
The years are boundless, and life has a career

author:Hunan Wenxuan Society

Author/Chen Shengli

In a person's life, you will meet two people, one who helps you and the other who loves you; One amazing time, one gentle years. If you don't get rewarded for your efforts, you must know how to stop in moderation, otherwise you will disturb others and hurt yourself. Those who can endure loneliness must be people with ideas; Those who can endure loneliness must be confident people; Those who can flex and stretch in case of trouble must be people with a heart. Don't get entangled in other people's emotions and torture yourself with the pain of others, everyone's world is given by themselves. Be a person and do things, leave a little benefit for others to occupy, leave a little path for others to go, and leave a little time for yourself to learn to think.

The years are boundless, and life has a career

Life is always fair, and what your future looks like is hidden in your current efforts. May each of us do our best to live the best life possible. Life is just walking, while feeling, years, but while starting, while reaching, the world, but while gaining, while losing. Marie Curie said, "Don't wait until the days have passed to find their loveliness, and don't put all your particularly desirable hopes in the future." "Appreciate life, appreciate the present, life has a career, only cherish it." People must learn to suffer a little loss, can not think of taking advantage of the small, taking advantage of the small will suffer a big loss, be a down-to-earth person, step by step your life to glory. Those goodness that has been planted will always inadvertently return you unexpected good luck.

The years are boundless, and life has a career

Two people with similar and different views, different levels, goals, can not work and communicate, different ways do not conspire against each other, different aspirations do not become friends, even if they forcibly walk together, there will be many contradictions, disputes are constant, it is better to each stranger, break the connection, instead of frontal conflict and trouble, put yourself in danger, it is better to ignore and make a dispute, let yourself be safe and relaxed. You don't have to set limits for yourself, you don't have to live at someone else's pace. People live a good or bad life in this life, depends on themselves, sometimes do not be a slave of emotions, happiness depends on the mood, healing themselves depends on the mentality, as long as the mentality is stable, the mood is high, life is sad for a day, happy for a day, put the heart flat, look at things, and believe that everything will be fine. At all times, you can strive to shine on your own, not be illuminated.

The years are boundless, and life has a career

Life is always fair, what your future looks like, hidden in your current efforts, those goodness that have been planted, always inadvertently return you unexpected good luck. For the rest of our lives, may each of us do our best to live the most wonderful life.