
Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

author:It's windy tonight

The Xin Ugly Year is a special year in Chinese history, appearing only once every sixty years. In the past 2280 years, there have been a total of 38 ugly years, each with its own unique story. From the division of the Zhou Dynasty to the unification of the Six Kingdoms by the Qin State, to the rise of the Han Dynasty and the turmoil of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, these Xin Ugly Years witnessed important events and turning points in Chinese history. During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, China was in an era of bad manners and active thinking. Countries are engaged in fierce competition for hegemony. In the end, the state of Qin rose and unified the six kingdoms, and the Xin ugly year gave birth to the reign of Qin Shi Huang, who would unify the six kingdoms. The unification of the Qin Dynasty was only an important milestone in Chinese history.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

After the Qin Dynasty, the establishment of the Han Dynasty brought China into a period of prosperity and strength. The Han Dynasty was divided into two phases, the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty, which lasted 407 years. The Han Dynasty was a dynasty that respected Confucianism and upheld the law, obeyed the four Yi, and was open, which had a profound impact on Chinese history. The prosperity and strength of the Han Dynasty benefited from a series of reforms and policies. Emperor Wudi of Han was one of the most influential emperors of the Han Dynasty, and he introduced a series of new policies that ushered in the golden age of the Han Dynasty. However, due to the distribution of power between the DPRK and China, these reforms have not had the desired effect. In the later period of the Han Dynasty, due to the influence of internal and external factors, the Han Dynasty gradually declined.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

In 220 AD, the Han Dynasty officially collapsed, entering a period of turmoil in the Wei and Jin dynasties. This period, the most frequent period of regime change in Chinese history, was full of war and turmoil. However, during these turbulent years, many heroes and talents also emerged. Liu Bei was one of them, and he counterattacked in adversity and established the Shu Han regime. Liu Bei's success was not only a counterattack against himself, but also a continuation of the Han Empire. With the collapse of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, China entered a period of division and chaos. Murong Hao of Xianbei established the Former Yan regime, forming a rivalry with Former Qin and Eastern Jin. However, the situation did not last long, and new turmoil and war followed.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

In the story of Xin Ugly Year, we see the rise and fall, glory and turmoil in Chinese history. These stories tell us that history is not only a series of records, but also a series of experiences and lessons. We should draw lessons from history and continue to make progress and development. Looking back at these stories of the ugly year, we can't help but think about the question: what challenges and opportunities will we face in the long river of Chinese history? How should we deal with it? This is a question that we need to think about and explore together. Overall, Xin Ugly witnessed important events and turning points in Chinese history.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

Each ugly year has its own unique stories that provide us with valuable historical lessons and lessons. Through reviewing and thinking about history, we can better understand and grasp the present, and provide reference and reference for future development. Let's work together to create our own story! Liu Yu: The "gravedigger" of Eastern Jin Dynasty politics Founded Liu Song and opened the history of the Northern and Southern Dynasties Liu Yu was an important figure in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and his appearance had a huge impact on Eastern Jin Dynasty politics. He came from a gatekeeper family, but he chose to go against the political system of the time and became the "gravedigger" of Eastern Jin politics.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

Liu Yu was dissatisfied with the rule of the Gate Valve family, and he realized that this rule could no longer be maintained, so he chose to find a different way, overthrowing the Eastern Jin Dynasty by military means, and establishing the Liu Song Dynasty, which opened the history of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. In 521, Zu Chongzhi: Calculating Pi to the seventh decimal place The length of the regression year is close to that of the modern era After the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Zu Chongzhi became a mathematician and astronomer who attracted much attention. He claims to have focused on mathematics and calendars since he was a child, and in troubled times, few people are aware of the implications of these studies for the future.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

Through his own efforts, Zu Chongzhi calculated pi to the seventh decimal place, and in the "Great Ming Calendar" compiled by him, the length of the return year he calculated was only more than 50 seconds different from the modern measured length of the return year. This demonstrated his outstanding ability in scientific research and also laid the foundation for later generations of mathematical and astronomical research. In 521, Anapi: Rouran Khan defected to Northern Wei The dispute between Northern Wei and the Rouran Khanate occurred in Northern Wei, and an important event occurred when Anapi, the nineteenth Khan of Rouran, defected to Northern Wei. The Rouran Khanate was a fierce rival of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and their nomadic range included the entire territory of present-day Mongolia and the Baikal region of Russia.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

