
Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!

author:Fun Fact of the Day 010

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Recently, the well-known actor Angelababy was banned by first-line entertainment platforms for her original works, which has attracted widespread attention.

Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!
Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!

This incident not only affected many fans inside and outside the entertainment industry, but also triggered the public's attention and discussion on the phenomenon of banning original works.

Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!

This article will delve into the reasons behind this incident and analyze the impact of the ban on original works on authors and the entertainment industry from the perspective of the entertainment industry.

First, the cause of the incident: Angelababy's original works were banned by the platform

Recently, Angelababy released an original video work on the Crazy Horse show.

Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!

However, shockingly, the work was banned by first-line entertainment platforms after only a few hours. This incident has sparked heated discussions among many netizens and fans, and has caused widespread attention to the ban on original works in the entertainment industry.

Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!

Second, the phenomenon of banning original works in the entertainment industry

The ban on original works is not an isolated case in the entertainment industry. Many celebrities and artists put their creativity and talent into their creations, yet their work is often banned or deleted for various reasons.

Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!

For artists and authors, this phenomenon is not only harmful to their own creative spirit, but also affects their reputation and development in the entertainment industry.

3. The causes and effects of the ban on original works

Original works can be banned or deleted for many reasons, including copyright infringement, violation of platform regulations, non-compliance with laws and regulations, etc.

Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!

However, in some cases, original works have been banned without clear explanation, causing confusion and injustice to authors and fans.

The impact of banning original works on authors cannot be ignored.

Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!

First of all, the author's efforts and creative passion may be hit, negatively affecting his creative enthusiasm. Secondly, original works cannot be interacted with and shared with the audience due to the ban, and cannot be widely disseminated, which limits the reputation and exposure of the author.

Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!

Angelababy responded to the incident for the first time

After the incident, Angelababy finally responded for the first time on social media. She said that she was shocked and disappointed by the ban of the original work, and would communicate with relevant platforms to seek reasonable explanations and handling.

Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!

Angelababy's response was supported by many fans and sparked more social discussion about the phenomenon of banning original works. People are starting to wonder whether banning original works should have clearer rules and standards so as not to cause unnecessary distress to authors and fans.

Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!

5. Suggestions for solving the problem of banning original works

Regarding the issue of banning original works, we should discuss and solve it from multiple perspectives.

Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!

First of all, platforms should strengthen the review and management of original works, and establish clearer blocking standards and rules. Second, authors and artists should pay more attention to copyright protection and creative publicity to reduce the risk of banning. In addition, the government and relevant departments should also strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, and regulate and supervise the issue of banning original works from the institutional level.

Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!


In the banning of original works in the entertainment industry, Angelababy's response has aroused widespread attention and discussion. Through this incident, we can see the negative impact of the ban on authors and the entertainment industry, as well as actionable suggestions to address the problem.

Is it cool to be banned by various platforms? Angelababy responds for the first time after "Crazy Horse Show"!

I hope that by continuing to pay attention and discussion, we can contribute to the protection and development of original works in the entertainment industry.

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