
First lost Hirano and then Hayada, and now loses Miyu Kihara, 5 golden flowers or substitution, Qian Tianyi is hopeful

author:Funny little safflower tpG

The five golden flowers of national table tennis are the top players of the Chinese table tennis team, and they are almost invincible in international competitions. However, Wang Yidi's recent consecutive losses to Japanese players have made people question her status and strength.

First lost Hirano and then Hayada, and now loses Miyu Kihara, 5 golden flowers or substitution, Qian Tianyi is hopeful

The reason why Wang Yidi lost may be because she is under a lot of pressure. As a top fighter, she has to win every fight, and this pressure can prevent her from performing at her best. On the contrary, Hina Hayata has always been able to keep a smile and approach the game with a calm mind, whether in the face of victory or defeat.

First lost Hirano and then Hayada, and now loses Miyu Kihara, 5 golden flowers or substitution, Qian Tianyi is hopeful

Not only in singles, Wang Yidi also lost in mixed doubles. This puts her position at risk among the five golden flowers of the national pingping. At present, Qian Tianyi may be the only player who can replace Wang Yidi, but he still needs to prove his strength.

First lost Hirano and then Hayada, and now loses Miyu Kihara, 5 golden flowers or substitution, Qian Tianyi is hopeful

The five golden flowers of national table tennis are the pride of the Chinese table tennis team, and they represent the highest level of table tennis in China. However, Wang Yidi's successive defeats have made people wonder whether she can continue to maintain her dominance. This has also led to a discussion about the impact of pressure on players' performance.

First lost Hirano and then Hayada, and now loses Miyu Kihara, 5 golden flowers or substitution, Qian Tianyi is hopeful

Pressure is a double-edged sword, it can motivate players to perform at their best, but it can also cause players to lose confidence and coolness. For top players, it is normal to experience a lot of pressure from the outside and inside. However, how to deal with this pressure has become a difficult problem to face. Hina Hayata is in the spotlight with her calm mind and smile. She seems to be able to stay calm during the game and doesn't change her expression because she wins or loses. This mentality may be the secret to her success in the competition. However, Wang Yidi is not without strength. As one of the five golden flowers of national table tennis, she has achieved remarkable results in past competitions. Her skills and strength are beyond doubt. It's just that her recent back-to-back defeats have put her status into question. Qian Tianyi may be the only player who can replace Wang Yidi. He has performed well in domestic competitions and has the same strength as Wang Yidi. However, he still needs to prove himself on the international stage to truly replace Wang Yidi. In any case, the five golden flowers of national table tennis are the pride of the Chinese table tennis team, and their achievements and efforts will not be erased by one or several losses. Every player goes through ups and downs, and it's important to be able to learn from their failures and keep improving. Stress is the norm for athletes, but how to deal with it and stay calm and confident is a process that requires constant honing and learning. I hope that Wang Yidi can come out of the shadow of consecutive losses and regain his condition and confidence. At the same time, it is expected that Qian Tianyi can show his strength in future competitions and add new brilliance to the five golden flowers of National Table Tennis.

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