Anapi's defection to Northern Wei caused a sensation, and he returned home with his army, which was briefly revived but soon destroyed by the Turks. Northern Wei also split into Eastern Wei and Western Wei during this period, eventually evolving into Northern Qi and Northern Zhou. The Sui and Tang Empires: The Prosperous Age of World Unification Openness, Inclusiveness, Prosperity and Development The Sui and Tang Dynasties were a unique era in Chinese history, known as the Second Chinese Empire. Emperor Yang Jian of Sui reunified China and founded the Sui and Tang Empires. This empire faced the world with an open and inclusive attitude, established the North-South Grand Canal, built the international trade center Chang'an, and passed down many excellent cultural achievements, such as Tang poetry.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

At the same time, the Sui and Tang Empires also invented the imperial examination system, which provided the basis for the selection of officials in later China. The prosperity of the Sui and Tang Empires had a profound impact on China and the world. In 581, the Tang Dynasty was established From Yang Jian to Emperor Wen of Sui in 581, Emperor Jing of Northern Zhou ceded to Yang Jian, and Yang Jian ascended the throne as Emperor Wen of Sui. After Yang Jian came to the throne, he abolished the harsh punishment law and adopted a series of reform measures to avoid repeating the mistakes of Qi and Zhou. Under Emperor Wen of Sui, Liu Xingben's performance showed his wisdom and courage. When a Lang official committed a slight transgression and should have been flogged, Liu Xingben asked for his pardon. Emperor Wen of Sui ignored his request, and Liu Xingben stood up and asked again, even resigning in protest.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

In the end, Emperor Wen of Sui apologized to Liu Xingben and pardoned the Lang official. This incident demonstrated Liu Xingben's ingenuity and pursuit of justice. In 641, the life of Tang Bo and Princess Wencheng During the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, Tubo was a powerful state, and its ruler, Songtsam Gampo, admired the Tang Dynasty so much that he asked for peace with the Tang Dynasty. Emperor Taizong of Tang, Li Shimin, sent Princess Wencheng to marry Tubo and made an important contribution to the friendly relations between the two countries. Princess Wencheng has lived in Tubo for nearly forty years, and she brought the advanced culture of the Tang Dynasty to Tubo and was deeply loved by the local people. To this day, Tibetans still regard Princess Wencheng as a god and Buddha and enshrine her in the monastery.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

In 701, Li Bai, the poet immortal of life: Life's joy, anger, thoughts, and worries The poet Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty became a favorite figure in later generations with his poetic talent. His poetry is full of wild and heroic atmosphere, expressing his love and pursuit of life. His poems are filled with emotions such as joy, anger, longing, and sadness. Li Bai's poetry resonated with people, and his famous phrases are still widely recited today. In 761, the Anshi Rebellion The Anshi Rebellion ended Wang Wei and Shi Siming The Anshi Rebellion was a major rebellion in Chinese history, and Shi Siming was one of the main culprits of the rebellion. In the seventh year of the rebellion, Shi Siming was hanged by his son's generals, repeating the end of An Lushan.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

At the same time, the well-known poet Wang Wei died in this year, and his poetry has survived to this day and has become an important part of Chinese culture. Wang Wei's death marked the end of the High Tang Dynasty. In 821, the division of the domain and the retreat of Liu Zong The rise of the domain and the crisis of great unification In the middle and late Tang Dynasty, the power of the domain and town became increasingly powerful, and they supported troops in various places and respected themselves, independent of centralized power. In 821, Youzhou Jiedu made Liu Zong request that he donate his land to the imperial court and cut his hair to become a monk, thus choosing to retire. Liu's retirement reflected the current situation of the division of the clan and the town, which posed a great challenge to the stability and unity of the Tang Empire.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

In 881, the Tang Emperor's Flight The Huangchao Uprising and the Tragedy of Chang'an In 881, Emperor Yuzong of Tang fled to Chengdu, and the Tang army and the rebel army fought fiercely in and around the capital. The rebel army plundered the capital, bringing great suffering to Chang'an City. During this turbulent period, the poet Wei Zhuang witnessed the disaster of Chang'an City, and he wrote "Qin Nu Yin" to express his pain and helplessness over the war. The Tang Dynasty, as a world empire, was about to fall. Thinkers and Conquerors: The Rise of the Song Dynasty and the Struggle for Hegemony The rise of the Song Dynasty marked a new chapter in Chinese history, and they achieved great political and cultural achievements.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

