
A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

author:A view of Aqian


Shame on throwing people abroad!

A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

A female Internet celebrity's foul language has caused endless controversy and attention. The Chinese woman's experience in Singapore was uploaded to Douyin by her, thinking that netizens would sympathize with her unconditionally, but unexpectedly attracted sharp criticism and criticism from netizens from all walks of life. This seemingly small incident reveals the terrible consequences of ignorance and disregard for the law. Let's take a look at the story of this female Internet celebrity and how she got into trouble with the Singapore police with a foul word, and became a recent high-profile figure.

A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

Review the cause of the incident

Cause of the incident: A Chinese woman suffered a traffic accident in Singapore and was crushed by a substitute driver and injured her right foot.

Event history:

1. After taking the injured woman to the hospital, the driver leaves the hospital irresponsibly.

2. The woman waited in the hospital for 3 hours and was still not treated in time.

3. The woman then started a fire at the nurse and made a foul language.

4. The nurse believes that she has been insulted, calls the police and the incident investigator and notifies the police and the incident investigator.

A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

5. The investigator came to investigate the incident, and when she talked to the woman, she had an arrogant attitude and argued with the investigator.

6. The investigator explained the process of investigating the case, but the woman still did not cooperate and pulled back.

7. The woman uploaded videos and long texts of the entire process to social media, claiming that she had been treated unfairly and discriminated against.

A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

8. Netizens expressed dissatisfaction with the woman's behavior and attitude in the comment area, and accused her of ignoring the Singapore legal system.

9. In view of the woman's behavior, the police will investigate the traffic accident caused by the substitute driver and the abuse of the nurse.

10. Women may be held legally responsible for their actions and attitudes.

11. Netizens began to change their attitude towards the woman after watching her tuba video, thinking that she was making a fuss.

A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

12. The final outcome of the incident is unknown.

The views of some netizens

Netizen A:

I scolded and will not admit it, scolding is emotional catharsis, but facing the police is a case, so the maximum interests are considered, and I will not admit that in China, scolding is more educational, and it is possible to go to jail abroad. It is better to be silent, anyway, Western law has the right to remain silent. Those who scold this woman for daring to do or not dare to act are extremely hypocritical, and when real things meet their heads, it is estimated that they can deny it more than this woman.

A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

Also, insulting this matter is inherently very subjective, how to characterize and sentence? Then I casually look at who is not favorable, tell the police that he scolded me, he does not admit it again, is it clear?

A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

Netizen B:

I just saw that this so-called female investigator has been inducing her to admit to foul language to the nurse, and the documents are not presented, there is monitoring, why not directly call out the monitoring to see the cause and effect, if this woman is said, then directly deal with it, if she is not the fault party, why has she been entangled in this to let this injured woman admit to foul language to the nurse? People also said to let her adjust the monitoring or let the nurse directly testify, why don't you follow the routine? Doubtful?

A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

Netizen C:

Internet celebrities are also Chinese, why should they be demanding Chinese they must swallow their anger in the face of discrimination? 1. Why do law enforcement officers not show their documents in non-emergency situations and at the repeated requests of the person under investigation, even if they are hung on their chests. 2. Are healthcare workers busy?

Why is it that staying on site and leaving patients on the side for 3 or 4 hours is the norm for hospitals and medical staff in Singapore? 3. The so-called foul language swearing, it may also be a mantra, not a scolding. 4. The on-site investigation should be conducted by both parties, questioning, questioning or even inducing interrogation alone, which is obviously flawed in the professional conduct of Singapore investigators.

5. The investigator also said "don't toast, don't eat and punish alcohol", which is a naked threat, if it is not for the video all the time, it is difficult to imagine whether this Internet celebrity will be violently enforced.

A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

Netizen D:

The investigator's approach is very unreasonable, regardless of the whole process, only ask whether there is or not. Internet celebrities are very smart, just don't answer directly. Because this is a pit, no matter how you answer, it will set you on fire. The purpose of not answering directly is to force the investigating party to intervene in the whole process of the incident, and it is difficult to predict the outcome at that time. This also provides a way for other Singaporeans to cope with such situations.

A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

Social reflection

After watching the beginning and end of the "female Internet celebrity insulting nurses in Singapore", we can't help but think deeply about this society. This incident has aroused widespread attention and discussion, whether it is the behavior of female Internet celebrities or the security and judicial system in Singapore, it is worth thinking and reflecting.

A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

First of all, as a public figure, female Internet celebrities should know more about self-restraint and respect local culture and laws when playing abroad. Her inappropriate words and actions not only caused trouble for herself, but also damaged Chinese's image abroad. This reminds us to be humble and respectful at all times, to refrain from emotions, and not to cause unnecessary distress to others.

A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

Secondly, this incident also revealed the problem of discrimination in Singaporean society. Although we cannot fully confirm whether nurses have discriminated against them, many netizens claim that there is discrimination against Chinese in Singapore. This has led to thinking about multiculturalism. As an international city, Singapore should pay more attention to inclusion and equality and avoid discrimination against Chinese or other ethnic groups. It is also a wake-up call to promote respect and inclusion in multiculturalism so that everyone can be treated fairly and equally.

A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

Finally, the event also calls for strengthening legal education and awareness of the rule of law at both the individual and societal levels. As ordinary citizens, we cannot use our power and popularity to be arrogant, let alone break the law. At the same time, we should also have a better understanding of the law, know the law, abide by the law, and use the law, not only abide by domestic laws, but also respect and abide by local laws when traveling abroad. The society should also strengthen legal publicity and education, improve citizens' legal awareness, let people deeply understand the importance and binding force of the law, and not trample on the law based on personal preferences.

A foul word, was found by the Singapore police, this Chinese female Internet celebrity wanted to be popular, shamed and thrown abroad

In this event, we see a correlation between individual behavior, social issues, and awareness of the rule of law. As a meaningful social case, it has aroused public attention and thinking, and stimulated reflection and discussion on social issues. It is hoped that through such social reflection, we can treat similar events more rationally and maturely, and jointly promote social progress and change, so that everyone can live in an environment of respect and equality.

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