
Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

The bloody storm set off by Palestine and Israel has once again shocked the international world.

Although the two of them fought every three or five, this time the situation is moving in the direction of total loss of control.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

In the early morning of October 7, local time, Hamas, which has always been tough, announced a surprise attack on Israel. They said it was in response to Israel's desecration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, among other atrocities.

October 7 is a special day. It is the last day of the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, and Israelis are probably still enjoying the holiday.

And just fifty years ago, on October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria also used the holiday to "attack them" and fiercely put Israel together. Then came the Fourth Middle East War.

The coincidence of history makes people gasp for a bite of cold skin.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

Hamas began preparations two years in advance for this "gambling on national fortune" operation.

In the past three years, four Arab countries have established diplomatic relations with Israel, and Saudi Arabia has begun to negotiate reconciliation with Israel. This makes Hamas smell the meaning of "betrayal", and must awaken the hatred of the Arab world against Israel at the whole time, and let the world see the bloody nature of the Palestinians against the aggressor.

There are reports that Hamas threw 3,500 rockets at Israel this time, and others say 5,000, but either number is enough to show the intensity of the attack.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

Moreover, Hamas used upgraded rockets this time, which far exceeded the previous crude "flying steel pipes". In the Israeli military's mouth, that thing is a psychological threat more than a physical threat.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

In order to avoid ground-based radar, Hamas fighters have been fully trained in preparation for war. After the operation began, the raiders transformed into paragliders, speedboats and motorcycles and swooped into Israel.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

Coupled with the cooperation of drones, the unprepared Israeli army was caught off guard by this wave of three-dimensional warfare on land, sea and air, and paid the most painful price in fifty years.

The "Merkava" main battle tank was attacked, the number of captured soldiers and civilians was unprecedented, and a group of armed men infiltrated the Jewish community, killing more than 300 people...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu clenched his fists and declared a state of war across the country.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

Subsequently, the military retaliated by carrying out the largest air strike on the Gaza Strip in 75 years, and also completely besieged the Gaza Strip by cutting off water, electricity, food and fuel.

The Gaza Strip is the stronghold of Hamas, a 365-square-kilometre area home to some 2.3 million Palestinians. These are civilians and paupers. One can imagine what awaits them in the future.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?
Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

Ordinary people who are involved in war are the most innocent victims.

Today, about 1,200 people have died on the Israeli side, more than 900 on the Palestinian side, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and a large number of people have been injured and displaced in air strikes.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

What is particularly sad is a desert music festival tragedy. Some young people who host music festivals on the Gaza and Israeli borders have become the target of Hamas's first wave.

Survivors recalled seeing rockets and fleeing in all directions, but armed men who crossed the border turned their guns on them. Some people lay down and pretended to be dead, only to escape.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

The concert celebrating the Festival of Tabernacles instantly became a shooting range. Israeli aid agency Zaka said there were at least 260 bodies lying here.

Some fans were simply hijacked by Hamas on motorcycles.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

There is heartfelt sympathy for ordinary people, whether they are Israelis or Palestinians, who are suffering from the scourge that has flown in.

In his counterattack, the Israeli prime minister referred to Hamas as a "barbarian." But for the "Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?" "This question, everyone quarreled.

Netizens who stand in Palestine said, this is Israel's fault first, are you qualified to define civilization and barbarism? Do you do anything different with the Palestinians and the Nazis?

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?
Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

Step by step to squeeze people's living space, cut people's countries to pieces, surround people's people in the wall, every time the Palestinians resist, your side will sacrifice the "air raid + siege" move, you call this civilization?

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?
Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

Palestine went to extremes and was forced by Israel.

I also saw a conversation from a group of netizens like this:

"Would you like to be neighbors with someone like Hamas? Let you pick your neighbors, do you choose Israel or Hamas? ”

"If I were neighbors with Israel, I would be Hamas."

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

The more desperate the place, the easier it is to breed extremism.

Some polls revealed that it is because of the fact that Israel has been sharpening its knives, seeing that peaceful statehood is basically hopeless, and seeing that moderates are corrupt and fira, so more and more ordinary Palestinians have turned to support hardliners. They want to take back their country and stop going to Israel to work as cattle and horses.

Hamas has undoubtedly had a mass base for winning elections in the Gaza Strip and gaining a foothold for a long time. This situation is somewhat similar to the seizure of power by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

And there is some truth in the opposition. Hamas, the "plague of human civilization", is not worth washing, they say:

Can war fanatics like Hamas really represent the interests of the majority of Palestinians? They have tied all Palestinians to their chariots.

Hi by sneak attack, and then what? Have you thought about how to protect ordinary people?

In the past, suicide bombings were carried out, but this time they "suddenly" against the civilians of the music festival, and they also stripped the so-called "Israeli female soldiers" they caught and paraded through the streets, and locked the captured Israeli children in iron cages... Aren't these actions labeling themselves "terrorists" on their brains?

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

Bystanders at the keyboard can have such a big controversy, let alone the people in it.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

After the conflict, the Colombian president said something like this:

"For Israeli children to sleep peacefully, it is important to ensure that Palestinian children also sleep peacefully."

