
Wedding car accident: 6 people were killed, 630W compensation was paid, relatives and friends exposed the inside story, and the makeup artist had a luxurious funeral

author:Little flowers love to share LH

A wedding car accident that made six young lives disappear in an instant. The findings revealed that driver fatigue and drunk driving contributed to the tragedy. The amount of compensation for this accident is as high as 6.3 million, but the distribution method is unsatisfactory and has caused controversy. Among them, the amount of responsibility that the driver should bear and how much compensation should be allocated has become the focus of the dispute. In addition, the distribution of compensation amounts has also caused some conflicts and conflicts between families. In the face of such a situation, how should we view and solve these problems? In this tragedy, the lives of six young people have been taken and they and their families will never recover from the trauma. Tragedies like this also remind us of the importance of safe driving and traffic rules.

Wedding car accident: 6 people were killed, 630W compensation was paid, relatives and friends exposed the inside story, and the makeup artist had a luxurious funeral

Drunk driving and fatigue driving by drivers is the main cause of many traffic accidents, and their actions not only endanger their own lives, but also bring immeasurable injuries and losses. In order to avoid similar tragedies from happening again, we should pay more attention to safe driving and the enforcement of traffic rules, and also strengthen the punishment and supervision of drunk driving and fatigue driving, so as to protect the safety of people's lives and property. In the distribution of the amount of compensation, a fair decision should be made in accordance with judicial principles and the actual situation. Considering that the driver's wrongful actions are the main cause of the tragedy, he should bear more liability. Other families of the deceased deserve more care and support to help them get through.

Wedding car accident: 6 people were killed, 630W compensation was paid, relatives and friends exposed the inside story, and the makeup artist had a luxurious funeral

However, in the distribution of the amount of compensation, the influence of other factors, such as the family's economic situation, whether there is an economic breadwinner in the deceased's family, etc. cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is necessary to make a reasonable distribution on the basis of a fair ruling, and comprehensively consider and discuss the distribution method. Finally, in the face of such tragedies and controversies, we should cherish life more, respect laws and rules, and also pay attention to and care for those families who have lost loved ones, help them come out of the shadows and receive reasonable compensation and support. At the same time, we should also think about how to avoid similar tragedies from happening again and make greater contributions to traffic safety and the construction of the rule of law. The conflicts and conflicts between the in-laws in this accident are surprising and infuriating.

Wedding car accident: 6 people were killed, 630W compensation was paid, relatives and friends exposed the inside story, and the makeup artist had a luxurious funeral

Even more heart-wrenching is the loss of her life in the accident. And at such a sad moment, the man and the woman actually quarreled over money and could not comfort and support each other. The man believes that the child should be counted as a person and entitled to compensation, while the woman believes that the child has not yet been born, does not have a hukou and identity card, and cannot be counted as a person. The two sides were deadlocked, and even quarrels and clashes broke out. This situation is regrettable and regrettable, and we should reflect on the importance of human affection and affection. In addition to the conflict between the in-laws, we also need to pay attention to the plight of the driver's family. The driver was an excavator driver before the accident, usually worked hard and did not earn much, and was owed some money.

Wedding car accident: 6 people were killed, 630W compensation was paid, relatives and friends exposed the inside story, and the makeup artist had a luxurious funeral

He originally planned to buy some things for his family after getting the money, but he did not expect to encounter this accident. Now that he has passed away, his children hope to recover their debts. However, these debtors do not want to pay the money, and even shirk and threaten for various reasons. They thought the driver was dead and no one could settle accounts with them. In this dilemma, the children of drivers can only turn to the law and the media to protect their legitimate rights and interests. The conflict between the in-laws caused by the accident and the plight of the driver's family are thought-provoking. In today's society, money and material interests often become the goals that people pursue, while ignoring the emotions and affection between people.

Wedding car accident: 6 people were killed, 630W compensation was paid, relatives and friends exposed the inside story, and the makeup artist had a luxurious funeral

The man and woman quarreled and clashed over compensation, forgetting that they had been close in-laws and forgetting the grief and loss they had experienced together. Driver's families face financial hardship and debt collection pressure, and they deserve to be cared for and helped by society instead of being left out and deceived. They have the right to recover the money they receive, and they have the right to uphold their dignity and justice. Overall, this accident has taught us a lot of lessons and inspirations. We should attach importance to the emotions and affection between people, and not forget to understand and support each other. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to those who are in difficult circumstances, and give them care and help.

Wedding car accident: 6 people were killed, 630W compensation was paid, relatives and friends exposed the inside story, and the makeup artist had a luxurious funeral

Finally, we need to think about how to maintain the emotions and affection between people while pursuing money and material interests, and achieve true harmony and balance. How do you think the in-laws conflict and the plight of the driver's family in this accident should be handled? What advice and views do you have? Cherish life, obey traffic rules, and drive safely. This is an important principle that each of us should keep in mind. However, we often hear reports of traffic accidents, each of which takes innocent lives and causes great pain to families. So, how can we keep ourselves and others safe? First of all, we should cherish family affection, value emotions, and respect each other.

Wedding car accident: 6 people were killed, 630W compensation was paid, relatives and friends exposed the inside story, and the makeup artist had a luxurious funeral

Our families are the people we are closest to and the most important support in our lives. However, in the modern fast-paced life, we often neglect to care and care for our families. The lack of family affection not only leads to family tensions, but also has a negative impact on driving behavior. Therefore, we need to always remind ourselves not to lose our temper with our family members because of a momentary impulse, and to learn to be tolerant and understanding. Second, we should also care for vulnerable groups, maintain social order, and build a harmonious society together. In our society, there are many vulnerable groups who need our attention and help. Whether pedestrians, cyclists, or people with disabilities, we should provide them with a safe traffic environment.

Wedding car accident: 6 people were killed, 630W compensation was paid, relatives and friends exposed the inside story, and the makeup artist had a luxurious funeral

We can be courteous, obey traffic rules, and give them more respect and care. Only with our joint efforts can we avoid similar tragedies and allow everyone to have a happy and good life. We should always remember the preciousness of life, not only to protect our own life, but also to respect the lives of others. Follow traffic rules and drive safely, not only for yourself, but also for the people around you. In our lives, we often overlook these simple but important principles. We should be vigilant, cherish life, value family affection, and care for vulnerable groups. Only in this way can we build a harmonious society together and make our lives happier and better.

Wedding car accident: 6 people were killed, 630W compensation was paid, relatives and friends exposed the inside story, and the makeup artist had a luxurious funeral

In short, cherishing life, obeying traffic rules, and driving safely are the bottom line that each of us should adhere to. At the same time, we should also attach importance to family affection, care for vulnerable groups, and work together to contribute to the harmony and beauty of society. Let us keep these principles in mind so that everyone can have a safe and happy life. So, how do you think we can better cherish life, care for others, and build a harmonious society together? Please leave a message to share your views and suggestions.

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