
In 1938, Chen Shijun, commander of the New Fourth Army, went to buy cigarettes, who knows at the time of checkout

author:Create Wanderer

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In the fall of 1941, Chen Shijun, commander of the Second Division of the New Fourth Army, led his troops deep into the mountains of Huichang County, Jiangxi Province, preparing for a tense contest with the Japanese. On this day, the sun is shining, and the tranquility and harmony of nature mask the impending battle. Senior Chen's eyes were resolute, he knew that behind him was the great trust of his family and the nation, and in order to defend the land and the people, he needed to have a deeper understanding of this battlefield.

In 1938, Chen Shijun, commander of the New Fourth Army, went to buy cigarettes, who knows at the time of checkout

In this small village in the rugged mountains, Division Commander Chen's troops were exhausted and needed to rest. Just as they were about to rest, a villager hurriedly walked up to Senior Chen and reported that suspicious people had been found on the mountain. Division Commander Chen immediately decided to lead a squad to check it out, knowing that the enemy might choose such terrain for spying.

In 1938, Chen Shijun, commander of the New Fourth Army, went to buy cigarettes, who knows at the time of checkout

Climbing the hillside, Senior Chen saw two middle-aged men, their clothes tattered and anxious. Senior Chen stepped forward to interrogate with keen insight, but the two were vague and obviously hiding important information. In order to find out the truth, he ordered his subordinates to search the two men. And at this moment, an amazing discovery made Senior Commander Chen understand the enemy's disguise.

In 1938, Chen Shijun, commander of the New Fourth Army, went to buy cigarettes, who knows at the time of checkout

One of the men turned out to be hiding a Japanese bugle whistle. Division Commander Chen immediately realized that these two people were the traitors sent by the Japanese army to try to collect intelligence on our army. Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately ordered the two enemies to be escorted to an open lot on the edge of the village, making a difficult but resolute decision. As the crowd witnessed this scene, the gunshots rang out, and the treacherous conspiracy was completely ended.

When the bags of the two traitors were searched, they carried a considerable amount of cash provided by the Japanese army and a map detailing the deployment of our troops. Through these clues, Division Commander Chen smashed a Japanese spying operation and avoided the exposure of our army's secrets. This incident also further strengthened his belief in maintaining vigilance at all times to ensure the confidentiality and security of the troops.

After returning to the base area, Division Commander Chen reported the incident to his subordinates. Everyone admired his decisiveness and resourcefulness, which was regarded as an outstanding demonstration of his fearless leadership and calm handling of enemy situations. Master Chen modestly said that this is only a quality that every commander and soldier should have, and it is our unshirkable responsibility to defend our homeland. Finally, he called on the whole army to always be vigilant, bear in mind the lessons of this bloody experience, and unswervingly wage a mortal struggle against the aggressors until the final victory of the war.

This is a portrayal of Chen Shijun's indomitable, heroic and fearless spirit. During the battle of Huichang, Jiangxi, his Second Division of the New Fourth Army experienced several fierce battles, and Division Commander Chen was always able to use the terrain advantage to set up an ambush and annihilate the Japanese army. His leadership and courage inspired the troops and also wrote a glorious page for the War of Resistance Against Japan. Division Commander Chen and his soldiers wrote a heroic chapter in the history of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and their names and achievements will always be remembered in the long volume of history.

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