
Perfect Emperor Liu Xiu, textbook-level founding experience, tells you what it means to be a winner in life

author:Lao Zhang chats about history


Liu Xiu was the only monarch in history who was both the founding emperor and the Zhongxing emperor, perpetuating the near-declining Liu Han dynasty. For Liu Xiu's evaluation, celebrities of all dynasties and generations have not spared praise. He accompanied his brother to raise troops and send people under the fence, and then went to Hebei alone to develop, and finally ruled the world. After the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu attached great importance to Confucian education and built Taixue. University scholars such as Sima Guang and Liang Qichao praised Liu Xiu's "most beautiful weathering and Confucianism the best" during his reign.

Perfect Emperor Liu Xiu, textbook-level founding experience, tells you what it means to be a winner in life

The Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty were two different dynasties, but with the same name. Although Liu Xiu is a clan relative of the Han family, his generation has nothing to do with the center of power, and is similar to those who are not from the Liu family, just an ordinary large landowner, calling the Han just to determine orthodoxy. In the past twenty years from the establishment of the New Dynasty to the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty, order collapsed, wars broke out, and powerful and handsome people came to the stage one after another. Liu Xiu was different from the Southern Song Dynasty and the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the latter two dynasties received the Northern Song Dynasty, and the remnants of the Western Jin Dynasty were barely able to re-establish the state, so they were both weak. Liu Xiu started from scratch and is essentially the same status as Liu Bang.

Perfect Emperor Liu Xiu, textbook-level founding experience, tells you what it means to be a winner in life

Liu Xiu's script is more than Liu Bang Shuangwen, Liu Xiu himself is extremely good, capable of writing and martial arts, has a view of the overall situation, just go through to meet his brother was killed by Liu Xuan, few can have Liu Xiu's forbearance ability. Liu Bang has already ambushed the ancient famous ministers around Liu Xiu to fight the world, and he has to be good enough to attract talents, and this talent is not enough to compare with Zhang Liangxiao He Hanxin, of course, the opponent is not in a grade is the reason. The Great Han has really declined too much for more than two hundred years, and the period of the Chu-Han dispute was full of gods and people, and in the Xinmang period, the few feelings of some patience were all mixed with Liu Xiu.

Perfect Emperor Liu Xiu, textbook-level founding experience, tells you what it means to be a winner in life

The battle of Kunyang, the Xinmang army made two serious mistakes, and clearly had a chance to win, but they didn't, when Liu Xiu attacked the Xinmang coalition army, the commander Wang Xun immediately decided that he would attack Liu Xiu, and issued an order, not allowed to rescue, see my own shot, it was this order that killed him, Liu Xiu's army broke out, Wang Xun was not an opponent, he was killed in battle, this is the key battle that determines the victory or defeat, Wang Xun is gone, has destroyed Xinmang's command center, Liu Xiu's position attacked, coupled with heavy rain, the Kunyang defenders also turned defense into attack, Under the attack from both sides, the Xinmang army finally collapsed.

Perfect Emperor Liu Xiu, textbook-level founding experience, tells you what it means to be a winner in life

As the founding emperor, Liu Xiu's personal ability is indeed the top among the emperors, but I think Liu Xiu's best is personal charm. Liu Xiu is really the key emperor of the Han dynasty, and like Gao Zu, he has gone all the way from the people to the end, and he is called the emperor in the end, which is a wizard. Unlike Gaozu, he can fight wars and is quite cattle, and he is also very good at ruling the world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the best of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Perfect Emperor Liu Xiu, textbook-level founding experience, tells you what it means to be a winner in life

Liu Xiu is not only fighting and hanging, but also when he was fleeing, tens of thousands of soldiers chased him, Liu Xiu ran to the river, but the river suddenly froze, and when tens of thousands of soldiers chased him, the ice melted again. Another example is to go alone with an iron rod to recover the area occupied by the warlord, and the warlord saw that it was Liu Xiu and handed over the military power without saying a word. And Liu Xiu lived for more than 60 years, the emperor was an emperor for 32 years, he had a beautiful wife all his life, all his brothers who fought the world with him died well, his son (Emperor Hanming) and grandson (Emperor Hanzhang) were all considered Mingjun, and his family was around when he died. How to say, this is probably the winner in life.

Perfect Emperor Liu Xiu, textbook-level founding experience, tells you what it means to be a winner in life

Liu Xiu's biggest problem is that he rose too fast, resulting in not cultivating his own basic plate. His subordinates were more like cooperating than following, which also led to the failure of his implementation of the Doda order. The Eastern Han court could not suppress local tyrants like the Western Han Dynasty, so it could only choose to compromise. The emperor said that he was the family world, but in fact, he ruled the world together with Shi Dafu, and his rule was based on the landlord class, and on another level, the emperor himself was the largest landlord. Shi Gong should be the ruler of Jinwu, and his wife should be Yin Lihua. When I was young, Liu Xiu's youthful ambition, and then the counterattack all the way behind, made me quite feel like reading cool text. Heaven and earth work together, and heroes are not free. Liu Xiu's success has a heroic spirit that must be in the context of the times.