
With islands and reefs having accidents one after another, or even being taken away, do the British still have the leisure to pay attention to the South China Sea?

author:Zhang Qirui

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On 22 May 2019, the UN General Assembly voted for the UK to return the Chagos Archipelago to Mauritius, but the UK has so far refused to comply with this decision. The incident involved territorial disputes, international politics and geostrategy, and attracted global attention. This article will analyze the background of this event, its possible consequences, and the positions of the countries concerned, and explore the implications and rationale thereof.


The Government of Mauritius had recently taken the act of chartering yachts and sending an ambassador to the United Nations to the Chagos Archipelago to demonstrate its claim to sovereignty over the Territory. The Chagos Archipelago is located at the crossroads of the Indian Ocean, including Diego Garcia, which hosts an important military base for U.S. Indian Ocean strategy. Britain's possession of this territory was geostrategic to it and therefore refused to return it. However, the action of Mauritius could change that.

With islands and reefs having accidents one after another, or even being taken away, do the British still have the leisure to pay attention to the South China Sea?

At the military level, although the UK has enough strength to counter Mauritius, the challenge lies in the response of the international community. China has clearly expressed its support for Mauritius' position on this territorial dispute, and as a world power and a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China has some influence. In addition, Russia may also express its antipathy to British military action, further plunging Britain into international isolation.

The event reflects Britain's declining position in global politics and the rise of other powers such as China and Russia. Britain has intervened in the Asia-Pacific region and the South China Sea in the past, but its actions have failed to achieve the desired impact and have instead led to internal economic problems. China's economic rise has given it a greater say in international affairs, which is one of the reasons behind China's insistence on Britain's return of its territory.

With islands and reefs having accidents one after another, or even being taken away, do the British still have the leisure to pay attention to the South China Sea?


Personally, I believe that disputes in international affairs should be resolved through peaceful peace talks. Mauritius' claim to sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago was legitimate, especially in view of historical unfair treatment. The UK should respect the decision of the UN General Assembly and engage in honest and peaceful negotiations with Mauritius to resolve the dispute.

In addition, the UK should consider its role and actions in international affairs more carefully. With the rise of emerging powers such as China, Britain is no longer the dominant force in global politics, and its actions may provoke resentment in the international community, leading to isolation. With pressing economic issues, Britain should focus more on domestic development rather than trying to play games in global politics.

With islands and reefs having accidents one after another, or even being taken away, do the British still have the leisure to pay attention to the South China Sea?


This incident has taught us that the conduct of major Powers in international affairs requires careful consideration and should be subject to international law and the decisions of international organizations. The international community increasingly valued fairness and reasonableness, and failure to comply with international rules could lead to isolation and condemnation of States.

Moreover, being powerful does not necessarily mean that it can interfere in the affairs of other countries at will. International politics is complex and requires a combination of factors, including international relations, geostrategy and domestic economic conditions. The UK's performance in this event reminds us that powerful countries should act responsibly to ensure the long-term interests of the country and the international community.


The Chagos archipelago dispute between Britain and Mauritius represents a shift in the balance of power in international politics. Britain's position in global politics is declining, while emerging powers such as China are emerging. This event reminds us that international affairs need to be based on peaceful peace talks and abide by international law and the rules of international organizations. Powerful countries should carefully consider their actions to ensure the long-term interests of States and the international community. Ultimately, this event calls on all countries to uphold the principles of fairness, reasonableness and responsibility in international affairs in order to promote global peace and stability.

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