
How to get out of unemployment in 2023

author:Sugar candy who loves life

During this period of unemployment, I have been submitting resumes, and I have successively submitted dozens of resumes, and the requirements have been put very low and low, but I still did not receive an interview notice, which was really a bit of a blow, and my heart was at least 10,000 points of critical blow. Alas, it seems that jobs are really difficult to find. To be honest, the current mentality is contradictory. In fact, I was holding a grudge in my heart, very depressed, and I couldn't figure it out, why did unemployment fall on my head? Alas, I really don't know how to solve this distress. Sometimes I console myself that unemployment is only temporary and that life still has to go on. Isn't it a bit of a Q spirit? I wonder if the unemployed friends like me have found a job? Is there also such a conflicted and confused mood as me?

But no matter how difficult it is, you must persist, you can't give up, how can it be so easy to find a job? It is not easy to find a job that suits you, and nothing good can be achieved overnight. I think the most important thing to do now is to calm down slowly, don't be impetuous, plan your future work and life well, and get out of the predicament of unemployment as soon as possible.

First of all, you need to adjust your mentality and strengthen your heart. Under the current environmental and social situation, the retaliatory consumption that everyone expected after the end of the epidemic not only did not appear, but also appeared retaliatory savings. In terms of consumption, everyone has become rational, all walks of life have their own difficulties and development bottlenecks, and the national economy is in a slow recovery period. Unemployment is only temporary, just a drop in the ocean, why get angry and feel ashamed? You can't be defeated, you can't be discouraged, you can't complain about people. It is to accept reality, experience the taste of layoff, have fun in pain, and smoothly transition to the next work period.

How to get out of unemployment in 2023

Second, you need to strengthen skills learning and arm your brain. The so-called "craftsmen who do not die of hunger in the famine year", "many arts do not press their bodies", "one skill in hand, go all over the world", these all show that as long as people have a skill, they can live well in any dynasty, and this is also the case now. Like PPT production masters, programming masters, language expression experts, writing experts, various language translations, handmade trinkets, etc., as long as you have a skill and find the right output platform, you will have one more source of income, you will have an extra guarantee, and you will not worry about supporting your family after losing your job. You can't live on a fixed salary, otherwise, like me, I feel quite stressed when I lose my job without a source of income. So I am ready to move towards becoming a writer, improve a little every day, share and share my feelings about life, and hope that all of you will have more support and encouragement.

How to get out of unemployment in 2023

Again, develop good lifestyle habits and exercise a strong body. As the saying goes, "The body is the capital of the revolution." Only with health can you have the opportunity to have everything, and without health, there is nothing. This shows the importance of health. As long as we develop good living habits and eating habits, regular and adequate sleep time, maintain an optimistic attitude, and strengthen physical exercise, we will have a healthy body. Reserve your physical energy for finding a job in the future to meet new challenges.

How to get out of unemployment in 2023

Maybe unemployment is not as terrible as imagined, the terrible is the collapse of the mentality, the collapse of the body, the collapse of life. Face the setbacks and tribulations that life gives positively, and live each day seriously. I hope that everyone who lives with their hearts can find a satisfying job. Share! Come on!

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