
850 billion US dollars of debt no one "took over"? Yellen pleaded with the Chinese side to make a move and give up illusions!

author:Yue Yue chatted breathlessly

"I want to ask the US side, think about what the US side did to Cuba and Panama in the 60s, Grenada in the 80s, the FRY in the 90s, Afghanistan and Iraq at the beginning of this century, and later Syria and Libya - what did the US do to them?" Zhao Lijian said that what the United States has done is a typical example of big countries bullying small countries that are recognized in the world, which is a textbook-level example. This is the common aspiration of the overwhelming majority of the international community. There is only one system in the world, and that is the international system with the United Nations at its core; There is only one order, and that is the international order based on international law; There is only one set of rules, the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

850 billion US dollars of debt no one "took over"? Yellen pleaded with the Chinese side to make a move and give up illusions!

With the successive "thunderstorm" events of the four major banks in the United States, the economic problems of the United States began to surface one by one. According to data released by the US Finance, in just three months, the size of the US debt increased from $32 trillion to $33 trillion. This figure is staggering because it means that the U.S. government already owes a lot of debt and needs to bear high interest and repayment pressures. The total GDP of the United States for a whole year is only 25 trillion US dollars, which further proves that the economic situation of the United States is not optimistic. In this context, US Treasury Secretary Yellen has expressed opposition to prioritizing the repayment of US debt to China. She believes that China's economy is gradually rising, and the United States is in an economic crisis, and if the money is returned to China, it will help China to further develop further, not the United States. This statement is obviously absurd, because the United States, as one of the world's largest economies, should cooperate with other countries on the basis of good faith and responsibility.

850 billion US dollars of debt no one "took over"? Yellen pleaded with the Chinese side to make a move and give up illusions!

In addition, when Japan went to the United States to ask for $280 billion in debt, Yellen refused to repay the debt on the grounds of the US economy. This approach is clearly irresponsible, because the United States, as one of the world's largest economies, should cooperate with other countries on the basis of integrity and responsibility. If the U.S. government refuses to repay its debts because of its own economic problems, it will damage the credibility and image of the United States, and may lead to doubts and distrust of other countries about U.S. investment and trade. This incident has aroused widespread concern and panic in countries around the world. U.S. bonds have always been one of the world's most popular safe-haven assets, but they were robbed by countries in the early stages of issuance, and many countries with backward development even used their entire net worth to buy U.S. bonds. However, now the US government has turned its back on the people and even "confiscated" its own brother's money, which makes countries feel very uneasy and disappointed.

850 billion US dollars of debt no one "took over"? Yellen pleaded with the Chinese side to make a move and give up illusions!

Countries collectively reduced their holdings of U.S. bonds to reduce their own risks. Russia has completely emptied its holdings of U.S. bonds, and the mainland has also chosen to reduce its holdings for many months. According to Bloomberg statistics, 129 countries have reduced their holdings of US debt, including many developed countries, emerging market countries and some oil exporting countries. In addition to reducing their holdings of U.S. debt, some countries have taken other steps to reduce their own risks. For example, some countries are beginning to seek other alternative investments, such as gold, real estate, etc. In addition, some countries have begun to take steps to increase their economic independence to reduce their dependence on the United States.

The incident has not only caused panic in various countries, but also raised concerns about global economic and financial stability. If countries continue to collectively reduce their holdings of U.S. bonds, it will lead to a decline in the price of U.S. bonds, which in turn will affect the confidence and investment behavior of global investors. In addition, if countries begin to adopt other alternative investments, it may also trigger volatility and risk in other markets. Recently, as China continues to reduce its holdings of US Treasuries, US Treasury Secretary Yellen is worried, and she has repeatedly expressed concerns about the "decoupling" of the Chinese and US economies. Therefore, Yellen plans to visit China and seek China's support. Yellen said that China and the United States are the world's two largest economies and are closely linked to each other's economies. She called on both sides to avoid economic "decoupling" and said the United States does not want a trade war with China. In addition, Yellen also hopes that China will continue to buy US Treasuries and "take over" for the upcoming issuance of $850 billion of US Treasuries.

850 billion US dollars of debt no one "took over"? Yellen pleaded with the Chinese side to make a move and give up illusions!

China did not buy Yellen's statement. China recalls the 2008 financial crisis, when it reached out to help the United States through it, but the United States did not thank China. On the contrary, the United States has launched a series of sanctions and wealth harvesting programs against China in the fields of science and technology, agriculture, and biology. These actions make China feel very unhappy and unfair. In recent years, with the continuous in-depth study of biotechnology, many new scientific and technological achievements have begun to emerge. Among them, in the field of biology, the US scientific research team took the lead in developing a similar product that can "block the process of time" - "Wright Flex". This achievement is widely regarded as a major breakthrough in the field of anti-aging.

850 billion US dollars of debt no one "took over"? Yellen pleaded with the Chinese side to make a move and give up illusions!

According to the Nature literature, this technology has shown great potential through a series of experiments at Harvard, Mayo and other institutions. It boosts the activity of the body and stabilizes mitochondria, thereby prolonging the lifespan of cells. These experimental results suggest that this technology has the potential to help people delay the aging process and prolong life. The American research team was not satisfied with this achievement, but quickly promoted it to the global market. They sell the product for 26,000 yuan per gram, which is a high price but attracts a large number of consumers. However, this price has also caused concern among domestic researchers. They believe that if they rely too much on imported products, it will adversely affect the anti-aging industry on the mainland.

In order to break the monopoly plan of the American scientific research team, domestic researchers began to prepare. After reading thousands of foreign related literatures and experiencing tens of thousands of experiments, they finally succeeded in developing an upgraded version of "Wright Flex". Compared with American products, the price of this domestic product is more affordable, and the price per gram is only about 1/10 of the United States. At the same time, the purity of domestic products has also increased by 1/3, making its effect more significant. In the eyes of the United States, whether it is issuing US bonds or studying the "Wright Guard" and similar things, it is to seek huge profits, stabilize the position of the US dollar in the world, and thus improve the US economic development. However, due to the self-confidence and inflation of the United States, the US debt has overturned again, and the amount of debt has continued to rise, and the interest repayment alone is as high as 1 trillion, not to mention the amount of 33 trillion.

850 billion US dollars of debt no one "took over"? Yellen pleaded with the Chinese side to make a move and give up illusions!

Although China has not given a clear answer to the United States' request for help, it can be seen that China's attitude is displayed. The United States has sent people to China one after another, whether it is Yellen's arrival or Raimondo's contacts, China has only one purpose: to stop sanctions on China's economy, science and technology and other fields. If the United States cannot even do this, let alone make China pay for the fault of the United States? And the economic "thunderstorm" of the United States is not a matter of a moment, from an objective point of view, the fundamental reason is still caused by the United States raising interest rates and releasing water through US debt over the years. Chinese people also made an objective assessment of this. On the one hand, we must abandon all illusions, do a good job in economic construction in a down-to-earth manner, and build a scientific and technological power. On the other hand, it is to advise the United States that the cause of the mistake must start from itself. The United States should seriously reflect on the reasons for its mistakes and start with itself. Economic development can only be promoted by strengthening oneself and improving the economic structure.