What you call "barbarians" are also other people's children, or parents.

The reason for the vicious circle of Palestinian-Israeli relations is a complex historical background.

The Jews said, I founded my kingdom here in 1000 B.C.

The Arabs must be confused when they hear it, but after you were destroyed by the Roman Empire, you didn't live here, and then we multiplied here.

After World War II, the United Nations said, don't fight, you squeeze.

Therefore, it was decided to establish an Arab state and a Jewish state in Palestine: Arabs, who accounted for 69% of the population, received more than 40% of the land; 31% of Jews received more than 58% of the land.

Jerusalem is more sensitive and is administered by the United Nations.

The Arabs must not be satisfied!

On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was established. The next day, the Arabs marched their troops into Palestine, expressing their anger with real guns. It was against this backdrop that the first Middle East war began.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

Of course, this is just the beginning, and there are four more to come.

In particular, in 1967, Israel seized Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, Syria's Golan Heights, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and even the Old City of Jerusalem.

Israelis who want to regain their homes have completely lost large numbers of Palestinians.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

In 1993, with the mediation of Norway, Palestine and Israel reached a peace agreement. Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin formally sign the Oslo Accords on the White House lawn.

Arafat, Rabin and his foreign minister, Peres, also won the Nobel Peace Prize together.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

But just two years later, Rabin was shot dead by Israeli extremists in Tel Aviv, and the peace talks between the two countries reached a stalemate again.

Despite the U.S.'s desire to bring Palestine and Israel back to the negotiating table, neither side has budged — Jerusalem's belonging, the resettlement of refugees, the demarcation of borders, and it seems impossible to talk about it.

In September 2000, Sharon, the leader of Israel's right-wing Likud party, broke into the Al-Aqsa Mosque Square in Jerusalem's Old City. Disgruntled Palestinian crowds then confronted the Israeli police. The movement, dubbed the "Al-Aqsa intifada" by Palestinians, is a hurdle for both Palestinians and Israelis.

The 13 people killed by the police in the intifada have become eternal heroes in the hearts of Palestinians:

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

Moreover, the wall built by Israel around East Jerusalem in the Palestinian territory is also chilling.

Even if the international condemnation is repeated, Israel will continue to go its own way.

One thing is to say, can civilized people with elegant manners be raised in open-air prisons?

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

I looked at some pictures that reflect life in the Gaza camps, and I just hope that both sides remain civil:

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?
Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?
Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?
Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

Now, Israel has called up 300,000 reservists to prepare for a full-scale counteroffensive. The United States, a die-hard ally, also drove the USS Ford to the eastern Mediterranean.

Netanyahu has vowed to annihilate Hamas with unprecedented force, even if it turns the Middle East upside down.

Hamas, for its part, is also not showing weakness. With more than a hundred hostages held in Gaza, the Qassam Brigades warned Israel to be careful of "one room for one life."

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

After the conflict, Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Allah parties close to Hamas made it clear. The last one has even fired at Israel to put his solidarity into practice.

The Israeli defense minister also put a harsh word in the Gaza belt: "Hamas wants a change, and they will indeed get a change, that is, everything that exists in Gaza will no longer exist." ”

Hamas may indeed become a trapped beast this time, but no one knows how the trapped beast forced into a poor alley will roar back madly.

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

The Israelis believe that blowing up those strongholds will wipe out Hamas, but even if Gaza is leveled, as long as the seeds of hatred remain, Hamas will be reborn elsewhere.

With the current influx of refugees from Gaza in exile expected to flood into Egypt, will a new Hamas emerge among them?

There are always people who ask who is right and who is wrong, but children are right and wrong. What we're looking for is a way to open the knot.

Some people say that those countries in Europe have fought for so many years, and now they still have the establishment of the European Union.

Saudi Arabia and Iran, formerly mortal enemies, are now making peace.

Explain that there are no permanent enemies.

But whether in Europe, Saudi Arabia or Iran, their inhabitants live a normal life. When people have hope, they will try to live. Hatred, hatred, can also be put aside and resolved.

But the Palestinians in Gaza were not so lucky.

If a place is difficult to meet even the minimum standard of human existence, it is bound to breed extreme emotions, and eventually a powerful leader will come out and shout "Outside the wall, there is the enemy."

Palestinian-Israeli war, who is the barbarian?

Seeing that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has turned into a tug-of-war, the powder keg on the Middle East side has been ignited again. Even around us, there are far more guns and arrows than we imagined.

A little worried, will 2023 become a feng shui mountain in human history?

I sincerely do not want future generations to look back on this year and write this wasteland literature:

"2023 is the last year of humanity's golden age. That year, the world economy withered, and wars broke out everywhere, and they have been fought until now..."

"Unlike the previous two world wars, humanity in 2023 has mastered the ability to destroy itself. Protracted wars have destroyed the civilization that mankind has built over thousands of years. ”

"You used to buy food on the street, and you didn't have to worry about nuclear radiation when you walked on the road. The dignitaries haven't lived on Mars yet, there are 8 billion people on Earth, and you have the opportunity to go anywhere on Earth. ”

As netizens said, "Wuzhong is born", and can only pray for world peace.