
"Heart 4" Ma Zijia set up a rollover, and the conversation with the former blind date was exposed, and the woman has called the police

author:Red Star loves to talk

Title: "Heartbeat 4": From love to chaos, Ma Zijia's road to sinking

"Heart 4" Ma Zijia set up a rollover, and the conversation with the former blind date was exposed, and the woman has called the police

Viewers who have watched "Heartbeat 4" should be familiar with the names "Macabaka" and "Happy Planet". Previously, fans of both camps have been arguing fiercely on the Internet. However, the recent big news has made a major change in the image of the once-popular actor Ma Zijia.

"Heart 4" Ma Zijia set up a rollover, and the conversation with the former blind date was exposed, and the woman has called the police

Recently, a female netizen named Li Tingting exposed her experience of blind date with Ma Zijia. At that time, the two were still in a vague relationship, however, they did not expect Ma Zijia to participate in a variety show. The next story is well known, Ma Zijia fell in love with Xiaokong in the show.

"Heart 4" Ma Zijia set up a rollover, and the conversation with the former blind date was exposed, and the woman has called the police

Ms. Li shared on social media that she was maliciously attacked by a person who used a trumpet who claimed to be a fan of Chen Siming and Fang Binhan and claimed to have multiple accounts and had been hacking her. Later, the trumpet claimed that his account was compromised, not his own attack message. Shockingly, this trumpet made public the login record, and the name "Zijia" was clearly visible on it, isn't this the name of Ma Zijia? Only then did Li Tingting understand that the person who maliciously attacked her was Ma Zijia, who she had blind dated.

"Heart 4" Ma Zijia set up a rollover, and the conversation with the former blind date was exposed, and the woman has called the police

Initially, Li Tingting did not intend to expose this incident, after all, the two sides had no reason. However, after suffering Ma Zijia's slander, she could no longer bear it. So, she made public the chat record with Ma Zijia, which attracted widespread attention from netizens. It is clear from the dialogue that the relationship between the two at that time was quite close, and even if the relationship between lovers was not clearly established, their interaction was already very close. If time has passed a long time and the relationship between the two has faded, it is understandable. However, this is not the case.

"Heart 4" Ma Zijia set up a rollover, and the conversation with the former blind date was exposed, and the woman has called the police

Ma Zijia remained close to Li Tingting in early April, but in the following days, he participated in a love variety show. This contrast is puzzling. If he no longer has a relationship with Li Tingting, why would he use the trumpet to maliciously attack her? This behavior is simply incomprehensible. Despite the obvious, Ma Zijia still did not admit it, and it seemed that he was determined to continue to maintain his simple image.

"Heart 4" Ma Zijia set up a rollover, and the conversation with the former blind date was exposed, and the woman has called the police

Li Tingting suffered from online violence as a result, and Ma Zijia claimed among her fans that it had nothing to do with it. However, the real hammer has appeared, but Ma Zijia chose to ignore it. Previously, many netizens questioned him, thinking that he was unreliable, and even doubted whether he was really an innocent rich second generation. Probably before he knew Xiao Kong, he was such a person. After being severed from relations, he still chose to blacken the other party. Many netizens have said that it is really unlucky to have a relationship with this family, after all, it is nicknamed "toilet" and "rice bucket". It is clear that a new relationship has been launched, and he even joined the love variety show, and the transformation is so fast that it is confusing. This makes people question the purpose of love variety shows, can anyone really fall in love under the camera in just over 20 days? Is this conveying to the public that the key to love is appearance and family background, and character is left behind?

"Heart 4" Ma Zijia set up a rollover, and the conversation with the former blind date was exposed, and the woman has called the police

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