In the face of external forces, the Song Dynasty adopted a strategy of emphasizing culture and suppressing force and strengthening centralized power, but this also laid the groundwork for the "three redundancy" crisis. The Song Dynasty maintained a long rivalry with foreign dynasties such as Liao, Western Xia, and Jin, bringing Chinese history into the second "Three Kingdoms Era". During this period, the Song Dynasty was inferior to the Han and Tang dynasties in terms of territory, but their cultural influence extended beyond the realm of domination, and the socio-economic, moral ethics, and elegance of the Song people still affect people's lives to this day. In 941, Su Shi's official career From Fengxiang Mansion to Idle Living with Lake, Su Shi was an outstanding figure in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and his life experienced many twists and turns.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

In 941, he received his first official position and became a signed judge of Fengxiang Mansion. During his tenure in Fengxiang Mansion, Su Shi showed his talent and ability and achieved outstanding political achievements. However, his political career did not go well, and he was later demoted to Huangzhou, Huizhou, and Danzhou. In the end, he chose seclusion and lived a leisurely life. During his seclusion, Su Shi wrote many popular poems, and his poems are still widely recited today. In 1121, the Fang La Uprising failed The Fang La Uprising, a war between the Song Dynasty and Mengyuan, was a major event during the Song Dynasty, in which the rebel leader Fang La was captured and killed. The uprising was sparked by the Song Dynasty's plundering of the Jiangnan region, which made the people very angry.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

The rebel army was powerful, but they did not have the experience of victory and were eventually defeated by the army of the Song Dynasty. Han Shizhong, a young general in the war, made great achievements and captured Fang La alive. This war showed the military strength of the Song Dynasty and its ability to fight foreign enemies. In 1181, Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan at the White Deer Cave Academy The rise of Min Studies During the Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi became an important thinker and cultural figure. He met Lu Jiuyuan at the Goose Lake Conference and gave a lecture at the White Deer Cave Academy. Zhu Xi founded Min Studies in Fujian and compiled the Notes on the Four Books, becoming a representative figure of the science of science. Min studies had a profound impact on later generations, spreading to Korea, Japan and other countries.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

At the same time, Xin began his life of seclusion in this year. He returned to the lake after being impeached and dismissed, and lived a life of seclusion. During this time, he composed many excellent poems expressing his quest for freedom and ideals. In 1241, the Mongol conquest was forced to stop The resistance of the Southern Song Dynasty and the tenacious Mongols began their conquest across Eurasia in the early 13th century, and they made plans to continue their expansion. However , in 1241 , the Mongol commander , Wokotai Khan , died violently after drinking , halting the Mongol conquest plans. The Mongol army had already reached the vicinity of Vienna, believing that the southern Song Dynasty was too weak to fight a war.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

However, the Southern Song military and people resisted for nearly half a century, far more tenacious than their Western opponents. In 1301, Jiang Jie died In 1301, one of the four great masters of the late Song Dynasty, the famous musician Jiang Jie died. He was later known as one of the Four Great Masters of the late Song Dynasty, and his works were full of musical talent and unique style. Jiang Jie composed many excellent musical works during his lifetime, and his talents and achievements have had a profound impact on Chinese music history. From Liu Yu's political reform in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, to the rise and struggle for hegemony of the Song Dynasty, to Zhu Xi's Min Studies, Chinese history is full of various stories and characters. These stories and characters illustrate the complexity and diversity of ancient Chinese society.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

Their emergence and activities have had a profound impact on Chinese history. Through the knowledge and study of these stories, we can better understand Chinese history and culture. In the current context, how do we view these historical stories and characters? I believe that history is a valuable asset that helps us better understand ourselves and the world. By studying history, we can learn from it and provide inspiration and guidance for our future development. At the same time, we should also maintain a prudent and objective view of history, continuously expand the scope of knowledge, and avoid one-sided understanding and prejudice. Finally, I would like to ask the question, what is your opinion on these historical stories and characters?

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

What do they say about our society today? Please leave your comments to share your thoughts with us. Ming and Qing dynasties: The ups and downs of the Chinese dynasty, each dynasty had its own rise and fall, and the Ming and Qing dynasties were two influential dynasties in Chinese history. The Ming Dynasty was the last dynasty established by Han rulers, while the Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history. The rise and fall of the two dynasties shows the richness and unpredictability of Chinese history. In 1361, Zhu Yuanzhang, who came from a poor family, finally succeeded in his career, established a base centered on Yingtian, and launched a western expedition against Chen Youcheng.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang was only one of the many separatist forces in the south, but a few years later, he expelled Hu Yu and established the Daming Dynasty. The Northern Expedition of the Ming Dynasty overthrew the brutal Mongol rulers; Seven voyages to the West, the largest maritime expedition before the Great Geographical Discovery; Yangming Heart Learning, Knowledge and Action Unity; The three great thinkers of the late Ming Dynasty broke through the potential of the thousand-year autocracy; Ming literature and art flourished unprecedentedly and showed a trend of popularization, and three of the four masterpieces were written in the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty had the rule of Renxuan, the rule of Hongzhi Zhongxing, and the change of civil engineering and the neglect of government by Wanli. Ming monarchs, wise ministers, famous generals, masters and faint kings, traitors, eunuchs, and party disputes jointly created this powerful and absurd Daming Dynasty.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

