
In the name of CCTV, he circled money everywhere and was accused of crimes by his own daughter, why is Fang Hongjin so bad?

author:Let's go get it

Fang Hongjin's brilliance was once a bright star in the media industry, a leader of CCTV, and one of the founders of "Focus Interview". However, his reputation fell to the bottom and became the target of public criticism.

Let's take a look back at Hongjin's early life. He was born in Shuxiangmendi to a veteran journalist who had a profound influence on him. Strict tutoring and excellent talent made him go very smoothly on the academic road, and finally entered Sun Yat-sen University, a prestigious university.

After graduating from graduate school, although he worked as a teacher at Shenzhen University and had a career that seemed like a "golden rice bowl", he chose to leave because he had a bigger dream in his heart, that is, to enter the media industry.

In the name of CCTV, he circled money everywhere and was accused of crimes by his own daughter, why is Fang Hongjin so bad?

However, just when everyone thought that Fang Hongjin would continue to show his strength on CCTV, he unexpectedly chose Oriental Satellite TV. Since then, his career has had ups and downs, and the performance of the TV station has not been as good as before. He frequently ventured into business, starting advertising agencies in his wife's name, and his thirst for money seemed to erode his original intentions, and his choices became puzzling.

In the end, Fang Hongjin left the TV station again and devoted himself to his company. However, this time, he did not find his career stage, but fell into a deep confusion.

In the golden period of his career, Fang Hongjin focused on his company. With his popularity, the company gradually grew steadily, and he also entered into an advertising cooperation agreement with a large company, promising to promote his products on TV. The partner paid a deposit of one million in advance, but for various reasons, the advertisement failed to air as planned, leading the business to demand a refund of the money.

In the name of CCTV, he circled money everywhere and was accused of crimes by his own daughter, why is Fang Hongjin so bad?

However, this is not the whole problem of his career and life. Time seems to have the magic to heal everything, but Fang Hongjin's daughter once again pushes him to the cusp, publicly exposing his father's extramarital affairs and domestic violence. According to her, Fang Hongjin's private life was quite chaotic and he betrayed his marriage many times. Once, his extramarital affair was revealed by his wife, and in order to save the marriage, he wrote a promise.

Although his wife initially chose to forgive, Fang Hongjin remained in touch with the outside world. When his wife discovers his secret communication records, the conflict escalates and Fang Hongjin makes a move on his wife in front of his daughter.

The daughter wanted to call the police, but Fang Hongjin disappeared after this conflict. The truth of the matter is still to be confirmed, but Fang Hongjin's marriage with his wife has broken down, and his daughter chooses to live with her mother.

In the name of CCTV, he circled money everywhere and was accused of crimes by his own daughter, why is Fang Hongjin so bad?

Perhaps, this is a new beginning in his life. Looking back, he could have continued to shine in the hosting world with his talent, but because some choices deviated from the right path, he left regrets. May his future be more prosperous. Thank you for your support, if you wish, please click "Follow", which will make it easier for you to discuss and share with us, and also bring you more fun to participate.

In the name of CCTV, he circled money everywhere and was accused of crimes by his own daughter, why is Fang Hongjin so bad?

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