
Boss Xu's 12-acre ancestral grave cost 30 million yuan, the security guard paid 6,000 a month, and the villagers: I can't keep it

author:Xiaoqing view

Hello, I'm Xiaoqing.

Boss Xu himself estimated that he did not expect that there would be an end day.

After he entered, his alma mater, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, took down his photo to "distance himself" from the former richest student, while his fellow villagers spontaneously helped him guard his grave.

People can't help but sigh that the good and evil of human nature really have nothing to do with identity, and sometimes, ordinary people are more about friendship.

When it comes to the ancestral tomb of Boss Xu's family, we have to expand on whether he spent 30 million yuan to build it is filial piety or cocooning.

Boss Xu's 12-acre ancestral grave cost 30 million yuan, the security guard paid 6,000 a month, and the villagers: I can't keep it


Xu Jiayin was born in an ordinary family in Taikang, Henan.

His mother died early, he grew up with his grandmother, the brothers suffered a lot, and the people in the village also took care of them, and whoever had something good to eat would also call them to eat.

Boss Xu once said that he grew up eating a hundred family meals, and once Boss Xu returned to his hometown, his fellow asked him what he wanted to eat, and he said that he just wanted to taste the rice he had when he was a child, so everyone prepared a table of coarse grains.

Looking at the things on the dinner table, everyone can roughly understand his young life, sweet potatoes are the staple food, white noodle steamed buns are rare, many times, only a bowl of wild vegetable soup can be eaten.

It should be said that Xu Jiayin is very motivated, he has good academic performance, he studied until he graduated from high school, and then returned to the village, not because he did not want to study, but because there were no conditions at that time, if the college entrance examination was not resumed, he might marry a daughter-in-law in the countryside, and then become a good farmer.

Boss Xu's 12-acre ancestral grave cost 30 million yuan, the security guard paid 6,000 a month, and the villagers: I can't keep it

In fact, after he returned to the village, he also went on a blind date, and he was already engaged to a Zhang girl, but when he learned that the college entrance examination was resumed, he still left the village without hesitation, and the affair with Zhang girl was yellow.

After graduating from university, Xu Jiayin was assigned to Wugang Unit 1, met Ding Yumei, and the two became husband and wife, it can be said that they are like-minded, many ideas can communicate, and Ding Yumei has also become a virtuous helper in his career.

Everyone knows what happened later, Xu Jiayin went to Shenzhen to start a business, chose the right track, and his career rose in just a few years, he not only owned a mansion, he had a private jet when he went out, and money really became a number for him.


After having money, you attach great importance to your origin, which is human nature.

Boss Xu was no exception, after his father fell ill, he asked where he wanted to go, and his father said: "Fallen leaves return to their roots." ”

He understood and arranged for his subordinates to plan a project called "Fushou Garden", with a site of 12 acres, located in a wheat field in Taikang.

Boss Xu's 12-acre ancestral grave cost 30 million yuan, the security guard paid 6,000 a month, and the villagers: I can't keep it

For this land, he spent more than a year replacing the villagers' cultivated land, moving the ancestral graves of the villagers at great expense, and then building a rectangular compound with the words "Shou'anmen" written in the middle of the gate.

In the courtyard, fountains, pavilions and rockeries are arranged to create an environment surrounded by mountains and waters, and many ancient trees have been specially transplanted, and two security guards are hired to guard them, and the security guards have a monthly salary of 6,000, which is very leisurely but cannot leave at will.

An insider said that the 12 acres reported to the outside world have moisture, and the real area is 9,154 square meters, and the road in front of the mausoleum is also counted, and we have not measured the specific amount, so we will go according to the numbers on the Internet.

When his father was seriously ill, Boss Xu specially went back to his hometown, and met with the local person in charge, promising to build a world-class project for his hometown, that is, cultural tourism, according to his plan, there will be a children's world, an aquarium and a water world, when the hometown will become a tourist attraction, children can realize fairy tale dreams indoors.

The person in charge of the hometown is very excited, if the project really lands, won't this heavenly wealth come?

Therefore, the local area attached great importance to Boss Xu, and specially built a asphalt road to his hometown, the project was very hasty, but the road surface was well repaired, the workers worked overnight, and trees were planted on both sides of the road, which raised the environment to a higher level.

Boss Xu's 12-acre ancestral grave cost 30 million yuan, the security guard paid 6,000 a month, and the villagers: I can't keep it

After Boss Xu returned to the village, he was also very friendly to his fellow villagers, each old man gave 3,000 red envelopes, every family distributed rice and cooking oil, and also built schools, from elementary school to high school, which made the fellow villagers very moved, in order to see Boss Xu's true face, they all squeezed into his yard.

After finishing his father's affairs, Boss Xu left, he never thought that there would be hidden dangers in this matter.


After he went in, some owners who bought Evergrande off-plan houses panicked.

While paying back the mortgage, I don't know when I can pay the house, who can be calm.

What is even more exaggerated is that Boss Xu's huge debt is also related to his secretly transferring assets, which really fattens the small family and pits everyone.

Some people questioned whether the Xu family's ancestral tomb in Taikang occupied cultivated land? Are there any legal procedures?

Others ran to see it, and this led to the spontaneous vigilance of local villagers, who feared that they would soon be unable to hold it.

The villagers' ideas are very simple, they think that Boss Xu has contributed to his hometown, they have received benefits, and they must know how to be grateful.

Speaking of his ancestral grave, someone who understands revealed that he fenced it on all sides and planted trees in the middle, completely cocooning himself.

There is an old saying that "the poor have to move, but the rich do not move the grave", when Zhu Chongba fought the rivers and mountains, built the Ming Xiao Mausoleum in Nanjing, and did not move the Ming Zuling Mausoleum in his hometown.

Boss Xu's 12-acre ancestral grave cost 30 million yuan, the security guard paid 6,000 a month, and the villagers: I can't keep it

Lao Xu can start from scratch and achieve a developed career, in the old saying that the ancestral tomb is green smoke, inseparable from the protection of the ancestors, he moved the ancestral tomb, which also shows that his mentality is floating, and it is normal to go downhill.

It is said that when Boss Xu returned to his hometown, he once met a local high-ranking man, and the other party only said one sentence: "The young birdbird is a middle-aged phoenix, and in his later years, he dreams of yellow millet, and there are thousands of summers in Andeguang, although the sea flowers are not free." ”

Boss Xu smiled slightly, let his subordinates give the other party 50,000 yuan, turned and left, he had seen more high-ranking people, and did not put the other party's words at ease, now looking back, this person said quite interestingly.

In this life, people must take the right path, and don't forget their original intention when they are flying, otherwise the money earned by luck will also be lost by strength.