In 1421, Ming Chengzu moved the capital to Beijing. In this year, envoys from various countries gathered in Beijing and saw the newly built palace, later the Forbidden City. However, the newly completed Forbidden City was destroyed in a fire and was not rebuilt until 20 years later. At the same time, Zheng He also made his sixth voyage to the West in this year, demonstrating the maritime strength of the Ming Dynasty. The prosperity and splendor of the Ming Dynasty did not mean that there were no internal and external troubles. After Zhu Jianshen became Emperor Ming Xianzong, he became more and more obsessed with the affairs of the immortal Buddha, and many priests and monks were promoted because of his favor. The Jiajing Emperor Zhu Houxi exclusively practiced Taoism and abused the palace maids for a long time, causing everyone in the palace to endanger themselves. There were even palace maids who assassinated him while he was asleep, nearly strangling him to death.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

The rule of the Ming Dynasty was not all smooth sailing, and there were internal and external troubles and challenges. In 1601, Ge Cheng, a textile worker in Suzhou, launched a tax uprising and beat the tax officials. Ge Cheng spent more than a decade in prison before being released. However, after he ended his imprisonment, during the reign of the Gelding Party, five other people, including Yan Peiwei, the leader of Suzhou citizens, bravely fought against the Gelding Party. Ge became their tomb until his death, and was buried next to the tomb of the five after his death. This story shows the courage and steadfastness of ordinary people in resisting oppression during the Ming Dynasty. However, the glory of the Ming Dynasty did not last to the end. During the Ming Chengzu period established by Emperor Zhu Di of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty began to decline.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

The Qing Dynasty was established in 1636, becoming the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history. After the Opium War, the Qing Dynasty, facing the invasion of great powers, began to explore the path of modernization with difficulty. In the end, the Qing emperor abdicated, announcing the end of the Qing dynasty. In 1661, Zheng Chenggong led his army to recover Taiwan, which had been occupied by Dutch invaders for 38 years, and became a national hero. In 1721, the Kangxi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty died of illness, he was the longest-reigning emperor, leaving behind a unique ability to govern the country and outstanding leadership. In 1781, the Kang Qian era came to an end, and on the other side of the ocean, the city of Los Angeles rose on the west coast of North America, and two hundred years later became the second largest city in the United States.

Once in 60 years, a brief history of the Xin ugly year

However, for the 79-year-old Qianlong Emperor, all this was far from his dream of a heavenly kingdom. In 1841, during the First Opium War, the British army attacked Guangzhou, captured Ningbo, and forced the Qing court to sign the Treaty of Nanjing, which became the first unequal treaty in modern Chinese history. In 1901, the Qing court signed the Xinxiu Treaty with the great powers, completely degenerating into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. The Qing Dynasty during this period had long been difficult to return to and decayed. In the twilight of the Qing Dynasty, the long river of Chinese history continued to flow. In 1961, the Chinese nation passed through a "three-year difficult period." And now, humanity is fighting the pandemic for its second year.

Everyone is like a drop of pearl in the water, which can condense into eternal ice and snow, or reflect dazzling brilliance. The long river of history brings together everyone's efforts and dedication, and tomorrow is full of infinite possibilities. May each of us be happy and healthy. Summary: The Ming and Qing dynasties are two important dynasties in Chinese history, and their rise and fall demonstrate the diversity and vagaries of Chinese history. The Ming Dynasty made great achievements in the establishment of the Northern Expedition, maritime exploration and cultural prosperity, but it also faced internal and external troubles and rule. The Qing Dynasty, on the other hand, in the dilemma of modernization exploration, eventually degenerated into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.

Each dynasty has its own unique story and value, and we should draw wisdom from history and work hard to create a better future. What do you think the rise and fall of the Ming and Qing dynasties have in common and differences? Please leave your comments.