
How many Chinese are left in the United States? After the statistics came out, the numbers were unbelievable

author:Lingyun popular science

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USCIS recently released a remarkable set of figures concerning the number of Chinese in the United States, which is a staggering 5.7 million. This huge Chinese community can be roughly divided into two parts, one is the native-born Chinese-American, and the other is the "new Chinese" who have immigrated to the United States in the past decade or so.

How many Chinese are left in the United States? After the statistics came out, the numbers were unbelievable

The history of Chinese immigration to the United States dates back to the late 19th century, when some brave laborers heard that there were gold mines in distant America and could escape poverty, so they left their homeland and crossed the ocean to the United States, hoping to realize their dreams in the gold rush. However, the white society in the United States has always been unfriendly to Chinese immigrants, and Chinese gold prospectors are often bullied, and even the US government openly discriminates against them. Some gold prospectors chose to return home because they could not bear the constant oppression, but others were lucky enough to find gold, gain wealth, and gradually become successful entrepreneurs.

How many Chinese are left in the United States? After the statistics came out, the numbers were unbelievable

However, at the end of the 19th century, the persecution of Chinese intensified in the United States, and Congress passed discriminatory laws that openly discriminated against Chinese immigrants. Chinese are plagued by vendettas and violence, and Chinese students are ostracized from American universities. It was not until World War II that the United States, in order to unite the allies, gradually changed its stereotype of China and lifted immigration restrictions on Chinese. During the War of Resistance and the War of Liberation, many Chinese came to the United States to settle in order to escape the war, and this period was also the peak period of Chinese immigration, and in just 10 years, more than 100,000 Chinese obtained American citizenship.

How many Chinese are left in the United States? After the statistics came out, the numbers were unbelievable

In the 60s of last century, with the emergence of Bruce Lee in the American entertainment industry, the image of Chinese gradually improved, and the US government subsequently relaxed its immigration policy to China, and many Chinese from Hong Kong and Taiwan benefited from this policy and immigrated to the United States. After the Chinese mainland implementation of reform and opening up, some mainland residents also began to immigrate to the United States, and from the 80s of the last century to the beginning of the new century, a large number of Chinese applied for American citizenship every year and settled in the United States. However, although the United States is regarded as a paradise by some, in fact, the United States also has serious racial discrimination problems, Chinese often bullied in the United States, Chinese shops are frequently looted in some areas, and gangs extort and extort Chinese from time to time. Many Chinese students have also been robbed by American homeless people and unemployed vagrants, resulting in psychological shadows. Some communities in the United States become extremely dangerous at night, with frequent incidents of violence and serious security problems.

How many Chinese are left in the United States? After the statistics came out, the numbers were unbelievable

At the same time, China is rising rapidly, with a growing economy and rising living standards. In contrast, under the impact of the epidemic, the United States has experienced economic regression, intensified class contradictions in society, and cultural problems. The American spirit and the American dream seem to be disintegrating and collapsing, while China is moving toward greatness and rejuvenation.

How many Chinese are left in the United States? After the statistics came out, the numbers were unbelievable

To sum up, despite the attractiveness of the United States, in real life, China also provides a high quality of life and a good security environment. Immigrating to the United States is not the only option, and some people may find that after arriving in the United States, they face many challenges and difficulties, and may eventually have to give up their dreams and return to their home country. Therefore, before deciding to immigrate, we should look at the problem rationally and not blindly follow the trend.

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