
Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

author:Listen to the hipsters talk about entertainment

Masu: The old bustard of the entertainment industry

Ma Su is an actress who has had many masterpieces, and her acting skills have been widely acclaimed. However, as she grew older, she gradually faded out of the entertainment industry. However, she was labeled as a "bustard in the entertainment industry" because she had scandals with many male stars. These scandals greatly reduced her reputation and discredited her.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

One of Masu's scandals is that she got together with her girlfriend's boyfriend. The move betrayed her friends and girlfriends and caused great controversy. Such behavior raises questions about her moral standards. In addition, Masu also dated world champion Kong Linghui for ten years, but eventually broke up because of Kong Linghui's flower heart. This relationship experience made people see the ups and downs and misfortunes of Masu's feelings.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play
Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

Today, Massu has been reduced to an ordinary middle-aged woman with a discredited reputation. Her career has almost stagnated, without the light it once had. Such an ending makes people sigh that the competition in the entertainment industry is so cruel, once the reputation is damaged, it is difficult to return to the peak.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

Tang Xiaoyan: An actress with a bad fate

Tang Xiaoyan is an actress with a bad fate. As a young man, she had suffered the tragic experience of rape and robbery, but she did not give up and survived with difficulty. After she got married, she was abandoned by her husband, and in order to live, she opened a small restaurant. However, fate once again did not do justice to her, and she was tricked into working in a massage parlor, suffering even more.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play
Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

However, in a fortune-telling opportunity, Tang Xiaoyan met director Xu Tong. Xu Tong was attracted by her strength and talent and decided to give her a chance. The film the two collaborated on was a great success, and Tang Xiaoyan's acting skills were recognized. Eventually, she and Xu Tong got married and started a new life.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play
Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

Tang Xiaoyan's story is full of emotion. She has suffered many misfortunes, but she has not given up and persisted in pursuing her dreams. Her strength and courage are worth learning from. Tang Xiaoyan told us that no matter how difficult we encounter, as long as we persevere, we will definitely be able to find our own opportunities.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play
Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play
Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

Jia Qing: The legend of the super takeover girl

Jia Qing is an actress who came to Shanghai to study acting in order to realize her dream of stardom. She has performed many plays in the entertainment industry and has shown excellent acting skills. However, Jia Qing's reputation is not only because of her acting skills, she is frequently exposed to entanglement with rich people and is known as the "super takeover girl".

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play
Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

Jia Qing's scandal spread wildly. She had an affair with many male stars such as Wu Qilong, which attracted widespread attention and speculation. In addition, she was exposed to some vulgar behavior, which made people question her moral standards. Jia Qing's reputation was greatly affected for a while, but she did not give up because of this, and she continued to insist on her acting career.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play
Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

Jia Qing's story leaves people with a lot to think about. Her experience has taught us that in the entertainment industry, fame and career are often two different concepts. A person can have excellent acting skills, but his private life may not be promising. Jia Qing's story is a complex and diverse phenomenon that requires us to look at it rationally and not make malicious comments.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play
Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

This article calls attention to the artistic achievements and contributions of entertainment figures to society, not just their private lives. Everyone has their own experiences and stories, and we should respect their choices and give them room to develop. At the same time, we must also look at the phenomenon of the entertainment industry rationally and not easily believe scandals and rumors. The entertainment industry is a highly competitive industry, and we should learn from their tenacity and bravery. Let's create a better entertainment industry together.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play
Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

Privacy issues for public figures in the entertainment industry

Public figures in the entertainment industry, especially actresses, often face challenges to privacy. Ma Su, Tang Xiaoyan and Jia Qing, as well-known actresses, their love lives and private issues often become the focus of the media and the public. However, as public figures, they also have the right to protect their privacy.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play
Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

Public figures in the entertainment industry are under tremendous pressure to present their perfect image in front of the camera, while the public is also interested in their private lives. When reporting on the privacy of these public figures, the media should uphold the principles of impartiality and responsibility, balancing public interest with the privacy of individuals. When disclosing private information, the media should abide by the bottom line of morality, respect the privacy of public figures, and avoid causing unnecessary harm to them.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play
Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

At the same time, the public should also maintain a rational attitude towards the privacy of public figures in the entertainment industry. While we are curious about their lives, we also respect their right to privacy. As viewers and readers, we have a responsibility not to interfere too much with and invade their private lives, so that they can have their own world in the entertainment industry.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play
Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

The labelling of actresses in the media

The media's evaluation and labeling of actresses is a problem worthy of attention in the entertainment industry. Ma Su was labeled as the "bustard of the entertainment industry", and Jia Qing was called "super takeover girl", and these labelled titles had a non-negligible impact on the image and career of actresses.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play
Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

Media evaluation and labeling often limit the development space of actresses, making it difficult for them to get rid of negative labels. This not only has an impact on their mental health, but can also have a negative impact on their careers. The media should report the deeds and achievements of actresses more objectively and fairly, avoid simply labeling them, and give them a fair evaluation.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

At the same time, the public should also be wary of the media's labeling of actresses. We should focus more on their talents and efforts, not just on their personal lives. Actresses are also people with emotional and personal lives, and we should give them understanding and support, and not easily classify and judge them.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

Female celebrities' lives and careers are balanced

Ma Su, Tang Xiaoyan and Jia Qing, as female stars, have experienced many choices and choices between career and personal life. They often face the problem of balancing career and family, and are under great pressure and trouble in the entertainment industry.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

While pursuing careers in the entertainment industry, female stars also have to face emotional twists and turns. They need to find a balance between work and family, and strive to balance career development with the happiness of personal life. Such choices often require enormous effort and sacrifice, and they have to face trials and difficulties.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

We should understand and respect the choice between career and personal life of female celebrities. They are also ordinary people, with their own emotions and desires. When evaluating and paying attention to their lives, we should give them more understanding and support, and not easily criticize and blame their choices.

Playing in the sea with blacks and ambiguous with Wu Qilong, these 3 "old bustards" can really play

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