
Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

author:Chuchu is also human

The Chinese men's soccer team won 2-0 in a friendly warm-up match against Vietnam, but the team's performance caused dissatisfaction among many fans. In particular, captain Wu Xi's performance in the first half was described as "sleepwalking",

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

He lost five confrontations and six possessions, which was a "catastrophic" performance. The match thrilled countless fans, who expected the national team to prove their quality with a big win. however

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

In the face of the obviously weaker Vietnamese team, the Chinese team did not achieve the expected victory, the performance of individual players was not satisfactory, and the level of the entire team did not reach the level it should have. This game exposed many problems,

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

It is a wake-up call for the Chinese men's team, who urgently need to get to the heart of the problem to avoid underperforming again in official competitions. The performance of the Chinese team in this game was indeed disappointing, especially in the first half. The report pointed out that

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

Despite the home advantage of the Chinese team, their offensive performance was very poor and failed to pose an effective threat to the Vietnamese team. The players of the Chinese team showed obvious incoordination on the field, and many attacks were easily defused,

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

As a result, almost nothing was achieved in the first half. The report specifically mentions the poor performance of captain Wu Xi. As the core of the midfield, Wu Xi should be responsible for organizing the team's attack, but he has not played a role in passing the ball and creating threats.

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

Wu Xi's mistake directly led to the Chinese team's lack of passing in front of the ball, and the strikers could not get more touching opportunities. In the face of Wu Xi's mistake, Chinese coach Jankovic decisively replaced him at halftime.

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

Dai Weijun was in significantly better shape than Wu Xi, and he had a strong dribbling breakthrough ability, which brought some threats to the Chinese team and also made the Chinese team's attack in the second half improve. In addition to Wu Xi's personal problems,

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

The report analysis believes that the overall offensive awareness and cooperation ability of the Chinese team need to be improved. The team's players have uneven skill levels and poor passing accuracy, making it difficult to put pressure on Vietnam's defense. The Chinese team lacks effective tactical cooperation,

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

Too much reliance on individual ability to make individual breakthroughs, and the Vietnamese team is more cooperative than that. Further analysis, the lack of offensive strength of the Chinese team in this game is related to improper lineup adjustment. In the game,

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

The Chinese team did not play to the strengths of the players, resulting in the inability to carry out the attack effectively. This also poses a certain challenge for coach Jankovic, who needs to find a more reasonable squad arrangement to maximize the ability of his players.

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

In conclusion, the Chinese men's football team won in the friendly warm-up match with Vietnam, but there are still many problems with the team's performance. Fans hope the team learns its lesson and tries to get to the heart of the problem,

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

In order to achieve better results in official competitions. Head coach Jankovic also needs to think about how to better adjust the squad to improve the overall strength of the team. Only through continuous efforts and improvement can the Chinese men's football team get out of the predicament.

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

Usher in a better future. Recently, the Chinese men's football team has not performed well in the competition, and there are obvious problems. In this football warm-up match, the Chinese team carried out a large rotation, but it was difficult for the newly replaced players to quickly adapt to the rhythm of the game.

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

It is difficult to use one's own strengths. Compared with the tacit understanding of the Vietnamese team to maintain the main lineup, there is a certain gap between the Chinese team in terms of technical level and the accuracy of passing and receiving the ball. At the same time, the Chinese team's tactical thinking is relatively single, relying too much on individual ability.

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

Lack of cooperation from players up front. Moreover, there were also mistakes in the back line, giving the opponent the opportunity to counterattack. Chinese football needs to pay more attention to the construction of the youth training system and vigorously cultivate new forces with an international perspective. meantime

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

It is also necessary to train more high-level coaches to inject new tactical thinking and logistical strength into the Chinese team. Making full use of the individual technical expertise of China's outstanding players and integrating them into the team's tactical system is the only way for the Chinese men's football team to move to a high level.

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

Although Chinese football is still far from the world's first-class teams, we should also give the team enough time to grow and look forward to the early arrival of the glorious era of Chinese football. As fans, we have high hopes for the Chinese men's football team,

Jedi Strike Back! The number one bastard of the national football team broke out, and Jankovic made a shocking comeback

I hope they can improve their strength and achieve better results in international football in the future. However, we should not expect too much and demand too much. The results of this match show that the Chinese men's football team still has a long way to go,

It is necessary to gradually close the gap with the world's best teams through continuous efforts. Let us look forward to and witness the arrival of the glorious era of football in China.

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