
From AI to ChatGPT, math isn't as simple as you think

author:New Discovery Magazine
From AI to ChatGPT, math isn't as simple as you think
From AI to ChatGPT, math isn't as simple as you think

Mathematics is the real king and does not accept rebuttals

Chinese has always attached great importance to mathematics, especially at a time when the information revolution is in full swing and AI technology is subverting human cognition, mathematics has become a compulsory course for contemporary elites. In March this year, OpenAI's ChatGPT became popular all over the world, and the powerful tool that drives ChatGPT to make perfect answers is a super powerful AI algorithm model (Transformer NLP), and its underlying logic is mathematics. Mathematics is no longer a stereotypical formula theorem, or a bunch of symbols or numbers, mathematics is the productivity that changes the world, and it also changes our lives.

From AI to ChatGPT, math isn't as simple as you think

China is a country of mathematics masters. From Liu Hui and Zu Chongzhi in the Wei and Jin dynasties, to modern and contemporary mathematical masters Chen Shengsheng, Hua Luogeng, Chen Jingrun..., the reason for such achievements is inseparable from the great importance Chinese attaches to mathematics.

From AI to ChatGPT, math isn't as simple as you think

Chinese children have received very strict and standardized mathematics education since they were young, from the middle school entrance examination, college entrance examination, graduate school entrance examination, public entrance examination, to "Spring Festival Cup", "Hope Cup", "Mathematical Olympiad", "Hua Luogeng Cup Mathematics Competition", these mathematics tests and competitions run through almost the whole process of children's growth.

An undeniable fact is that mathematics is the most differentiated subject, whether in further education, school choice or even employment, mathematics is a measure of a person's IQ and thinking ability, especially in the environment of scarce resources and involvement.

Sunshine and snow, mathematics shelved

But something seems to backfire. The more people value mathematics, the more children are afraid of mathematics, near and far. Why do so many students today resist or even hate math? This is a topic worth pondering. But it has to be said that the mathematics books on the market are not suitable for students' learning is one of the important reasons. For the math books on the market today, there are the following common problems. 1. The form and content are too boring

2. Detached from life, high and low

3. The learning dimension is too single, which is easy to cause aesthetic fatigue

The subtlety of mathematics is that it is a flexible and easy-to-use tool that can be applied in all aspects of life. There is mathematics in trading and trading, and mathematics in games and entertainment, and it can be said that mathematics has long penetrated every corner of our lives.

It is very important to learn mathematics well.

From AI to ChatGPT, math isn't as simple as you think

We need a fun math book

At the 2002 International Mathematics Conference, Professor Chen Shengwei, a famous Chinese mathematics master, inscribed "Mathematics is fun" for the conference. The reason why a master is a master is inseparable from his ability to see fun and fun in complex and abstract mathematical symbols. Therefore, for the majority of teenagers and math lovers, an interesting and fun math book is the golden key to open the door of mathematical interest.

From AI to ChatGPT, math isn't as simple as you think

Mathematics in Life (2nd Edition) is such a mathematics book that can stimulate readers' interest in learning. This book summarizes and summarizes the problems encountered in life and some interesting problems that contain profound mathematical principles, classifies and explains, and finally presents you with such an interesting mathematical book.

From AI to ChatGPT, math isn't as simple as you think

This book comprehensively explains the beauty of mathematics to readers from five dimensions.

o Mathematics in life

Absorb the bits and pieces of life and reveal the mathematical principles in it. How best to save? How do I pay my mortgage? What is the magic of the golden section? What are the hidden secrets in the advertisement for the shift car? The first chapter will give you the answer.

o God's Dice – Permutations, Combinations and Probabilities

Can I buy a lottery ticket and get rich overnight? Why are there so many people born in the same year, month and day as me? Why does the gambling king always make a lot of money sitting in the bank? Can hospital test sheets really lie? The answers to these questions can be found in Chapter 2.

Ø The prisoner's dilemma – logical reasoning, decision-making, struggle, and countermeasures

Once upon a time, did you also fantasize about being a detective, digging through the chaos of complicated clues to find the final answer? Brain-burning logical reasoning and game theory will take you to Sherlock Holmes and help you achieve this wish.

Ø Ancient and modern Chinese and foreign interesting questions are picked up

From "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" to "Geometric Primitives", from "Triclinic Product" to "Helen's Formula", from "Seven Bridges Problem" to "Liukatu", these mathematical problems in ancient and modern China and abroad have nourished generations of people and enlightened wisdom for mankind. This chapter will take you to appreciate the taste of classics and understand the great wisdom of ancient sages from the perspective of modern people.

o When math meets computers

Did you know that computers are binary worlds? Do you understand how brilliant pictures in computers are produced? How do search engines work? And how do QR codes work? What kind of sparks can be created when mathematics meets computers? This chapter will answer them all.

Suitable for people who study this book

1. All math lovers

2. Primary school students, middle school students, and teenagers who want to improve their mathematical level, expand their horizons, and cultivate their interest in mathematics

3. Students who are interested in participating in competitions such as "Olympiad" and "Huashu"

4. Teachers and parents can use this book as a tutoring material

Mastering mathematics, let's start with this book.

The copyright belongs to the original author

Editor: Qi Rui

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Mathematics in Life (2nd Edition)

Author: Yang Feng Wu Bo

Published by Tsinghua University Press

Introduction to the content

This book is an interesting popular science book that can stimulate readers' interest in mathematics, enlighten mathematical thinking, and broaden their intellectual horizons. The book consists of five chapters that explain the beauty of mathematics from different perspectives. Chapter 1: Beautiful Mathematics in Life A glimpse of the beauty of mathematics from everyday bits and pieces. From investment and financial management to project management, from cryptography to algebraic geometry, mathematics has penetrated into every corner of our lives. Chapter 2: God's Dice - Permutations and Probability Use vivid and interesting cases to take you to appreciate the ingenuity and random magic of probability. Chapter 3: The Prisoner's Dilemma - Logical Reasoning, Decision Making, Struggle, and Countermeasures Take you to experience the fun of reasoning, decision-making, and games, and be a Sherlock Holmes Chapter 4: Ancient Chinese and Foreign Fun Questions Follow the footsteps of ancient sages and take you to experience the wisdom of Chinese and foreign mathematics Chapter 5: When Mathematics Meets Computers From the binary world of computers to digital photos, from 5G communication to the realization of blockchain, this chapter takes you to discover the light of mathematical wisdom from high technology.


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