
Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

author:Brother Xiaoqiang said three farmers

Well, you read that right. Whether you are self-employed, white-collar or entrepreneur, when you turn on your mobile phone, TV or computer, and suddenly such a message pops up, will you be stunned? Absolutely. Salary cuts, for everyone, is a topic from which there is no escape. This is a worldwide problem, everyone has their own story, their own difficulties.

Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

1. Global economic issues

Global economic problems are one of the main reasons for wage cuts. In recent years, the global economy has been sluggish, and international trade has been severely affected. Countries are struggling for their own economic development, but this has led to a decline in wages. The entire economic system has been severely disrupted, and all walks of life are facing difficulties.

2. Technological innovation

Technological innovation is another reason for wage cuts. With the advancement of science and technology, a large number of traditional jobs will be replaced by automation, and robots that simplify production processes will become opponents for workers. In this case, in order to reduce costs, enterprises have to reduce the number of workers, thereby reducing wages.

Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

3. Industry transformation

Industry transformation is also one of the reasons for wage cuts. Some traditional industries are at risk of phasing out, especially those that have not kept pace with technological and market changes. Job opportunities in these industries are gradually decreasing, and wages are falling accordingly.

4. Competition for employment is fierce

Fierce competition for jobs is also one of the reasons for wage cuts. Now, every position attracts a large number of candidates to compete. In this case, employers have more options, and they will choose those employees who receive lower wages. This has led to less room for wage growth across the market.

Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

5. Population ageing

The aging population is also one of the reasons for wage cuts. As the population ages further, the labor supply will also decrease. This makes human resources in short supply and employers have greater bargaining power, which leads to a decline in wages.

6. Education system issues

The problem of the education system is another important reason for wage cuts. Now, the number of university graduates is increasing, and there is a surplus in the job market. These college students receive lower wages in order to find employment, which leads to lower wage levels in the market as a whole.

Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

7. Changes in the business environment

Changes in the business environment are also one of the reasons for wage cuts. In the market economy environment, business operations need to face various competitions and risks. When the business environment changes, businesses may need to adjust their wages in order to survive and thrive.

8. Government policy adjustment

Government policy adjustments are the final reason for wage cuts. When adjusting economic policies, the government may introduce some regulations to adapt and adjust the development of the economy. These adjustments may affect wage levels, resulting in lower wages.

Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

Salary cuts, this is a reality from which there is no escape. In the face of this challenge, we need to change our way of thinking, looking for new opportunities and better solutions. Whether it is self-employed, white-collar workers or entrepreneurs, in the context of wage reduction, we should strive to improve our skills and capabilities, find new development opportunities, and actively adapt and respond to changes. Salary cuts, although it is a difficulty, but also an opportunity. We can improve our income and quality of life by learning new skills and knowledge, finding new entrepreneurial opportunities, and opening up new markets. Salary reduction is a big topic, and it affects the hearts of the broad masses of people. In this era of globalization, no matter who you are or where you are, you will be affected by it. We should remain optimistic and actively respond to and solve the problem of wage cuts.

Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

Wage cuts are our challenge and our driving force. Let's seize every opportunity and keep working hard to create a better future! Recently, there have been many worrying news that are magnificently coming to people's eyes. The news focused on a troubling issue — wage cuts. It's a thunderbolt for those who are about to face a pay cut, and they are confused and apprehensive, eager to understand why. So, what exactly caused this storm of pay cuts? Next, I will demystify it.

Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

All along, we cannot deny that this is a product of a global economic storm. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the global economic situation has plummeted, and enterprises have fallen into a downturn, like walking on thin ice, and have to adopt various economic means to keep enterprises running. The salary cut adjustment has become a helpless move and has become a focus measure to improve the economic situation of enterprises. However, this storm of wage cuts did not selectively sweep the globe. Behind this, there are many powerful factors at play. For example, the first group affected is salespeople. Sales are the source of profits for enterprises, and in the current situation, the sudden stagnation of sales operations has put serious pressure on the corporate economy. In order to ease the financial burden, salary reduction adjustment has naturally become a necessary means.

Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

Closer to salespeople are marketers. The market is the key to corporate promotion, and now that market demand continues to shrink, corporate publicity investment is naturally decreasing. This leads to fewer tasks for marketers and a natural reduction in wages. Of course, in addition to sales and marketing personnel, there are also some people who have suffered the fate of salary cuts. This is the middle and senior management. In difficult economic times, companies urgently need to reduce expenses, and high salaries of management naturally become a major focus of corporate expenses. The salary cut adjustment inevitably hit these top managers, forcing them to face wage cuts.

Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

However, we cannot limit the problem to these few groups, because there are many other groups facing wage cuts in this economic winter. For example, casual workers in the general workforce are often the first to be affected by salary cuts. Due to the pandemic and the uncertain economic environment, companies began to reduce the use of temporary workers, which also brought about wage cuts. In addition, due to the impact of technological progress, some personnel with relatively low technical levels are also facing the impact of salary cuts. The advancement of technology has made companies more inclined to use high-efficiency automated production equipment, which also forces employees with lower technical levels to face the dual pressure of job opportunities and wages.

Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

However, in the whole turmoil of salary cuts, there are also some groups of people who have not been affected, and even some groups of people have a tendency to increase wages. First and foremost are healthcare workers. Due to the pandemic, the workload of medical staff has soared, and they have taken on great work pressure and risks, so increasing the salaries of medical staff is on the way. Similarly, similar to healthcare workers are logistics personnel. During the epidemic, the logistics industry has become an important link connecting supply and demand, carrying the heavy responsibility of economic operation, and there is no doubt that in this case, the wages of logistics personnel will also be appropriately increased. There are still some occupations that, due to their inherent characteristics, are not affected by the salary reduction adjustment. Among them, the education industry is the most prominent example. Although the education industry was once shut down due to the pandemic, for this vital field, it is fundamentally related to social progress, so the salary reduction adjustment has never touched the education industry.

Wage cuts once became an adjunct to the global economic storm, and in this wage storm, salespeople, marketers and middle and senior managers became the main victims. In addition, casual workers and less skilled workers among ordinary workers have suffered wage cuts in this environment. However, for healthcare workers and logistics workers, their wages are on the rise. The education sector, on the other hand, has been spared the doom of salary cuts because of its enduring importance. Perhaps, this wage cut storm is just a temporary process, and we hope that it will gradually subside as life and the economy gradually get back on track. In any case, it is most important for everyone affected by this storm to bravely face the difficult situation and get through it together.

Recently, the news about the salary reduction has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. Since last year, the global economy has suffered a severe shock, and all walks of life have been hit to varying degrees. In response to economic difficulties, many companies have begun to implement austerity policies, including lower wages for employees. It is understood that 11 jobs have begun to adjust salaries, and the following will focus on 8 of them.

Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

The first category

People are senior executives. Due to the major impact of the epidemic on the economy, companies have reduced salaries for senior managers. This may be a measure taken by the company to reduce costs and avoid layoffs. However, this is a blow to senior managers who were once well-paid and enjoyed high benefits.

The second group of people are salespeople. Salespeople usually use commissions as their main source of income, however, sales performance has generally declined due to deteriorating market conditions. In order to increase performance, many salespeople have to accept the pressure of salary reduction, while increasing the difficulty and intensity of sales tasks, which undoubtedly brings them great psychological pressure.

Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

The third group of people are production workers. Due to the sharp decline in domestic and foreign orders, many manufacturing companies have fallen into operational difficulties. This has forced some businesses to lower their employees' wages in order to reduce costs. However, for many productive workers who depend on wages to maintain their families, lower wages will have a huge impact on their lives.

The fourth category of people are food service workers. The pandemic has led to a huge contraction in the restaurant industry, and many businesses have had to close or curtail their hours. This has left food service workers facing reduced wages. For these people, who rely on service fees and tips to increase their income, it is undoubtedly worse.

Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

The fifth group of people are entrepreneurs. As market demand declines, entrepreneurs are under extreme pressure to survive. In order to keep their businesses running, many entrepreneurs have had to cut their salaries. This situation has put some entrepreneurs in financial crisis and may even be at risk of bankruptcy.

The sixth group of people are freelancers. As market demand declines and job opportunities dwindle, more and more freelancers are forced to accept reduced project fees. Since freelancers' earnings often depend on the cost of contracts employed by the business, for them, lower wages mean less income.

The seventh category of persons are those working in the financial industry. Due to the abnormal volatility of the global market, the salary level of many financial workers has also been affected. This is mainly due to the downturn in financial markets that has led to a sharp decline in trading volumes, which has reduced the profitability of financial institutions.

Salary cuts? 11 starts these 8 types of people will be cut and adjusted, come and see what's going on?

The eighth category is those working in the cultural and creative industries. Due to the impact of the pandemic on the cultural and creative industries, many enterprises have had to reduce working hours and personnel. This has led to lower wages for employees and exposure to employment risks.

A wage cut is a heavy blow for anyone. However, for the survival and development of the enterprise, this is also a helpless move. It is hoped that the global economy can get out of the predicament as soon as possible, all walks of life can return to normal, and people's wages can return to normal as soon as possible.

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