
3 years and 3 fetuses and daughters, Zheng Kai has white hair and cries in the show, and Miao Miao kisses affectionately

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In a variety show, we accidentally saw a sentimental Zheng Kai, who actually cried because of the beautiful scenery. What is it like to cry at the sight? Perhaps only those who know how to appreciate will understand. Just like in the summer when I was a child, standing outside and seeing the sky full of stars is really heartwarming. This is also why Zheng Kai burst into tears, because he feels that such a beautiful scenery may be the first time he has seen it, or it may be the last time he has seen it. Because only at this moment is this beauty truly irreproducible.

3 years and 3 fetuses and daughters, Zheng Kai has white hair and cries in the show, and Miao Miao kisses affectionately

Even if you come to this place again in the future, the scenery you see and the mood of seeing the scenery will be different.

This is why Zheng Kai cried when he saw the beautiful scenery.

Why is it the same man, He Youjun, Boyuan and others did not cry. The reason for crying is related to the beautiful scenery, and also related to one's own circumstances and experiences.

He Youjun has been a rich second generation who has been pampered since he was a child, and naturally there is nothing to worry about.

Therefore, seeing such a beautiful scenery, He Youjun did not have much feeling and emotion.

And Zheng Kai is different. At the age of 38, he is already a father of 3 children. Miao Miao gave birth to three children three years after marriage. At the beginning of June this year, Miao Miao quietly gave birth to three daughters.

Three children in three years, two children, money and money, fame and fortune, parents are alive, why does Zheng Kai still feel so touched, what else does he need to cure?

If anything, it's probably marriage. It can be seen from Zheng Kai's words.

It's not that Zheng Kai and Miao Miao are unhappy, Miao Miao is actually a very virtuous, gentle, knowledgeable and good woman. After marriage, she was willing to be a full-time wife at home, gave birth to three children, and basically gave up her job in the entertainment industry.

This is proof that she loves Zheng Kai.

3 years and 3 fetuses and daughters, Zheng Kai has white hair and cries in the show, and Miao Miao kisses affectionately

Zheng Kai said a word: He changed a lot after marriage and became a person he didn't even know.

This sentence is very informative. After getting married, Zheng Kai changed a lot for Miao Miao and became less happy. But he quickly clarified that he was a better version of himself.

Although Zheng Kai seems to be very unruly, he is actually a traditional man of machismo in his bones. He will also choose to get married and have children at the right age.

He did not marry Cheng Xiaoyue because he knew that Bai Fumei might not be suitable to be a wife. Therefore, he chose a comfortable Miao Miao to marry at the right age.

Three children after three years of marriage, this is also what Zheng Kai hoped for when he was with Cheng Xiaoyue. He hopes to have three children in the future.

Now, Miao Miao has fulfilled his wish for him.

It's just that there will naturally be family chores after marriage. Zheng Kai has to face a family of two nannies, three children, parents-in-law and sister-in-law.

38-year-old Zheng Kai understands that he feels sorry for his wife, and will take the initiative to test the water temperature for Miao Miao, feed her medicine, and take the initiative to give his wife a cross first. In this marriage, he did take on more.

The marriage of Zheng Kai and Miao Miao has attracted much attention from the beginning, and the two quickly completed their marriage shortly after they met, which made fans full of expectations. However, they did not disappoint their fans. In three years of marriage, they welcomed three lovely and healthy children, and even if they were busy with work, they did not affect their determination to raise children together.

Whether it is accompanying the growth of their children or completing housework together, Zheng Kai and Miao Miao have gone all out and become an enviable model couple.

3 years and 3 fetuses and daughters, Zheng Kai has white hair and cries in the show, and Miao Miao kisses affectionately

Recently, one of the hot topics among the public is Zheng Kai's white hair exposed in the show. As a young and energetic figure in the entertainment industry, Zheng Kai's gray hair aroused the curiosity of the audience. After further understanding, we found a moving reason.

In fact, Zheng Kai has paid too much for his children day and night in order to take care of his children full-time as a milkman after work. Gray hair is not only the accumulation of time, but also the embodiment of his deep love for children. This kind of fatherly love deeply touched the media and audience, and made us like this man with a smile and greasy face and greasy face.

3 years and 3 fetuses and daughters, Zheng Kai has white hair and cries in the show, and Miao Miao kisses affectionately

In an entertainment program, the affectionate kiss between Zheng Kai and Miao Miao became a highlight of the show.

When they hugged each other tightly and kissed each other's affectionate models, people really felt the love and warmth between them. At this moment, there is no need for exaggerated words, and thousands of words have turned into the affectionate and long meaning in this kiss. This image makes people more confident and envious of their marriage.

3 years and 3 fetuses and daughters, Zheng Kai has white hair and cries in the show, and Miao Miao kisses affectionately

In the cutthroat competition in the entertainment industry, few stars can find a balance between career and family. However, for Zheng Kai and Miao Miao, this is not a problem.

They have achieved career success with their outstanding acting skills and hard work, while adhering to their responsibilities and commitments to their families. They show an example of a modern couple, proving that a family can be happy and fulfilled while pursuing a career.

3 years and 3 fetuses and daughters, Zheng Kai has white hair and cries in the show, and Miao Miao kisses affectionately

A happy life doesn't stop there. Zheng Kai and Miao Miao's married life is about to usher in a new milestone - they are about to usher in the birth of a new life again. This news made countless fans rejoice, and also indicated that the happy life of Zheng Kai and Miao Miao will continue.

3 years and 3 fetuses and daughters, Zheng Kai has white hair and cries in the show, and Miao Miao kisses affectionately


In this fast-paced society, people are eager to see the true happiness of celebrities. The happy life shown by Zheng Kai and Miao Miao makes people believe that success and happiness can be achieved both in the entertainment industry and in life. They set an example for us with their hard work and sincerity, and gave us unlimited hope. May the future of Zheng Kai and Miao Miao be full of more happiness and beauty!

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