin and the ministers were very angry, but they were irrefutable. Lin Xiangru is not afraid of death, and it is useless to kill him, but he has a bad name. It is better to let Lin Xiangru go, and it seems that Qin Guo is magnanimous and generous, and it is not to defraud Zhao Guo's jade.

Lin Xiang, like "returning to Zhao after the end", not only preserved the jade of the Zhao State, but also did not leave the handle for the Qin State, and also won a good reputation for the Zhao State. Lin Xiangru also gained a reputation because of it.


Learn History with Me Lecture 029: Extracurricular Reading: Social Changes in the Warring States Period

The State of Qin attacked the State of Zhao, and King Zhao sent Lian Po to lead troops against it. The Qin army defeated the Zhao army several times, and the Zhao army held the stronghold and did not fight. Qin Jun repeatedly challenged, but Lian ignored it. Therefore, the Qin army sent spies to Handan to spread rumors: "The only thing that the Qin army is afraid of is Zhao Kuo, the son of the horse service jun Zhao Fu. At this time, King Zhao was also anxious to succeed, so he ignored Lin Xiangru's dissuasion and replaced Lian Po with Zhao Kuo as the main general. Zhao Kuo, the son of the famous general Zhao Fu, has studied the art of war since he was a child, and talks endlessly about military affairs, thinking that no one in the world can beat him. He had talked to Zhao Fu about the use of troops, and even Zhao Fu could not defeat him. But Zhao Yu didn't say he was good. Zhao Kuo's mother asked Zhao Fu what was the reason for this, and Zhao Fu said: "Using soldiers to fight a war is a matter of life and death, but he said it so lightly." If Zhao Guo didn't use Zhao Guo as a general, if it was time to make him a general, it would be him who caused Zhao Jun's defeat. Now, before Zhao Kuo set off as the main general, his mother wrote to King Zhao, saying, "Zhao Kuo is not enough to be a general. King Zhao asked, "Why?" Zhao's mother replied: "When I first saw his father, when he was a general, he did not put up shelves and treated people kindly; The great kings and royal families gave him all the things they rewarded to the military officials and their subordinates; From the day he accepted the order, he stopped talking about family affairs. Now that Zhao Kuo became a general at once, he accepted the courtesy of others, and none of his military officials dared to look up at him; He took home and hid all the gold that the king rewarded, and visited cheap and suitable fields and properties every day, and bought whatever he could. Where does the king think he is like his father? The father and son had different hearts and hoped that the king would not send him to lead the army. King Zhao listened, thought about it, and still said, "You just leave this matter alone, I have already decided." Zhao Kuo's mother continued: "You must send him to lead the troops, if he is incompetent, can I not be linked?" King Zhao agreed. After Zhao Kuo replaced Lianpo, he was defeated by Bai Qi's surprise scheme, Zhao Kuo died in battle, Zhao army was defeated, and hundreds of thousands of troops were all buried alive. The following year, the Qin army surrounded Handan, and the state of Zhao was in danger, but thanks to the troops sent by the state of Chu and Wei to come to the rescue, it was able to turn the crisis into safety. And Zhao Kuo's mother had words first, so she was not affected

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