
From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

author:Panda talks about Sannong

Zhao Pu's beginnings in the broadcasting industry can be traced back to 1994, when he successfully joined the Anhui Meteorological Observatory as a temporary weather announcer. This opportunity exposed him to his dream broadcasting industry and began to work hard to improve his basic skills. He understands that to be a good announcer, Mandarin is a basic skill. So, he started with the most basic pronunciation. Zhao Pu is not satisfied with just practicing basic skills, he also actively makes a career development plan for himself.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

He realized that to stand out in this industry, more expertise and skills were necessary. So, he began to systematically study news writing, news interviewing and other related courses. He attended various training courses and lectures to enrich his knowledge. In addition to professional knowledge, Zhao Pu also focuses on improving his eloquence and expression skills. He participated in various speech competitions and eloquence training activities to constantly hone his presentation skills.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

He has also accumulated a wealth of practical experience by participating in the hosting and broadcasting of various programs. Over time, Zhao Pu's efforts began to bear fruit. His announcer voice is becoming more stable and his pronunciation more and more accurate. His expressive skills are also getting better, being able to accurately convey information and grab the audience's attention. His career development has also gradually made a breakthrough, he has become a member of CCTV Broadcasting Station, recording and broadcasting for many CCTV programs.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

However, Zhao Pu was not satisfied with this. He knows he still has a lot to improve. He continues to learn and hone his skills and strive to become the best in the industry. He has participated in various academic research and exchange activities, sharing experience and learning from each other. He also actively participates in public welfare activities, using his voice to transmit positive energy and influence more people. Time flies, and now Zhao Pu has become a highly respected and admired master of online writing.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

His story has inspired countless young people to believe that with hard work, they can achieve their dreams. His success is not only a personal glory, but also a spur and promotion of cultural inheritance. All in all, Zhao Pu's story tells us that no matter what kind of environment we are in, as long as we have a tenacious will and a persistent pursuit of our dreams, we can overcome difficulties and achieve our goals. His inspirational legacy has become a source of motivation for young people to chase their dreams.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

In this uncertain and challenging era, we should learn from Zhao Pu, continuously improve our capabilities, and meet the challenges of the future. Let's work together to become the Zhao Pu in our own lives, and use our enthusiasm and talents to change the world. Changing his accent wasn't easy, but Zhao persevered. In 1995, his father died, which brought him great grief. At the same time, he also encountered setbacks in his Mandarin learning, and once wanted to give up his hosting dream.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

However, his mother's dissuasion made him persevere and continue to chase his dreams. After his father's death, Zhao Pu worked harder, and finally entered the broadcasting class of Beijing Broadcasting Institute in 1995, taking the first step to become a professional host. During his internship at Beijing TV, Zhao Pu showed his hosting talents. He started to learn humbly from the most basic voiceover for news, and constantly improved his professional level.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

His diligence and studiousness have won him recognition from mentors and colleagues, while also accumulating valuable experience that has laid a solid foundation for his future hosting career. On Beijing TV, he hosted programs such as "Financial Report", "Hotline Lawyer", and "Golden Hour". In addition to his busy work, he also found time to study production at the management department of Beijing Film Academy and obtained a master's degree in fine arts from Beijing Normal University. He has participated in the production and hosting of more than 20 programs.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

In 2003, he won the first prize of the China Radio and Television Host Award for his outstanding performance, which marked that his professional ability has reached the requirements of national media. In 2006, CCTV held the "Charming New Partner" competition. Zhao Pu stood out from more than a thousand contestants and finally won the third place and successfully entered CCTV. This competition allowed him to prove that he could be qualified to host CCTV and achieve his new life goal.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

Zhao Pu grew from a retired soldier who graduated from junior high school to a CCTV host in 16 years. His story tells us that if you persevere in pursuing your dreams, learning hard and improving your abilities, you can achieve the transformation from the impossible to the possible. No matter how many difficulties and setbacks you encounter, as long as you have a dream, you can overcome all difficulties and meet your own glory. Zhao Pu's inspirational story will continue to inspire countless people to forge ahead and chase their dreams.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

Zhao Pu, a host who left CCTV in 2015 at the age of 44, returned to his hometown of Anhui Province to establish the China Craft Development Research Center. His decision confused people, because CCTV is the platform that many hosts dream of, why did he leave? However, Zhao Pu's departure does not mean that he has given up the television industry. Instead, he continued to juggle hosting and planning cultural programs to show the audience the charm of traditional Chinese culture.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

Aware of his responsibility for cultural heritage, he founded the China Craft Development Research Center, dedicated to preserving and passing on China's rich handicraft culture. Zhao Pu did not stop there, he also actively participated in public welfare activities, donated to charitable causes, and helped those in need. He is well aware of his influence and actively promotes the progress and development of society. In addition to his career achievements, Zhao Pu is also a conscientious family member.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

His daughter, who is already 14 years old, will face many future choices, choosing to follow her father as a host or learn from her mother to become a strong woman in business. Whatever she chooses, she will become a useful person to society, because this is what her father has taught for many years. The happiness of the Zhao Pu family stems from the fact that he and his wife support and understand each other, and face the challenges and joys of life together. Their family life also shows a spirit of persistence, struggle and responsibility.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

By sticking to his dreams, Zhao Pu is not only able to do what he loves, but also provides good economic conditions for his family. Zhao Pu's life story tells us that no matter how difficult we encounter, as long as we have dreams and persistence, we can create our own success and happiness. His choices and efforts set an example for us, encouraging us to pursue our dreams and contribute to society.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

Finally, let us wish Zhao Pu's family happiness and happiness, and hope that his cultural inheritance business will become more and more influential, bringing hope and change to more craftsmen. Zhao Pu, a brave and determined young man. At the age of 17, he left his hometown for Beijing and began his journey to pursue his musical dreams. After many failures and setbacks, he finally stood out in a draft and became a professional singer.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

After years of hard work, he gradually became a much-loved singer and actor. Zhao Pu's success did not come from chance or luck, but from his indomitable spirit and persistent pursuit of the music career. He has always believed in his dream, moving towards his goal step by step, and constantly learning and improving his acting skills along the way. His hard work and dedication eventually paid off, and he became a high-profile artist and left his mark on his music career.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

Zhao Pu's story shows us a truth, that is, only by continuous efforts and pursuit can we realize our dreams. Even when experiencing failures and setbacks, we must firmly believe in our abilities and values, and constantly reflect and improve ourselves. Only in this way can you succeed in the field you are passionate about and contribute more to society. When learning from Zhao Pu's experience, we should also learn from it, not only to have dreams, but also to have courage and action.

From "CCTV brother" to "no such person", what has the 44-year-old Zhao Pu experienced?

Only by translating dreams into concrete plans and practices can they become reality. At the same time, in the process of pursuing our dreams, we should also maintain a humble and learning attitude at all times, and constantly improve our abilities and skills. In short, Zhao Pu is a role model worthy of our learning and admiration, and his story will inspire more people to pursue their dreams and make more contributions to society.

Let us learn from Zhao Pu together, turn our dreams into reality, and create a better future for ourselves and society.