
Tomorrow's cold dew solar term, remember to "eat 4 things, 2 fruits" blessing into the door means good, the old tradition do not forget

author:Dreamy and sunny

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"Autumn is strong, auspicious floating"

Tomorrow's cold dew solar term, remember to "eat 4 things, 2 fruits" blessing into the door means good, the old tradition do not forget

The autumn sun shines through the window on the table, and a warm light reflects on an ancient book. On this cold morning, the people of the village wake up early to prepare for this special day.

Tomorrow's cold dew solar term, remember to "eat 4 things, 2 fruits" blessing into the door means good, the old tradition do not forget

Cold dew, one of the twenty-four solar terms, marks the further depth of autumn. And in our village, the cold dew solar term has unique customs and food customs, which represent the yearning for happiness and health.

Tomorrow's cold dew solar term, remember to "eat 4 things, 2 fruits" blessing into the door means good, the old tradition do not forget

First thing in the morning, I packed up some ancient books and genealogies at home. This is a tradition in our village, and it is believed that on the day of cold dew, reading these ancient books can pray for the well-being and blessings of the family. Ancient books record the wisdom and traditions of our ancestors, and this is a treasure that we should cherish and pass on.

Tomorrow's cold dew solar term, remember to "eat 4 things, 2 fruits" blessing into the door means good, the old tradition do not forget

The special thing about the cold dew solar term is the choice of food. People will carefully prepare some ingredients to express their hope for future happiness. This special day is traditionally called "eating 4 things, 2 fruits".

Tomorrow's cold dew solar term, remember to "eat 4 things, 2 fruits" blessing into the door means good, the old tradition do not forget

The first is crabs. In the cold dew season, crab meat is the most delicious, which means wealth from all directions. It is believed that eating crabs can bring good luck and wealth. The delicious taste of the crab is endless, and the inner blessing is full.

Tomorrow's cold dew solar term, remember to "eat 4 things, 2 fruits" blessing into the door means good, the old tradition do not forget

The second is chrysanthemum. The cold dew solar term is close to the Chongyang Festival, which is the season when chrysanthemums bloom. People often drink chrysanthemum tea or chrysanthemum wine to get rid of the dryness and heat of autumn. Chrysanthemums represent longevity, and each of us aspires to longevity and health.

Tomorrow's cold dew solar term, remember to "eat 4 things, 2 fruits" blessing into the door means good, the old tradition do not forget

The third thing is cake. In the north, cakes are generally made from millet or flour, while in the south, rice flour is the mainstay. These pastries represent the desire to climb and ascend step by step. The soft texture and deliciousness of the cake will make you want to stay unforgettable.

The fourth is sesame. As the weather gets colder, the arrival of the cold dew solar term is also accompanied by a drier climate. People in the north have the habit of eating sesame, because sesame seeds are not only nutritious, but also mean the auspicious meaning of rising and climbing step by step.

In addition to these four foods, there are two kinds of fruits, persimmons and peaches. Persimmons turn red during the cold dew season, symbolizing good luck. And peach is also one of the must-eat fruits of the cold dew solar term, representing escaping bad luck, ushering in blessings, and the desire to live a long and healthy life.

These foods and customs represent the traditions and culture of our village, and also carry the expectation of a happy life. No matter how time passes, these ancient traditions are worth passing on so that more people can understand and respect our culture.

The customs and habits of the cold dew solar term not only represent auspicious and happiness, but also pray for the family, body and future. Let us cherish these traditions together and let the auspiciousness of cold dew fill our home.

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